UFC 100!! Predictions and discussions


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Jan 8, 2008
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Vancouver, Canada
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Ahhhh, the day is here! I'm anticipating this being one of the greatest shows put together.

Out of the big three fights I'm leaning towards Lesnar, GSP, Henderson

- Lesnar - Frank Mir is way to cacky for his own good. Yes he dismantled nogueira but they are both technically submission artists and Lesnar is way too overwhelming. Everyone criticized Lesnar for getting these shots way too early in his career and Mir has beef with that, but the fact of the matter is, Mir got pummeled until he caught Brock in a rookie mistake. I have a good feeling that Brock has trained well and will again over power and take Mir's will to win away.

Win by TKO/KO

- GSP - This guy is way too smart. Alves is a powerful fighter that demands respect but unlike Mir, GSP has an entire MMA arsenal at his disposal. His smarts allow him to turn the fight the way HE wants to go. Being multidimensional I feel the GSP will weather the storm and modify the fight into the way he wants to win it.

Win by TKO

- Henderson - I'm picking him purely on the fact I don't really like Bisping and that I feel his experience will allow him to come out on top. The caliber of his opponents far surpass anyone Bisping has fought.

Win by decision

Those are my predictions. Either way, other than GSP "cause he's a good old canadian kid" (Don Cherry voice), I don't really care who wins or loses. As long as it's an exciting card and they put on fights to remember.
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Hi urbanj,

Have exactly same opinions!
I think Lesnar is overwhelming guy and will win. Mir pulled some good stunts in past and I was surprised how easily defeated Noguiera. in some other fights he got beaten up easily (Mir did).

GSP is our best man (I am Canadian). For my understanding he is absolutely best MMA fighter in UFC, maybe in the world. While he doesn't look like Hulk he is very fast, athletic, strong, almost can't be put to ground. Best take down defense I ever saw. He is just amazing in every respect. Can't see him lose to anybody, but MMA is MMA, one shot can change a lot of things.

Finally Bisping. hate him. Specially from moment after Hamill beat crap out of him for at least 2 1/2 rounds in the middle of UK. I couldn't believe that kiss ass judges gave victory to Bisping. That was so huge cheat that I would dismiss complete panel of judges for that!
I hope Bisping loses. Henderson is good fighter anyway, he is capable of fulfilling my wishes!
yep same here. wished i could watch. please update us when it is over will ya??
OK, I will.
Just shelled out 50 bucks to watch it on ExpressVu. Normally I would watch it on Dish but they scrambled their stuff badly and there is no fix yet.
I hope no one reads this thread and didn't want to know the outcomes. Is there a way to change the threads title stating it gives it away?

I don't think it's possible, I tried to change one of my threads and didn't know how to do it. maybe some of older members knows how
Until Lesnar learns that respect and sportsmanship are a major component of UFC, he needs to take his high school bully attitude back to WWF.

The winner was clear before the fight started. Mir should get a medal just for having the guts to get into the octagon with that guy.

And that's all I got to say about that.
