What will be read at your eulogy?


Junior Member
Sep 16, 2007
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Kamloops, BC Canada
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Stole the idea off the autobiography thread. Not to get too serious or deep, but what would be said (read) at your eulogy? I can't claim to be super intellectual or get too profound here, but maybe some food for thought.....

Loving father/mother? Workaholic? Loved life? Devoted spouse? Too outgoing? Too shy? Too much time on their bike? Not enough time on their bike?

What do you want it to read? Can you make changes in your life right now, so that the eulogy is something that makes you proud?
"What do you want it to read? Can you make changes in your life right now, so that the eulogy is something that makes you proud?"

I already have....................but:

Fun, motivated, enthusiatic person who loved her children and grandchildren. Cheryl knew how to make the most of every moment and how to live life to the fullest. She enjoyed doing things for others and had many friends whose lives she touched. We will miss her smile but know that she is safe in Gods hands and finally able to reunite with her parents who she has sorely missed. So, to honor her last wish let's start this dance!

The urn with my ashes will be up on the stage with the band and they can deliver me to my final resting place on their way home. See, I want my life to be celebrated, not mourned.
mine would read : Scott Lewis he was a good man he loved many and many loved him . He may have died but will live on in the hearts and minds of all of his friends and loved ones . may his exploits be remembed and is failures be a tool for teaching everyone . And always remember the harder you twist the faster you go so get to it the suns going down and we got a long way to go !
Why would I care about my eulogy.....I'll be dead.

I guess I'll bring happiness to more people in my death, than during my life. That is how it works sometimes.
Why would I care about my eulogy.....I'll be dead.

I guess I'll bring happiness to more people in my death, than during my life. That is how it works sometimes.

Damn right..i would never be so presumptuous to massage my own ego
Don't care what they say; just make sure the FZ is in my casket!:thumbup:
fun-loving , good spirited, loyal man that kept the shiny side up and the rubber side down :rockon:
I would like to use Spike Milligans words.............................

"I told you I was ill"..................classic lol.
