Tell us about your political views.



I am a conservitive. However I think both major political parties are majorly corrupt, terribley incompetent, and most politicians should be hung or shot.

I believe that Thomas Jefferson hit it on the head consistently and that his words ring very true today.

I am the moderator for this forum.

That in no way implies that I will edit, or delete things I do not agree with. I will disagree with you, but no more.

The only things that will be edited or removed are listed in the rules.
Basicly just keep it friendly, no racism, no sexism, no bashing of sexual orientation, no hate.
i am with wright... i am a christian conservative ( dont know if i can say that but i did cuz i think it shows why i am a conservative) as well and i also agree with the point that both parties are corrupt. With that being said, the main reason for being a christian conservative is because of their different views on policies and general 'life' questions. An example would be the issue of abortion. i am pro-life so that should explain the previous statement. This is just me. I would say though, and i hope i can say this, is that i feel people should believe what they want, but more importantly know why they believe it. I find that when i am having an adult debate with someone, they tend to just believe something or support someone or a certain party and they really dont know why. They only believe what the tv says.... and before any one says anything i do watch Fox News and yes they are slanted to the right i know... i hope no one finds issues with what i believe and i am very interested to see what others believe about politics and why. thanks. be safe put there guys and gals.
Didn't Admin just say no politics? Well, this thread isn't shut down yet, so we better Party Like It's 1999.

I'm a liberal on social issues, conservative on economics. Arnold Swartzenegger is pretty much the only politician who practices that philosophy. Too bad he can't run for President.

I always vote Democratic though, as the social issues tend to rile me up more than economic issues (and, the current instantiation of the Republican party isn't conservative on economic issues anyway). From a social POV, I believe that as long as it isn't hurting anyone, it should be legal. More strongly, I believe that others should not be imposing their view of what is right on others. That is my major contention with social conservatives. Take gay marriage (I'm not gay): It has no impact on a straight couple if two gay men or women are married. When thousands of gay couples were married in San Francisco (30 miles from me), my straight married did not suffer. But social conservatives lobby for that to be outlawed. I really resent one group saying "I don't like your lifestyle so it should be outlawed." Democrats are more tolerant, so I vote for them. This world needs more tolerance, not less.
This is a political discussion section. There is a sticky with the rules on the main page of the forum.

Thats why its not deleted.
I came to the realization that we have waaaaay to much government when I discovered that my commute time improved on all of those government-only holidays like presidents day, flag day, and veterans day. I strongly believe in limited government and the enumerated powers of the federal government penned by the Founders. I believe America was founded on the principals of freedom and private property and they are what makes America great. The free market is the ONLY way to run an economy and the reason the economy is such a mess today is because of government meddling and intervention in an irresponsible attempt at social engineering. Obviously I vote republican; however, the republican party today is in a sorry state and I cringed in the voting booth as I recently cast my vote for John McCain. To me there is little difference today between the democrats and republicans as both parties attempt to "govern from the center". As long as republicans govern "as center right democrats" they will continue to lose elections. The republican party needs serious young conservatives to retake the party leadership.
I'm also of the Christian variety. Enough said. I almost didn't vote because I dislike McCain, but my complete disagreement with Obama's policies forced me to vote. Lotta good that did. My generation just goes for the WOW factor. Who has that more? A knowledgable old codger, or a young(er) black guy who has celebs endorcing him? NO, that wasn't meant to be a racist remark. As for the gay marriage thing, I am all for gay or lesbian men and women getting exactly the same visitation rights, tax bracketing, etc. but can't you just throw a different label on it? This is NOT a homophobic remark! I'm merely stating that I have no problem with the theory or concept of homosexual couples having the same exact rights, the only reason it has caused such an uproar is the one word, MARRIAGE. One man, one woman. I'm not attacking anyone... Just stating my OPINION. Can't wait for the flames... *Put's on riding gear to avoid burning*
I'm pretty neutral when it comes to liberal/conservative. I just want to get rid of all the PC crap, get people to toughen up their skin, and return common sense back to society. I'm all for independent thinking and think that as a society we continue to go down hill the more we "advance." No one thinks for themselves anymore, we put morons or professional politicians, sometimes one in the same, in office and it's near impossible for the average joe to break into the political game; not that most average people even want that responsibility.

All in all, I'll say what I want, keep my guns, obey the laws that make sense, respect other people, and pretend that if I continue to throw good karma out there by being a good person that said karma well return the favor.
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I think humans are prone to corruption and continue to fight over money and resources with various political fronts to attempt to divert attention from the real objectives. I believe most (not quite all) wars are over money or resources. I think most of the policies written, healthcare, judicial systems and lack of good energy and environment are a result of those controlling the money and resources. Ever notice how most crimes that have to do with rape or murder get a slap on the wrist, but if the crime involves theft of money or resources - the penalties are severe. What is that saying about the importance of life over inanimate objects? Why have the cures for diseases ceased all of the sudden in the last 50 years? Could it be the powers that be, stand to loose a lot of money? How about all the ways we could have (proven to work)clean energy for cars, houses buildings and the like. Could it be the powers that be stand to loose a lot of money? I see a pattern emerging - don't you? It truly is a wise saying that the love of money is the root of all evil. I believe the problem is deeper than that, but that is another discussion all by itself. That being said, I hope to see in my lifetime an agreed upon set of human rights separate from man made religion. These rights should not impose on others.....example: If you don't believe in what I do - then I have the right to murder you. The rights should grant everyone basic human freedoms equally for all humans, period. These boundaries should be respected in one another. It would be nice to see a shift in human evolution that has evidence of treating each other better. We have all this so called advancement in technology but are still treating one another terribly. We need a shift in how we view ourselves and relate to one another as a human race before policies or politics produce positive results for everyone IMO. These patterns are not new, unfortunately. History keeps repeating. The economic systems will always eventually collapse run by the spirit of greed. A country should never have an economy based on a system of gambling. Goods, services, hard work, basic loans, simple interest and simple economics are a strong backbone for a great economy. There should never have been a stock market. What is hiding behind the complex layers of the current economy? I think I can guess. Anyways, you asked and those are my immediate thoughts. Sorry if the thoughts are a little unorganized. Peace.
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I am conservative. I agree with Steve, I think the corruption in government spills into both party's. I for one would really like to see an honest person run. the way things are now makes me sick. I'm disgusted with the media's one sided views, I'm tired of all the double standards and excuses made. when will people finally take responsibility and accountability for there own actions and quit blaming everyone else for decisions that they have made.
I am glad that this subforum was created. after all we only have a little over a month until the world ends as we know it.
I am conservative. I agree with Steve, I think the corruption in government spills into both party's. I for one would really like to see an honest person run. the way things are now makes me sick. I'm disgusted with the media's one sided views, I'm tired of all the double standards and excuses made. when will people finally take responsibility and accountability for there own actions and quit blaming everyone else for decisions that they have made.
I am glad that this subforum was created. after all we only have a little over a month until the world ends as we know it.

+1 +1 +1
I agree 100% with you sportrider. I do believe that if a truly pure and honest person ran for a political office then they would be at a massive disadvantage. The pure man/woman would be restricted by his morals and scruples fully allowing a corrupt person who opposes them to use every means available (moral and immoral) to win the office. I'm just saying that it isn't very likely that a good man/woman would have the same opportunities in this world as their corrupt opposers. The song "Mad World" comes to mind... "I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad" :(
Anyone that chooses to do what is morally an ethically right for the country and the people (as a public servant should), paints a target on their head for all the people holding the current money and resources (who would stand to loose their precious money and resources). That being said and since we only have the media telling us what is going on in government, I'm uncertain how much control the president really has, anyway. History has shown that the oppression continues in countries' governments until the people finally get sick of it and rise up to do something about it. It would be really neat if everyone, including the people controlling the planet's money and resources, had a shift in consciousness to treat each other the way they would want to be treated. Until that happens, the only method that seems to work chaos into order is consequences for actions and accountability for everyone (especially our so called public servants). Enforcement is key here. The broken judicial system with all the loop holes our lawyers and politicians have created, would need a makeover from the ground up. Such a simple observation in my own life: if I did something wrong - I was disciplined. As a result, I did not do that anymore. Cause and effect. Enforcement of boundaries. What a concept! It is a universal principle proven to work time and time again.
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Both parties are two sides of the same coin, they play good cop/bad cop with us all day long. It doesn't matter which party you vote for, they have the same agenda: stay in control, continue to extract payment.
Example: you say you beleive in the right to life, so you vote republican. We had a republican in the white house and a republican controlled congress for over 4 years. Where was the attempt to outlaw abortion? They don't care, they just say they do to get your vote.
Example: you say you voted for Obama to get out of Iraq. We're staying in Iraq with the same number of troops until 2011, just like Bush would have. In 2011, we'll bring back some combat troops, but leave 50,000 guys there for "training". They don't care, they just say they do to get your vote.
With the current system, the worst either party can do is second place, which aint bad when you think about how much money and power these douchebags get to play with.

I'm a libertarian, I beleive that all rights derive from the basic right of self-ownership. I own myself completely, and so does everyone else. I have the natural right to go about my business unmolested, and of my own free will. I own the things that I create by mixing my own labor with the raw materials of I find or trade for. I may do with myself and with these things what I please as long as I don't infringe on these same rights of others.
I believe in the division of labor, i.e., the market. It is the natural condition for humans to come together in communities and trade freely with one another the goods and services they create. It is the best way to effectively allocate scarce resources, and the only way that has ever actually worked for a majority of people. Allocation by force only provides for the small minority exercising force.

If there is a legitimate purpose for government, it is to protect these rights to self ownership and to property, and anything else is a power grab.
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I think humans are prone to corruption and continue to fight over money and resources with various political fronts to attempt to divert attention from the real objectives. I believe most (not quite all) wars are over money or resources. I think most of the policies written, healthcare, judicial systems and lack of good energy and environment are a result of those controlling the money and resources. Ever notice how most crimes that have to do with rape or murder get a slap on the wrist, but if the crime involves theft of money or resources - the penalties are severe. What is that saying about the importance of life over inanimate objects? Why have the cures for diseases ceased all of the sudden in the last 50 years? Could it be the powers that be, stand to loose a lot of money? How about all the ways we could have (proven to work)clean energy for cars, houses buildings and the like. Could it be the powers that be stand to loose a lot of money? I see a pattern emerging - don't you? It truly is a wise saying that the love of money is the root of all evil. I believe the problem is deeper than that, but that is another discussion all by itself. That being said, I hope to see in my lifetime an agreed upon set of human rights separate from man made religion. These rights should not impose on others.....example: If you don't believe in what I do - then I have the right to murder you. The rights should grant everyone basic human freedoms equally for all humans, period. These boundaries should be respected in one another. It would be nice to see a shift in human evolution that has evidence of treating each other better. We have all this so called advancement in technology but are still treating one another terribly. We need a shift in how we view ourselves and relate to one another as a human race before policies or politics produce positive results for everyone IMO. These patterns are not new, unfortunately. History keeps repeating. The economic systems will always eventually collapse run by the spirit of greed. A country should never have an economy based on a system of gambling. Goods, services, hard work, basic loans, simple interest and simple economics are a strong backbone for a great economy. There should never have been a stock market. What is hiding behind the complex layers of the current economy? I think I can guess. Anyways, you asked and those are my immediate thoughts. Sorry if the thoughts are a little unorganized. Peace.

Damn jman, paragraphs dude!
I am a conservative. Does this make me a Republican? No. It is just that usually Republicans are more on the fiscal conservative side. I do not think that more government is a solution. I think branches of government need to "clean house", sort of like what was suggested in the Federalist Papers. This helps keep people honest, and adds accountability. We are a great country with a honest form of government, but over time even the best laid plans and ideas can turn into one persons favor. People naturally find loopholes and corruption starts. It is time the people start taking back government control, and remove the political shrouds that elected officials hide behind.
I'm also of the Christian variety. Enough said. I almost didn't vote because I dislike McCain, but my complete disagreement with Obama's policies forced me to vote. Lotta good that did. My generation just goes for the WOW factor. Who has that more? A knowledgable old codger, or a young(er) black guy who has celebs endorcing him? NO, that wasn't meant to be a racist remark. As for the gay marriage thing, I am all for gay or lesbian men and women getting exactly the same visitation rights, tax bracketing, etc. but can't you just throw a different label on it? This is NOT a homophobic remark! I'm merely stating that I have no problem with the theory or concept of homosexual couples having the same exact rights, the only reason it has caused such an uproar is the one word, MARRIAGE. One man, one woman. I'm not attacking anyone... Just stating my OPINION. Can't wait for the flames... *Put's on riding gear to avoid burning*
In the UK gay unions are recognised by the law and are called civil partnerships.

I am Politically pissed off. I have lost all faith and do not know which way to turn.
I am totally fed up with our government having little rules like I have to pay for their constituency home mortgage even if they live five minutes away from the house. So esentially they all end up with a second home mansion that they never pay a penny for.
I hate the lack of transparency in what they spend on jollies, I hate the way that as a nurse [public sector worker] my pay rise was 2% spread over two years. Yet the house all managed a huge inflation busting pay rise.

I hate the fact that if I don't vote I will get the government that I deserve.
Sorry ranting.

Basically I am a socialist on welfare issues but Conservative in all other areas.

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Just stumbled across this one. Indeed, this should be interesting... Don't be shy, Pete, put down the dang popcorn and jump on in.

Me: Fiscal conservative, socially liberal with a heavy dose of libertarian "leave me the f alone/take care of your own sh*t" thrown in for good measure.

Raised with religion but now an atheist. Straight but no issues with other lifestyles, choices, etc.

The political system in the U.S. is like some weird, hyper version of american idol. Remocrats and Depublicans. All polished in the correct uniforms, saying the correct words at the correct time. Everything scripted, managed, parsed into dumbed-down sound bites. Shouting from one side to the other, no real communication -- red state, blue state. Like some sort of adult Dr. Seuss story on acid, spun out of control.

I don't want to say it because I'm no real hurry to live through it, but perhaps a good social/financial meltdown is in order so that we can strip away some of the crap that's been heaped onto our political system over the years. With the changes in regimes we get these wild, pendulum-like swings of policy -- regulation/no regulation, this/not this... Stop. Just frickin' stop it.

*deep breath*

As has been said, I think there's something to be said for taking responsibility for one's actions. Call it karma, call it libertarianism, call just being a responsible and kind human. I don't care what you want to call it but we gotta get off of our collective arses and walk the walk. It's about more than just paying the toll for the guy behind you once in a while or dropping a quarter in the homeless guy's cup. Try, for one full day, switching on 24/7 and engaging the brain. Be in your life here and now. Read a frickin' book. Look people in the eye, smile, and truly listen. Slow down. Turn off the cell phone, television, computer. Get to know your neighbor. Let the other guy into your lane...on and on.

I'll be the first to admit that this is hard stuff and I fail miserably at keeping at the "walk." But what's the alternative? This is not a dress rehearsal. There are no do-overs.

/rant :D

I'm heartened to see folks offering up their personal views. It takes a bit of trust to open up and share -- no, no group hugs, back off -- and it takes a group of respectful, engaged folks to not engage in a flame war. Good on you all. Thanks for letting me join in the conversation.

I love having Berkeley in my little info thingy. So often it results in a direct categorizing of me as some kind of uber lefty hippy freak. (not) And then the fun begins...

Party on, Garth.