What will be your epic ride for 2013?


I would like to top the trip I took this past june, just don't know if I will this next summer. I was thinking of heading straight north from here into Canada again, go over the top of the Great Lakes and back into the U.S. via Maine. Never been in the N.E. U.S. to much and would like to see some new states.

I was actually thinking as an alternative to do Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico again like I did two summers ago but seeing other parts. Mt. Evans was on my list this last summer, but I didn't have the time to see everything I wanted. I was thinking of doing it in june or july as well. I will follow this thread and see what you are up to and maybe see if it's ok to tag along.
I'll attempt to translate.

The riding in the Pacific NW (OR/WA) provides spectacular scenery, varying landscapes, and enjoyable roadways that you'll not find anywhere else in the continental US. From the mountains to the valleys, evergreen forest to deciduous, coastal sea to rivers it is all amazing.

With many rural roadways that take you from no stoplight towns to bright light cities you can quite literally see it all without the cramped feeling found in the northeast. Many Californians have migrated to the NW for this very reason.

I have to agree about the scenery and the roads up in the Northwest. Mrs. Lefty's aunt has a ranch outside of Roseburg Oregon and her mother lives in Gig Harbor Washington, and while I love the roads and natural wonders of both the Oregon and Washington states, the short riding season (June through September) makes me appreciate the rideable climate of NorCal almost year round. Mrs. lefty and I went for a coastal mountain ride this afternoon and had to endure a bone chilling clear and 55º end of the year outing. :eek: :D
Oh, and the State Troopers of both states have no sense of humor when it comes to the speed limit.....a couple of miles per hour over and it's a "show me your license and registration" encounter. No CHP Officer Petersen stop by any means......:thumbup:
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I would like to top the trip I took this past june, just don't know if I will this next summer. I was thinking of heading straight north from here into Canada again, go over the top of the Great Lakes and back into the U.S. via Maine. Never been in the N.E. U.S. to much and would like to see some new states.

I was actually thinking as an alternative to do Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico again like I did two summers ago but seeing other parts. Mt. Evans was on my list this last summer, but I didn't have the time to see everything I wanted. I was thinking of doing it in june or july as well. I will follow this thread and see what you are up to and maybe see if it's ok to tag along.

I think it'd be cool to meet up. The only random stops that I might be scheduling on to the route I already posted would be in a town called Elmo, Utah. A PSN gamer friend is from there and we've known each other but never met for about 5 years now.

Also, I recently got word from a friend that lives in Vegas he might be up for meeting up although I don't know about going there due to the heat.

I'll definitely post when I'm set on dates and routes.
I think it'd be cool to meet up. The only random stops that I might be scheduling on to the route I already posted would be in a town called Elmo, Utah. A PSN gamer friend is from there and we've known each other but never met for about 5 years now.

Also, I recently got word from a friend that lives in Vegas he might be up for meeting up although I don't know about going there due to the heat.

I'll definitely post when I'm set on dates and routes.

That would be cool. I'm down with that. I will probably take 3 weeks to a month off. I also have a friend in Vegas and I want to see some family in Colorado and Arizona. I will look for your posts. My son and I are entertaining a trip to Russia this summer, but he's acting like he's backing out due to graduation and wanting to get a job and get ready for college in the fall of 2013.

I will keep a lookout for your post.
A repeat of the trip that my wife and I took from Singapore to Phuket in October 2011. But this time in April this year for Phuket Bike Week.
I know it's not very "epic" but I'll be going for a 4 day trip to the Vosges mountains in the southern Alsace region in France (close to the German and Swiss border).
It's only a 4 day trip but as both my wife and I work we have to juggle looking after the kids, which leaves little time (outside our family holiday) to take time off for any period of time. Generally I get a couple of long weekends off but this is the first time I'll be taking 4 days :cheer:

I'll be going sometime in June, together with Ronald, a mate of mine who also went on the UK trip a couple of years ago.

I think we will be staying in Bussang, and riding around the region using routes Ronald used when he did a trip with the FJR club many years ago now.

Wavex rode through this region in 2011 with Cali rider (it's close to his families home in France) here's some vids.

Roll on June :thumbup:
I am in the process of planning a trip through Skyline Dr, Blue Ridge Pkwy, etc.

I have the weekend of the 16th -18th of August off.

The trip is going to start in South Philadelphia near the Delaware border. I figure that is a good spot to meet on I-95 for anyone in the area who wants to tag along.

I'm thinking of taking the 3 hour ride on highway to Royal Point, eating lunch, then riding Skyline Dr and Blue ridge parkway until it gets dark, finding a Hotel, and then keep riding the next day.

I am going to plan out the details and the routing on basecamp and then post a thread on it. But if there is any interest in joining me people are definitely welcome!
Well my epic ride plans changed when I found out had a valve problem, so so having to delay until that is fixed. Only problem is the valve is Mine!!! not my bike! :-( Looks like I can do the robotic surgery so will only be off the bike for 4 weeks or so. Hope by mid to late summer to go somewhere in the mid-west. Would love to go to Canada or Colorado but that may take too much time. Not as many corners in the mid-west but some great places to see. Just want to get on my bike and ride and see the country.

Last weekend was at the Unclaimed Baggage Center and picked up a SPOT which is a great tool if you are by yourself.
Not an epic ride by any stretch but I am thinking of taking a weekend ride down to Minnie Waters/Wooli in northern NSW & hopefully getting a few Bris Fizz mates (nudge nudge) to get down there & have a great blokes weekend away full of fishing , drinking & riding :rockon: :rockon:
If all goes well I'm hoping it'll be bike week for me. Maybe not a "epic" ride getting there, but I plan on not remembering a damn thing so it should be quite a " epic" time lol
Most likely it will be my ~2wk summer vacation trip either to a) Alps or b) France (I'd like to see the Normandy beaches) and combined trip to UK. Hard to decide, either way it will be around 6k km total.
What a great thread. It's been a while since I checked in on the forum.

I know this isn't everyone's idea of Epic, but my father-in-law, his brother and I will be attempting an Iron Butt 100CCC in late April-early May. In short, this ride is from a beach on one coast to a beach on the opposite coast and back in 100 hours.

We'll be starting in San Diego, going to Jacksonville FL and back for the official timed ride. The overall trip will start with an easy two day ride from Houston to SD and then an easier 3 day ride back at the end assuming all goes well and we complete the ride.

The Long Distance riding forum on this site is mostly inactive, but I plan on posting a thread there with a link to Spotwalla so that anyone that's interested can track our progress.

We'll be under a time crunch during the official attempt, but would welcome anyone that was interested in running a leg with us on the freeway to catch us on the road by tracking our progress on Spotwalla, or if anyone around SD was interested in grabbing a bite with us either of our nights in town(Should be Apr. 28th and May 2nd) let me know. We also will be spending the night in Phoenix on May 3rd.
Not definite yet, but this June I want to ride from St. Louis to Atlanta to visit my brother for a couple days. Then ride to Sarasota to visit my dad for a few days. Then I'll head up the coast a bit to Virginia Beach, then head back to St. Louis. I'll have to do lots of camping once I leave my dad's place. I've never really camped like this before, so it'll definitely be an adventure! Plus I think it'll be around 3000 miles total. Can't wait!