Stock trader


Staff member
Feb 9, 2007
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the stofk trader has a bug.. I am going to reinstall it but when I do you will lose all your stock and credits... so cashout and Ill reload the script
Take a look at many of the profiles, they will show a huge loss that is unreflective of the actual value. I have wondered about this glitch for a few days now. An example would be one of the stocks I have that shows a 13,000 plus loss when in fact it is nowhere near this. You can't sell something the system doesn't think you have.
Take a look at many of the profiles, they will show a huge loss that is unreflective of the actual value. I have wondered about this glitch for a few days now. An example would be one of the stocks I have that shows a 13,000 plus loss when in fact it is nowhere near this. You can't sell something the system doesn't think you have.

Its been acting funny.. Unfortinaley I think we may have to drop it. It was designed to work with ver 3.5 of the forum software and we are using 3.7. The person who wrote it is no loger developing or supporting it... I hope I can fix it...
I sold all of it Dennis and I got the greatest percentage back. The system may show a negative value but it gave me a value close to what it should have been with the exception of a couple hundred shares. I'm good...
I need a $ amount to refund your money. If you don't want a refund, then we're good. :thumbup:
Hey all the stock trader should be working now. I also upgraded the forum software and the credits system.... Lemme know of amy bugs ect.. you see... Anyone that lost credits due to the error let me or the forum sugar mama know and we will send you some....

I lost a ton of money, had about 40 or 50K donated to me a while ago and took peoples advice and invested it, it's all gone now....

Ahhhh, the great stock market crash... invest it all... lose it all.... luckily here you can ask the right people and get it back...
I have turned the stock trader off until I can fugure out the dividision by zero error in the code..
