What to do with an annoying neighbour..

We haven't helped you in the slightest, but we have made you smile. Scott's solution is probably the best. Also keep a record of the frequency of the noise and see if any of your neighbours can corroborate your compliant.


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in the UK you might be able to get an ASBO (anti-social behaviour order) put on her, the US is much more of a police state, so I suspect you have something similar
in the UK you might be able to get an ASBO (anti-social behaviour order) put on her, the US is much more of a police state, so I suspect you have something similar

In the US they approach you with no cause but an anonymous tip and then illegally search your vehicle and find a small end of an old blunt and arrest you for drug possession and suspected DUI, you spend a night in the pen and get raped by some crack head while no one is paying attention.
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Call the police, that's what their paid to do. They can handle it. For them, its not a big issue.

There's too many wackos out there nowadays that'll possibly go off on you (and she's obviously not all there, drunk, high or ?)

And if she behaves to them as she seems to care about her fellow neighbors, They'll put her up for the night! :thumbup:

This is the best advice. Scratch what I posted previously. There are too many wackadoos out there and you don't want to get caught up in it, especially if you're in your shorts. [emoji85]

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That's what I get for not looking to see where the thread originated,I thought this was a joke, But the joke's on ME! Blah You know what they say; :Flip:ya if ya can't take a joke! Think that's the first time I've used ol' Flip! LOL. Rich :cool:
Some may know, I did retire after 25 years as a Police Officer in an inner city and worked most of my career on the "bad" side of town.

Normal folks, sure you can talk to them...

Her actions are NOT normal.

IMO, I would NOT want her to know who I was, that I called and now she knows MY vehicle (for retribution). I've seen the retribution and the laws here were fairly limited (unless IE, you actually saw her cut your tire).

Most Police Officers, are looking for an arrest, that's their job. Your pretty much, likely giving them a "gimme arrest" if she's DUI, high, etc.

I would try to remain anonymous when speaking to the department but give ALL the information you can (IE, on going problem, everynight, might be drunk or?). If you can hold the phone so her car noise goes over the phone to the police (its usually recorded), so dispatch can hear it, EVEN BETTER (more documentation)!!! Dispatch will often pass this info to the PO responding too. All that, if it gets that far, goes on the booking sheet.

Speaking with management, usually is useless unless you have folks running the place do indeed care. It does help if you can get some of your neighbors (the more the better) to complain, threaten to move, etc..

Folks like her, that like to play games with the cops, just make me even more so, want to catch her.. Parking around the corner, sit and wait and watch the show, then move in, etc, that's the fun part!!!

Anyway, good luck...
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Her actions are NOT normal.

And you know this why?

The OP stated, Her car is old and in very poor condition.

The OP lives in Canada where is it cold and still snowing.

I think most likely her junk car has trouble starting in cold weather. She is probably going out at night to heat the engine up in the most logical way by running it at high rmps so her clunker will start for her hours later when she needs to get to work in the morning.
And you know this why?

The OP stated, Her car is old and in very poor condition.

The OP lives in Canada where is it cold and still snowing.

I think most likely her junk car has trouble starting in cold weather. She is probably going out at night to heat the engine up in the most logical way by running it at high rmps so her clunker will start for her hours later when she needs to get to work in the morning.

If you read post #1, she runs it literally for hours. I don't know of any car that need to run for hours in a parking lot to warm up to temp, much less, keep reving it up. Idleing will warm it up as well. Yes, its still chilly up there but its not the dead of winter...

IMO, your scenerio doesn't make sense to me. However your entitled to your opinion. :thumbup:

My opinion is based on 25+ years of law enforcement experiance and dealing with normal folks as well as DUI's, folks high on drugs, etc.. I've also worked the retailiation calls should she be having any mental/alcohol/drug issues as well.

As a side note, I personally own and carry under the seat of my cage a 22 auto pistol (CCF licence). You don't know if she does or doesn't carry either. Will she pull it when a stranger walks up to her in the middle of the night? Do YOU feel lucky? Or will she be less likely if a cop car pulls up. The issue is easily dealt with from a law enforement point.

In either case, her actions/ vehicle IMO, is NOT acceptable as it does BOTHER her neighbor(s) as posted by bdevries. .
in the UK you might be able to get an ASBO (anti-social behaviour order) put on her, the US is much more of a police state, so I suspect you have something similar

It is? Wow I better write that down on the same list that I have written down that all british people have bad teeth.

Back to the OP, I would not attempt to speak to her because all it will do is set you up for problems. You will be on HER radar and anytime something happens to her she will blame it on you and your property will end up being a target. Unfortunately in most areas the police are not interested in helping with issues like this. I would simply make a few anonymous calls to the police when she is doing these bizarre things and if you are lucky they may take the time to show up and catch her in the act. If they do and your luck is good they may ask her what she is doing (at best) and then again if you are REALLY LUCKY she will take it down a notch. However if she is really crazy it will just make her do it more.

Good luck!
If you read post #1, Yes, its still chilly up there but its not the dead of winter...

"Says the man from Florida."

This is getting nutty, just knock on her door during the day and tell her that the driving at night is keeping you awake. At the very least you may find out why she is doing it. For all we know she could be deaf and have no idea how loud she is.

(BTW I live in Massachusetts and it was 22F and snowed yesterday.)
"Says the man from Florida." :confused:

This is getting nutty, just knock on her door during the day and tell her that the driving at night is keeping you awake. At the very least you may find out why she is doing it. For all we know she could be deaf and have no idea how loud she is.

(BTW I live in Massachusetts and it was 22F and snowed yesterday.)

What does Florida have to do with it?? :confused:

Forget about Florida. (I lived in NY for many years and am quite familar with cold weather and snow)

I'm speaking from experiance as a Police Officer. I dealt with the same situation for literally decades. Loud cars, music, and all the other BS. It doesn't have to be cold for someone to do stupid things. Sometimes what you say works out, sometimes it doesn't, and $hit can blow up real quick.
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And you know this why?

The OP stated, Her car is old and in very poor condition.

The OP lives in Canada where is it cold and still snowing.

I think most likely her junk car has trouble starting in cold weather. She is probably going out at night to heat the engine up in the most logical way by running it at high rmps so her clunker will start for her hours later when she needs to get to work in the morning.
If this is a case, than buy her a block heater and maybe she'll get you a bed heater :D
in the UK you might be able to get an ASBO (anti-social behaviour order) put on her, the US is much more of a police state, so I suspect you have something similar

I'm confused. The UK budgets more $$$ (adjusted) to domestic spying and surveillance than the US... with a sixth of the population and 1/50th of the landmass? I must have missed something somewhere.
I'm confused. The UK budgets more $$$ (adjusted) to domestic spying and surveillance than the US... with a sixth of the population and 1/50th of the landmass? I must have missed something somewhere.

Not to get too off-topic but we actually have pretty broad freedom of speech (and everything else) compared to much of Europe, from what I can tell.

As to the actual topic...who you gonna listen to OP, an experienced cop, or some random folks on the web?
Not to get too off-topic but we actually have pretty broad freedom of speech (and everything else) compared to much of Europe, from what I can tell.

As to the actual topic...who you gonna listen to OP, an experienced cop, or some random folks on the web?

The longer a cop has served the less likely I would listen to them.

Cops are in bizarre situations on the daily to the point no human alive can keep an accurate perspective on the world because they are being constantly bombard with situations that might only happen once or never in a normal person's life but for them it is everyday in every way.

Countless people talk to their neighbors daily and work out situations with no problem at all but the cops will never hear about those incidents only freak situations that go awry.

If I was within 200 miles of the OP, I would literally drive down and go talk to that women for him. I am curious to hear what she would say.

I would put the risk factor of talking to that women less than getting struck by lightning and dying.