Whats the best way to stop a fellow rider?

Slightly off topic. Out for a bimble yesterday, I saw a guy pushing his bike p quite a steep hill. So in the spirit of biker comraderie I pulled over to see if I could help. He was a young guy maybe 20ish puffing & blowing at the exertion of pushing the bike uphill. It was only a tiddler, a Honda 125, but man you just new his calf muscles were burning & his lungs aching.

'Anything I can do to help?'
'No, it's OK thanks mate. I've run out of petrol, but there's a filling station just up the road.'

So I rode off. I kept going up this hill, it was several minutes later that I passed the petrol station. Admitedly the last few hundred yards were downhill, but it was still a good two or three miles. Why would you turn down the offer of help, so you could continue to push a dead bike uphill?
This universal sign allows most to pullover and stop on a dime.
I would never pull over if someone I didn't know signalled for me to. But then, I am a girl, so who knows why they are trying to get me to pull over. I might pull over once they are out of sight and check out the bike, make sure there was nothing wrong with it.
I wouldn't pull over because I'd be going somewhere, work, home, just out for a ride etc. and wouldn't want to stop and shout through my lid by the road side with someone I didn't know about my bike, that's what forums and bike meets are for.

As for telling riders about this site, make up some 'calling cards' and leave them on any Effzed sixes you see parked up. if they want to check the site out they will, if not you haven't annoyed them by stopping them in the middle of what they are trying to do.
I'd get worried if people were asking me to pull over too.. You get some right mentalists out there!

I had a light out on my old SRAD once and got loads of waves. I didn't stop, I got home as I knew the light was out, and didn't want to stop because it was dusk and I needed to get home!
I wouldn't pull over because I'd be going somewhere, work, home, just out for a ride etc. and wouldn't want to stop and shout through my lid by the road side with someone I didn't know about my bike, that's what forums and bike meets are for.

As for telling riders about this site, make up some 'calling cards' and leave them on any Effzed sixes you see parked up. if they want to check the site out they will, if not you haven't annoyed them by stopping them in the middle of what they are trying to do.
Well since this thread has gone up I have stopped and spoken to two other FZ6 riders. I only ask if they have visited the forum and tell then to check it out. I hate people leaving cards on my bike. I think Vegas has got a great fairing decal that does the job nicely.

Hi all
Suggestion, could members consider visiting their local Yamaha Dealer and ask them to put up a flyer giving our web address so that new and existing customers of FZ 600's could visit our portal?.

This of course is a ploy to help our good mate Nelly from making frantic gestures
whilst riding and chatting up all the lady FZ riders, who are charmed by his "STIG" like habits.

Really Neil, you must take off that helmet from time to time!!:justkidding:


Nelly, I saw these today at work & thought of you. You could just attach one to the back of your helmet.....would definetly get you noticed.
I have "dog ears" & I am always getting pointed at!