The Death Machine....


Junior Member
Jul 6, 2011
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Birmingham, UK
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final :)rolleyes:) mod complete....

Sweet! I hope you have a Bat-cape™ and a Bat-helmet™ to go with it! :thumbup:
you can see how the skull fits in the scheme of things.

cant remember if I shared this pic before....


Looks good!

Hey, just curious; what seat is that and is it comfy for long rides? Your bike looks Nice! :thumbup:
Thanks guys.

The seat is a normal, all I have put on it is a Powerbronze seat cowl.
Very very easy to fit, too me about a minute to fit.

The mirrors are a make called KOSO. They look fantastic, however a word of caution, the entire construction is plastic on these. There is a reason I mention that and that's the vibration these mirrors suffer from.

Very shaky, but levels out to a reasonable view once acceleration has stopped. In idle at lights there is vibes, but nothing too bad, after all I aint looking in those mirrors all the time! :spank:
There are only a few bikes that can pull the leather covering over the tank and yours does it well. I was tempted to buy something like that for mine, but I i'm sure it would look goofy.

Good Stuff
Looking sweet. I don't think it would be complete until you add the two bro's carbon fibre black series exhaust.
Your baby looks sweet. Nice job on the mods. However I don't like the death machine name for her. Especially since you ride a motorcycle. :)