Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Went down today!

Well, got the estimate;
parts $2200
labor $900

and I'm claiming $1000 worth of gear - leather jacket pants, boots, helmet are all shot. I can probably salvage the jacket and pants, and live with the tear, keep it as a backup. But yeah - more damage than I thought. No structural or engine damage - mostly replacing covers, some fairing, but bike is still structurally sound. I'll see if I can post some pics.

Here's where the accident happened - and yes that's exactly where the ramp is 100 feet off the ground - scary as ****! I think that's part of the reason I didn't hot the brake so hard, I was afraid to go over, and figured better to slam into side that brake to hard and flip over!
austin - Google Maps

I'm gonna hear back from Insurance people on Monday, so far they've been nice to deal with - and yes I did make the claim. I may try to repair some of this myself - we'll see what options I get. Crazy how expensive the parts can be!

thanks for the support guys - keep it safe!
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