The Judge Rules: The Feds Committed Extortion!


The UNO Master
Elite Member
Apr 30, 2008
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Webster Texas
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Judge Napolitano says it started in the Bush administration, and they are guilty of committing extortion against a small private bank. Now that they have their hooks in them, they're trying to tell the bank how to run its business. What do you think?

This is frightening.

I dont know what to say.
Our government is failing us.

Thank you for posting it.
Did anyone get the name of this Bank?

I didn't? If anyone knows the name please post?
The economy was forcully turned into what it is now, now the government owns stock and control in most banks and auto makers, seems like it was planned eh?
Between the federal reserve(a private corporation that controls our money) and bilderberg, we're screwed.

Reminds me why I hate fox news. "So you're saying the bush administration committed extorsion, that's a VERY strong accusation"
LOL Yep Fox is in the bag for Repubs. MSN, CNBC, NBC, ABC are in the bag for Dems. They are all biased for who pays thier advertising. Its pretty much a known issue.

Here is a interesting ticker that deals with a simular subject.

Oscar, nope man I didnt get the name of the bank, its a very valid question that I would like to know the answer to as well.