Still can't ride even after back surgery....


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Apr 15, 2010
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Big Nasty Apple
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Well, some of you may know I had surgery last year. Missed the entire season. Doc said I was cleared to ride, but I still have terrible pain in lower back area after a long ride (50-100 miles).

As such, I've listed her for sale, but the thing is I feel as if I haven't done everything I could to remedy the problem. Does anyone have any suggestions?

I was thinking maybe risers, or a different seat. Riding means too much to me to just give it up without having tried everything.

Sucks that you still have that much pain...I agree with you, don't give up without a fight! Try everything that is feasible first! Risers and a seat are great place to start, check out the Airhawk seat cushions, expensive but with great reviews. You may have to just limit it to short rides until you adapt.

The freedom is worth some pain, but it's your body that will dictate what you can tolerate.

Good luck!
Try risers and an other than stock seat for less impact?

Hope you resolve this and remember your body can adjust and can still heal.
to the OP:
Have you done physical therapy, chiropractic, even accununcture? Seems if you have pain riding you would have pain doing other non-riding activity as well.

A seat and risers would certainly help but better to eradicate the source of pain first
Just because you sell your FZ6 doesn't mean you need to give up riding. if you try all the good options to make it more comfortable, and they don't work it might make sense to sell the FZ6 and look into other types of bikes (although none of them will be quite as awesome as the FZ). If you can arrange some test rides or try out some bikes that your friends might own you might be able to find a style of bike that you can make comfortable enough.

I would hate to see a person forced to quite riding against their will, but you have to take care of you body too.
Where is your pain at? What type of surgery was it? I've had 2 back surgeries and for a while I could only manage short run close to home for a while.
to the OP:
Have you done physical therapy, chiropractic, even accununcture? Seems if you have pain riding you would have pain doing other non-riding activity as well.

A seat and risers would certainly help but better to eradicate the source of pain first

Actually, the physio has me do reverse sit-up's, where I flex my lower back in order to strengthen the lower back muscles. This seems to work best out of all the exercises.

I'd like to get one of these machines for my home. The doctor once told me I have no muscle mass in my lower back which leads to problems.
I put a set of risers that Jerry made(JBLK9695), they made such a difference I'm not sure I ever want to take them off:thumbup: