Top Gear USA is coming to British screens

Yep there's an American Stig... like i said the couple episodes i watched were pretty much poorly copied+pasted versions of the UK version "star in a car" and they have their own "track"
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I don't know what episode I have just seen. It was the one with three Lambo's reviewed.
We are usually a few episodes behind here.

We currently have a Brit staying with us (coaching *soccer* here for the fall) and recently had the opportunity to watch the US version immediately before catching the British version on the BBC.

There is no comparison; it's over before the battle begins. Brits have us Yanks hands down The UK version, as mentioned, has better chemistry and the antics are even more clever. Both shows possess some pretty week "acting" during the staged parts, but the UK team seems to recognize (or recognise) and owns it, almost like they can laugh at themselves.

US version just seems paltry in comparison. Worst part is now I have to hear that bloke ramble on in his ****ney rhyme about how he's got me 1 to nil. :)


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Saw the last 15 minutes of the Lambo one.... probably won't watch the others, the presenters may as well have been cardboard cut-outs. The US circuit was surprisingly fiddly and 'budget' looking, I was expecting something far simpler and bigger, I think that goes in it's favour though.
Like others have said it's the chemistry between the anchors that make or break the shows. When I watch the UK TG I see three people that actually know each other. They mess with each other like family.
US TG has three individually annoying people who will never develop that chemistry because it's pretty clear they wouldn't/don't like each other. They tried to get three people that would represent different demographics to try to draw in more views IHMO. Instead what they did was get three different demographics of d-bags that no one wants to watch.

LOL to Motortrend...infomertials are better produced