Watsen Design front LED install


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Oct 31, 2007
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Calgary, Alberta
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Well, finally got around to the first mod on the bike. I picked up some Watsen Design LED markers - luckily Watsen is here in Calgary, so I saved a couple bucks picking them up and they where ready in about a week. Have one main LED on the side, and 2 on the front. Added in the running lights module, and they have a lifetime warranty.

Before (everything is dirty):

Half done

All done (wires not hidden, screws not back in yet):

They sit in the factory holes quite nicely:

They're noticable (this is as close to anyone else comes to riding my bike, so I can take a picture, and no the bike isn't leaking, we're pulling an engine out of a truck and some radiator fluid leaked as we pushed it into the garage :)):

All said and done took about 15 minutes - came with harnesses, so it was all plug and play. They look amazing in my opinion.
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I should also mention that I'm posting from a public computer in a hotel, so my ability to edit pictures is limited. Sorry for the size of them.
your bike was great. I previously owned like that before but I sold them already and now im looking for new bike. :thumbup:
:rockon: Autopartswarehouse rocks!!! :rockon:​
great bike those look really nice. how noticeable are they as far as visibility goes? the fe kit i got came with front leds but they don't fit right. u mind telling how much u got those for? i've been wanting front leds for a while!! thanks for the pics and everything.
great bike those look really nice. how noticeable are they as far as visibility goes? the fe kit i got came with front leds but they don't fit right. u mind telling how much u got those for? i've been wanting front leds for a while!! thanks for the pics and everything.

+1! how much?
Yeah, they where about $140 (I think $160 shipped with running lights), but I think they're worth it. I had a few people watch them as I drove up or from a distance, and everyone has said so far they could see them prefectly and they where just as noticable if not more so than the stock ones.
How can i attach them to my '07? The 2007 and 2008 FZ6 do not have a hole in the fairing. Do I need to drill?
The nice thing about these is no drilling. Looking at the site, I think they would just attach (It's a guess, but the bottom of them is different from mine on the 06). This is a picture of the 07-08 ones from their site:

The nice thing about these is no drilling. Looking at the site, I think they would just attach (It's a guess, but the bottom of them is different from mine on the 06).

Ummm, Watsen's never have required any drilling for mounting to 04-06 FZ6. They are direct bolt on to the faring.
Ummm, Watsen's never have required any drilling for mounting to 04-06 FZ6. They are direct bolt on to the faring.

Yes Boneman I was hoping to replace the big 'ole blinkers from my blue 2007 Yamaha. Please see the attached picture, as the big blinkers are not mounted through the faring; but below it.
Yes Boneman I was hoping to replace the big 'ole blinkers from my blue 2007 Yamaha. Please see the attached picture, as the big blinkers are not mounted through the faring; but below it.

I think those "hangars" just have a hole in them and would have the new blinkers mount to those hangars. Unless you wanted to remove those as well and drill holes in the fairings to mount them... which is what you are trying to avoid...
I actually just spoke to the folks at watsen design, and they told me the same thing. I did change the color scheme though from blue to matte black. I figure it will match better. Now the question should be, will the bike be legal with blinkers in that size and in that position?
I actually just spoke to the folks at watsen design, and they told me the same thing. I did change the color scheme though from blue to matte black. I figure it will match better. Now the question should be, will the bike be legal with blinkers in that size and in that position?

Depends on the state i suppose, in NH they have to be at least 9" apart and visible from the front for the front and the back for the back. I am torn between flush mount and those short stalk small blinkers that look like you took the stock ones and put them in the dryer for a long time.
Nope, they won't be legal. Watsen Design flush mounts are not DOT approved. Spacing is irrelivant. If a cop wants to be a douchebag, they can nail you for them. It's the risk we take!

I could care less what some hump over at DOT deems legal and illegal! IMHO, DOT needs to wake up and get with 2008 technology (LEDs) already!

Didn't realize the mounting for 07's was that different! Please post some pics if/when you get them installed. :thumbup:
Nope, they won't be legal. Watsen Design flush mounts are not DOT approved. Spacing is irrelivant. If a cop wants to be a douchebag, they can nail you for them. It's the risk we take!

I agree totally, if it's not dot then its a risk you run.

Having said that, I have a friend who is a cop here in Calgary, and I had him look at the indicators once I put them on. Obviously he can't speak for every cop everywhere, and Boneman is right that if they want to they will get you for them, but he did mention that as long as the color is right (not a blue LED etc.) then they really don't care.