What's the coldest ride you've been on?

I live just east of NYC and i like soft pretzels...which are made in Philadelphia which is 117 miles away.
So...2 weeks ago I started at 8:00 am...it was 26 degrees. By the time i got to Broad St in Philly...it warmed up to 32. Got a bag of pretzels and came back home where it was 34.
Did the trip in 4+ hours on my Ninjette with elect gloves and a tall windshield. Coldest short run was in 2 degrees...about 5 miles....to buy a face mask.
Like Ridgeback, coldest i ever got was coming back from Reserve duty at 36 F for 75 miles, all slab; even a hot bath didn't get me warmed back up!

I can drive to work at 26 F, it's about ten minutes, and it doesn't bother me; any colder, however, and I can't keep my faceshield from frosting over. You guys that have ridden in colder temps, how did you prevent that? :confused:
Mine hasn't frosted over yet, I have a pinlock face shield on my shoei rf1000.
Just went out for a New Year’s Day ride (couldn't start the New Year without it!), it's 7:30pm here, sun down and 35 Degrees F. Needless to say that is the coldest ride yet so far this year... I can't feel my fingers! I'm really intrigued as to how cold it has to be for you guys to keep you bike inside? OR If you do take it out when it's cold, what’s the coldest temp you've ridden in? What kind of gear have you hand the best luck with to stay warm?

Perhaps earlier today! It was 26 degrees F with 129 mph winds on my Fazer which would equal (?) windchill! (My son only experienced 90 mph winds on his Ninja : )
All seriousness aside, the coldest "attempted" ride was back when I was in high school. It was nine degrees F one morning and when I went out to kick my trusty steed - the kickstarter just made a very high-pitched "dink" sound and snapped like a toothpick! There was too much snow and ice to push it off so I had to ride the big yellow school bus! Aaaarrhhh!
When my electric jacket liner and gloves worked, I was fine down into the low 20's F. Now that they've crapped out, those temps HURT. I rode the bike in a month back to put it away (she sleeps near work at a friend's place all winter), it was about 25F out. Work is 33 miles away, which starts out as expressway for 6 miles, then slows down to small roads and takes about an hour total. I had to stop twice during the ride to grab the engine cases with my gloves on until I could feel again.
When I had the Ninja 250, I rode 43 miles (one way) to work, it was 28*F, so plus the wind chill........it was about.......too damn cold.
I usually ride year round when no snow or ice, but not sure what actual temp was but air intake temp was 7 F, luckily only had to ride about 1 mile. Was bundled up pretty good due to the fact working outside in that temp sucks also.
A few years back I had to ride to get my alarm sorted at the dealer workshop, a round trip of 90 miles and it was -7c. I was well kitted out and had heated grips. Wind chill was a factor at 80mph with my finger tips just starting to get cold but reducing my speed to 70mph allowed them to warm again.
Decent dealer had a coffee shop there so a hot mug of tea and a bacon sandwich prepared me for the return journey. I wouldn't want to make a habit of going out in that sort of weather.
Funny this came up..... I just went out today. 33-35ish out, ended up riding about 50 miles. It wasnt too bad!:rockon: I got cold fingers toward the end, but it was well worth it.
Same as OP, around 35F. This was on my TW200(no fairings!), cruising at around 45-50mph, and I didn't have riding pants then. That chilly air cut right through my jeans! It wasn't too bad really, except for my hands. My hands hurt so bad after about 15 minutes of that. Not doing it again if it can be helped. lol
Coldest, around 25*. Did that maybe a handful of times the first year I started riding on my Honda Shadow. Haven't ridden my FZ is temps that cold. Don't have the right gear to do it and looking back, it was foolish.
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well since my car broke down, i have to ride my bike and its been anywhere from 25-30F and i have to get home from work. its cold but gotta get done..
Awesome Pics, I really enjoy the temp gauge! How do you like the FJR?

FJR? Love it, I have about 72k on it now. It is a gen 1 (03-05) and can be too hot in the summer but that's when I ride my FZ.
The 1300 has plenty of grunt and I've upgraded the suspension so she dances in the twisty's quite well. It's my long distance mile eating machine, I just wish all my bikes were shaft drive :thumbup:
I have ridden in the mid 20s F but with a 5 mile commute and a nice truck to drive, when it takes longer to gear up than it takes to get to work, I drive. Besides, my motorcycle is much more fun to pleasure ride than commute.

Sent from my HTC EVO 4G using tapatalk.
the coldest i've been is 5 celcius at night with a cold wind and light drizzles of rain, the roads were very slippery
I spent a whole winter riding home from work into the hills at 3am - 4am in the morning, 3 nights a week, when temperatures where regularly near, or just below 0 degree's C...

That was nasty....got myself some nasty chill blain's in my fingers for my trouble...

Not worth it, if you can avoid it...not just warmer in a car, but safer too.
Ok my coldest has now been 20F degrees, but it wasn't for more than 30 minutes.

I only took it out to get it running. I'm a pansy in the cold - I don't like riding under 60F, and definitely haaattteee under 40.
I lived in CT. at the time and road a 650 yamaha every day for a year. 60 mile round trip to work 6 days a week. Young and foolish and no car. I also rode the Mid Nite Run several times. That was rally type event that started at mid nite usually the third sat in JAN. Started & finished in Yonkers NY it ran all nite. I think that event is still going on. This was in early seventies.
Left for Daytona last year on the Feb 28 with 30 deg & snow flurries.
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a couple days after i bought my bike in January, had to ride it over to storage at 9 degrees for about 25 miles. Also rode at 11 degrees for 40 miles each way to work one day when my car broke and i didn't want to use a sick day... should have used the damn sick day to fix the car... but i was young, dumb, and stubborned.
December 14th, It was sunny and like 35 Farenheit. I took my bike to the city to meet with a friend of mine, we had lunch but couldn't stop talking so, I went to his apartment and talk until dinner, had dinner and decided to go home may be like at midnight. The temperature had gone down to the lower 20's :eek: I rode the 7 miles home and my fingertips felt like exploding, really painfull.
I took a picture of the built up ice on the gas tank bag mount and the thermometer.