What's in a forum name?

The first internet forum I ever joined was a martial-arts forum so mine, "KenpoTex," makes reference to American Kenpo (the style I studied for a number of years) and to the fact that I'm originally from Texas.

I've just stuck with it over the years so I don't have to try to remember more than one username :D
While my family was moving to Washington when I was 5, we all made up CB handles to use between vehicles. My dad was a carpenter and came up with Sawhammer, and me not being very creative thought up Sawblade. When I was 12, we finally got dial-up internet and I needed a login name. I thought back to that time and stuck with the name ever since.
Oh boy...

Back in the day (about two years ago) I started playing World of Warcraft.

My first character was named sung. as in samsung which was the brand of my cell phone.

My second character was named helrazr. hel from my lastname. RAZR like the cell phone.

Helrazr was taken on alot of websites so I decided to make it "leet speak" and its now H3LR4ZR.