Vermont FZ Meet Pics!!!!

did you lean into the corners though?

Almost as much as on those pictures.. funny how it felt like I was riding on the sidewalls yet it doesn't quite look like it :) I have a whole new appreciation for the guys on TV now that I see what I look like :)
Couple more videos:
#1 is going up to the lookout on rt 17. Greg's off road adventure is at 2:25, followed by a target fixation 101 by yours truly; as I watch him crossing the double yellow, I go right there with him...

#2 is the other side of the hill. Going up to the lookout, and back down.
#3: Timelapse video (1 frame per second) of the ride after leaving rt 17..
If you have trouble falling asleep, see it as a free ambien :)

Note: all these videos are slightly bigger on (opens in new window):
#1: Up to the lookout on rt 17 on Vimeo
#2: rt 17 on Vimeo
#3: timelapse on Vimeo (this one is in 720p since it's made from still images)
That was Keira getting scared that we were going to be taking the corner too fast and she started shifting around a bit too much...

Hey thanks for making it sound like I'm a loser, and not telling the truth.

It was really that I started falling off the seat because we were leaned a bit too far for my bum, so once i had nothing left on the seat I decided that jostling the bike was probably a better option than falling off.
Hey thanks for making it sound like I'm a loser, and not telling the truth.

It was really that I started falling off the seat because we were leaned a bit too far for my bum, so once i had nothing left on the seat I decided that jostling the bike was probably a better option than falling off.

You say potatoe i say tomatoe......

Wait... that's not right....