The meaning of life?

what is the meaning of life ?

For Plato the meaning of life is to attain the highest form of knowledge.

For Aristotle it would be happiness.

For Stoic the meaning of life is to be free of suffering, anger, envy, and jealousy

if you can attain all three opinions your not going far wrong.
what is the meaning of life ?

For Plato the meaning of life is to attain the highest form of knowledge.

For Aristotle it would be happiness.

For Stoic the meaning of life is to be free of suffering, anger, envy, and jealousy

if you can attain all three opinions your not going far wrong.

Very nicely done ;)
By looking over at your avatar, I find it appropriate to add the Bushido's meaning of life taken from Wikipedia:

Bushidō (武士道, Bushidō?), meaning "Way of the Warrior", is a Japanese code of conduct and a way of life, loosely analogous to the concept of chivalry. It originates from the samurai moral code and stresses frugality, loyalty, martial arts mastery and honour unto death. Under the Bushido ideal, if a samurai failed to uphold his honor he could regain it by performing seppuku (ritual suicide)...
what is the meaning of life ?

For Plato the meaning of life is to attain the highest form of knowledge.

For Aristotle it would be happiness.

For Stoic the meaning of life is to be free of suffering, anger, envy, and jealousy

if you can attain all three opinions your not going far wrong.

Well said, that man.
Very nicely done ;)
By looking over at your avatar, I find it appropriate to add the Bushido's meaning of life taken from Wikipedia:

Bushidō (武士道, Bushidō?), meaning "Way of the Warrior", is a Japanese code of conduct and a way of life, loosely analogous to the concept of chivalry. It originates from the samurai moral code and stresses frugality, loyalty, martial arts mastery and honour unto death. Under the Bushido ideal, if a samurai failed to uphold his honor he could regain it by performing seppuku (ritual suicide)...

me likey! :thumbup:
if everyone would refrain from performing seppuku it would help with my happiness credits :thumbup:
if everyone would refrain from performing seppuku it would help with my happiness credits :thumbup:

Ahh, greed... Now that was not one of the virtues listed on your list ;)
Bushido was mostly followed by the elite samurai class, only about 7%-10% of the Japanese population lived by bushido virtues. Out of that small percentage, the number that comitted seppuku was even smaller.
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Please, don't melt your brains with this one. It might prove a little tricky to clean your keypads after that. :D

I know it was a provocative headline, but you've made some excellent points so far. Don't stop. Why I asked this to begin with was just because some old things said to me kept on going around in my head. It made me feel uncertain about the reasons I used to think I was here for and to doubt the definition of "me". Luckily it seems I wasn't completely wrong at the first time.

Oh, and yes I was expecting the most obvious answer 42 to come up.
Please, don't melt your brains with this one. It might prove a little tricky to clean your keypads after that. :D

Oh, and yes I was expecting the most obvious answer 42 to come up.


It is always good to ask questions you know the answer to. It is only then that you know who is telling the truth.;)
Interesting topic for sure. I for one don't know the purpose or if life has a purpose....still working on that one.

I believe we were created in the image of God.... our purpose would be to Glorify God and enjoy Him forever.

Sounds like a self-centered God...I must be missing something. What would the point/purpose of that exercise be anyway?

the perfect way we were created was marred by the fall of man (in the Garden) and this entered sin into the mix - which marred the whole picture.

Didn't God see that coming? I've heard the whole God loves us so he gave us a choice argument but why create THIS world, why not a better variation of it? Sounds like a game to me....?

The Family, Marriage, Sex (recreational and procreational), the beautiful world we enjoy are all by design.

All by what about all the pain and suffering? He designed that too? What a jerk! If I were designing earth, I would try and make it a place of pure pleasure and happiness...why not, right?

unprovable scientific hypothesis.

Currently.......the world used to be flat, remember? :D

Consider the complexity of the FZ6 would anyone presume it just happened?
or was it designed??
then take the human body which is far more complex than the FZ6 and ask yourself who designed us????

Are you serious?

Looking forward to reponses :thumbup:
This site is something. Where else can you read about how to change your oil, engage in a discussion on particle physics and then discuss the meaning of life.

For me it is all about finding happiness and leaving contributing more to the world than you take away from it.

DefyInertia: I think that you should be on the lookout for stray (or targeted) lightning bolts!
For me it is all about finding happiness and leaving contributing more to the world than you take away from it.

DefyInertia: I think that you should be on the lookout for stray (or targeted) lightning bolts!

Well said!

haha - I'm just asking questions..? For all you know I could go to church everyday :D
I believe we were created in the image of God.... our purpose would be to Glorify God and enjoy Him forever.

That encompasses many facets as He is a complex God .... the perfect way we were created was marred by the fall of man (in the Garden) and this entered sin into the mix - which marred the whole picture.

It was Christ who provided the ability to be restored to fellowship with God.

The Family, Marriage, Sex (recreational and procreational), the beautiful world we enjoy are all by design.

this is my brief summation on life drawn from my study of the Bible. It takes faith to believe this but not any more faith than it take ti accept some of the unprovable scientific hypothesis.

one small consideration

Consider the complexity of the FZ6 would anyone presume it just happened?
or was it designed??
then take the human body which is far more complex than the FZ6 and ask yourself who designed us????

Well Said Mike!!! Like I wrote it myself..
when I posted my beliefs up here I knew there would be those that did not believe in God as He reveals Himself though the Bible. It was not my intent to use Apologetics to convince some one to do that either.

I also realized there would be those to would make light ...that is fine... if I was sensitive I would not have posted that to begin with.

Originally Posted by mikebike
I believe we were created in the image of God.... our purpose would be to Glorify God and enjoy Him forever.
Sounds like a self-centered God...I must be missing something. What would the point/purpose of that exercise be anyway?

What you are missing is the very nature of GOD.... he can not be put into the mold of a man --- Can the clay say to the potter what is my purpose? Implied answer no)

Originally Posted by mikebike
the perfect way we were created was marred by the fall of man (in the Garden) and this entered sin into the mix - which marred the whole picture.

Didn't God see that coming? I've heard the whole God loves us so he gave us a choice argument but why create THIS world, why not a better variation of it? Sounds like a game to me....?

In his foreknowledge He saw it coming.... He is not surprised.... He gave us freewill because it would please Him more if we chose to love Him back not forced like robots to love Him. (think of a dog that chooses to love you vs a robot you could program to love you). The fact you see it as a game give credence to the deceitful ways of evil.


Originally Posted by mikebike
The Family, Marriage, Sex (recreational and procreational), the beautiful world we enjoy are all by design.

All by what about all the pain and suffering? He designed that too? What a jerk! If I were designing earth, I would try and make it a place of pure pleasure and happiness...why not, right?

The world as it was created did not have the pain & suffering you refer to... this all came as a result of the fall of man (original sin) and the curse that followed. God is just and holy and cannot by His very nature let sin go unpunished.

To refer to God as a Jerk ... not even going to touch that one... you should though.

Originally Posted by mikebike
unprovable scientific hypothesis.

Currently.......the world used to be flat, remember?

What I said was that it takes faith to believe in evolution as it has not been scientifically proven. In all the fossil evidence there is not ONE proven example of a cross species evolutionary change. There is plenty of change within species but NOT ONE cross species proven example. Go ahead Google it till your processor melts down you will not find one. why ... NEVER happened.

God created the species

Originally Posted by mikebike
Consider the complexity of the FZ6 would anyone presume it just happened?
or was it designed??
then take the human body which is far more complex than the FZ6 and ask yourself who designed us????

Are you serious?

the FZ6 is pretty complex.... but so simplistic compared to the Human body
you would not for a minute imply that the FZ6 just happened

yet you can believe by FAITH that we came from some big explosion (from matter that came from where ,,,hmmm eternally existed. that all the galaxies or lets just say our solar system just happened with the planets and moons in perfect order.... and then from some primordial ooze came life then intelligent life then Billions of years past and viola here we are... that take so much more faith than my silly "Christian" view.

am I serious??? I am so serious I trust my eternal destination on it.

I appreciate being able to discuss this with you in a friendly intelligent exchange. :thumbup:
A Buddhist walks up to the hotdog vendor and says "Make me one with everything".
A feeling of weightlessness, the illusion of great speed and the view from outside your body.
A flawless shift, a perfectly executed corner, the Zen of motorcycles. Nice lines and beautiful curves (I could go on....)
A child that thinks you know everything and will never let them down.
A friendship/love that is more important than life or death.
Watching the lightbulb go off when one of your students understands.
Unexpected acts of compassion.
The truly comforting feeling that if things were to end suddenly that you had indeed lived and in your own way made the world a better place.

My version dosen't have a supreme being. If your's does, thats fine.

Mike, I knew there was a good reason I liked you.

What you have said is great and completely right. It takes strong faith to come to an internet forum and proudly proclaim what you know to be right. And I could not have said it better myself, and I'm a Bible major.

Bren, the reason people don't know what the meaning to life is, is because they don't look in the right places. Josh McDowell, a famed Christian apologetic, spent 10 years traveling the world looking for the answer to this question, and what he found was that the only answer to the questions of meaning of life was found in Christ.

and Defy and mike, I would like to participate in this with you. I love hearing other people's viewpoints.
Let me provide you with a mind bending twister. :D

The very definition of God is "All supreme, all powerful, the creator". If somebody or something created God, then by definition he could not be God.

If God was created then he definately had a beginning. With that in mind, anybody that was created cannot be all powerful, because that would mean there was somebody higher then him who created him. Too agree to this would put you in an infinite loop, because there would always be somebody higher who created the later.


Exactly! You are spot on correct. There is no creator for God. God Himself asserts this many times in the Old Testament by referring to Himself using the phrase "I am." This states that God was not created but is and has always been present.

One of the best examples is in Exodus 3:14, where Moses asks God what to tell the Israelites when they would ask who sent him. God replies by telling him to say "I AM sent you." This was seen as one of God's name.

Jesus, being God, often claimed God's eternal nature for himself. He often used the phrase "I am" to refer to himself. Jesus exclusively reveals his eternal nature in John 8:58, when he states "before Abraham was born, I am!"

There you go everyone, your Bible lesson for the day.
What the heck, everybody else is jumping in - why stand on the side lines? I'll keep this short and brief.
i'm not to good at this HTML stuff, so I'll just post my answers in the quote

Interesting topic for sure. I for one don't know the purpose or if life has a purpose....still working on that one.

Sounds like a self-centered God...I must be missing something. What would the point/purpose of that exercise be anyway?

-God is a giving God. In Genesis when God was creating the world, He spoke everything into existence. However the very awesome thing is that He actually took the time to form man out of dust. And then breathed his very breath of life into him. Not only was this a huge moment of giving...but just the beginning. What better gift is there then the gift of life?

Didn't God see that coming? I've heard the whole God loves us so he gave us a choice argument but why create THIS world, why not a better variation of it? Sounds like a game to me....?

-Yes, He did see that coming. He already had a plan in place, and that is why he said the following to satan back in Genesis 3: And I will put enmity
between you and the woman,
and between your offspring [a] and hers;
he will crush your head,
and you will strike his heel."
Predicting that Satan will wound Jesus, but Jesus will deal a deadly blow to Satan.

All by what about all the pain and suffering? He designed that too? What a jerk! If I were designing earth, I would try and make it a place of pure pleasure and happiness...why not, right?

-Sin actually brought all of the pain and suffering into the world. One word: Consequences. Because sin entered, it brought along all of the suffering, pain yadda yadda.

Currently.......the world used to be flat, remember? :D

Are you serious?

Looking forward to reponses :thumbup:
