The Scoreboard

If you can grab a copy - The Life of Senna by Tom Rubython, its a brilliant read.

Unfortunately I did see the accident (on TV) watching the race. You just knew......
Lowndes with Skaife 1st, Whincup & the unknown 2nd. Happy days :cheer:

Now, just if 888 would go back to Fords :thumbup:
First 4 cars


8 out the top ten cars



Holden rules Mount Panorama once again



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Getting sick of this bloody avatar. :spank:

Bring on January 1 please, so I can piss it off & put Trinity back where she belongs.
Getting sick of this bloody avatar. :spank:

Bring on January 1 please, so I can piss it off & put Trinity back where she belongs.

Look im a fair man , how about you send me a pic of your beloved Tinity & I give her a ummm lets say Dragons tattoo as a compromise till Jan 1 ;) :D Coz im loving seeing the Avatar :thumbup: