To join or not to join?


Junior Member
Oct 27, 2011
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Just wanted some feed back from all of you. I went to a chapter meeting last night. And kind of join the group but my concern is there uniform. I will be just wearing a vest a t-shirt, jeans and boots. No gear on top and I just been riding for about 7 months. Any feedback would be appreciated.
I guess you have to decide if these are the type of people you want to be around. If that is there feeling about protective gear, then I personally would not care to be part of their group.
I guess you have to decide if these are the type of people you want to be around. If that is there feeling about protective gear, then I personally would not care to be part of their group.

Couldn't have said it better myself!!!
I guess you have to decide if these are the type of people you want to be around. If that is there feeling about protective gear, then I personally would not care to be part of their group.

+1 on this. I personally wouldn't join.
I personally wouldn't do it either, I feel more comfortable riding with a jacket and gloves.

I have thought about joining a MC for a while now so I can understand the desire to join so you can be a part of it.
i would just get a little bigger vest an wear my gear underneath...if they dont allow u to wear gear(which i doubt) dead them :thumbdown:
Just wanted some feed back from all of you. I went to a chapter meeting last night. And kind of join the group but my concern is there uniform. I will be just wearing a vest a t-shirt, jeans and boots. No gear on top and I just been riding for about 7 months. Any feedback would be appreciated.

To tell the truth I thought you were ribbing us! :rolleyes:

Wear your protective gear and get experience riding with experienced riders that have integrity. Do not be tempted to ride beyond your experience.
Son...Those people are idiots!
Not allowing members to ride with protective gear is idiotic and dangerous. That would be a huge red flag to me and I would NOT join.
And if you have to wear colours or patches, just buy a vest for outside your protective gear like somebody else mentioned previously. If they refuse to let you wear protective gear, tell them where to go! :Flip: :D
I would join up immediately and see if you can also join a boating club that outlaws life preservers and maybe a skydiving club that only uses chutes packed by the local kindergarteners. How about a shooting range that doesn't allow eye or ear protection? I would just go balls out and not worry about my skin. Think of how cool you'll all look cruising down the highway with your costumes, sorry, uniforms on. Sounds like a lot of fun to me.

Seriously, who in the heck would consider joining any club that tells you what gear to wear. Good grief. Go your own way. Wear your gear and find a couple of buddies to ride with and you'll have a lot more fun. Adults that don't want to gear up for the ride is fine with me, however don't let them tell you what you can wear.
I would keep looking until you find a group of more safety conscious riders. I have found a local motorcycle forum in my area and have made some very nice riding friends through that.
Frankly, that group sounds more like a gang than a proper motorcycle group. All the groups that I ride with encourage safety gear but leave it up to the individual.
Most of those types of "clubs" seem to be more concerned about image, rather than the fun of riding. Extended swingarms, chromed bikes, custom paint jobs, and hanging out at bars while wearing the vest seem to be the norm.

I agree with Elizabeth above. I'm on a local forum of mostly CT-area sportbike guys, a lot of track junkies, they have weekly rides where safety comes first, and people are always willing to lend a hand if needed.
No clubs or gangs here but when I organize group rides, it's ATGATT or go home. And I don't give an ounce of caring about what people think of my gear.

I'd rather sweat than bleed!
same here, i would pass, if they want to risk their lives that's fine but they shouldn't risk yours cuz wearing protective gear makes you not so cool in their eyes
I say find a few people maybe 3-5, who have their head on straight and ride with them. You don't need to be part of a club. To me riding with large groups is just asking for trouble. There's always at least one idiot in the bunch. I always ride alone.