Trust Your Instincts

Ryan T

Sep 8, 2008
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Woodbridge VA
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All, trust the gut feeling you have. I had noticed on my last ride that things were not sounding right with my chain. I opted to cut my ride extremely short and take the opportunity to look things over. Well, I noticed the chain had a kink or two in it. I had heard a little noise on the previous ride, thought it was due to chain slack and figured I would tighten it. Yes, the chain was loose (out of spec) and even a tightening would not fix it.

When it was all said and done, a new chain (checked the sprockets, still good) was in order. I ended up getting a DID X-ring chain installed. Running like a lean mean machine once again.

Hey, if you thing something does not feel right, sound right, or look right, take the time to check it out.
That was a good call on your part! Ive seen a few cases destroyed because a chain snapped.
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Good advice. My chain was making all kinds of noise while pushing the bike backwards. I figured something was not right. Sure enough chain and sprockets were worn out. It's great with new chain and sprockets. Much better. Thanks for the reminder. We should always do a once over prior to any ride. Check tire pressures, hoses for cracks, tires for cracks or nails. Safety should be #1.