Whats your addiction?

crazy dave

Junior Member
Oct 21, 2008
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Yonkers, New York
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So I started this thread on the R6 forum and people seemed to take a liking so I decided to start it up here. Basically what are you addicted to? I'm guessing the most popular answer will cigarettes and beer and what a lot of people were saying on the other forum, tits. But i am addicted to sunflower seeds. I cant go more then 2 days without them or I flip out and get frustrated easily. I am also addicted to caffeine, fixing things, cars and motorcycle, and the computer What about you?
Motorbikes, snowboarding, adrenaline, girls in bikinis,girls outta their bikinis,popping those packing bubbles one at a time, oh crap I think I have an addictive personality, INTERVENTION!
Cool thread. So other than Riding my addictions are:

Internet Forums (obviously), Fantasy football, real football (Go Bucs and Bills!), Facebook, working out (used to be food but I replaced it with this), buying shyte online I dont really need, and used to be an Xbox junkie but not so much anymore (until Modern Warfare 2 comes out anyway)

Thats about all I can think of now...
A energy drink and a Payday candy bar in the morning on the way to my first job . It keep me going untill about 1 in the afternoon.

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CIGARETTES!!! :( Been trying to quit. :eek:

Dr. Pepper- If I go more than 2 days without Dr. P I go nuts!

and FREAKIN Facebook! Hate that website!

I have another addiction, but I don't think it's appropriate to say. :thumbup:
Video games... I still own all my original consoles and games... except the original Pong system that broke :( ... Atari, Colecovision, atari XE, NES, SNES, Playstation, Xbox, Xbox 360, computer and a ton of emulators
Riding (of course)
Good Beer
Backpacking / Hiking
Any sort of camping (by foot, car or motorbike)
Jalepeno Pringles (Even the BIG can is gone within 24 hours)
Mafia Wars on Facebook

(basically anything I try and even remotely enjoy - Bam! Addicted.)
So I started this thread on the R6 forum and people seemed to take a liking so I decided to start it up here. Basically what are you addicted to? I'm guessing the most popular answer will cigarettes and beer and what a lot of people were saying on the other forum, tits.

Sounds like a typical sampling of R6 riders :rolleyes:
I don't really have any addictions (anymore), but if I'm addicted to anything it's music. I have to listen to music at work, while I work out, in the car, on the moto. Music is like food to me. Have to have my daily dose :D
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Lo-Carb Monster. If I don't have one every morning I turn into a monster and get really cranky.

Culver's Pumpkin Spice Shakes. Its like crack, and the sick bastards only have it like Sept-Nov every year. Then I spend the rest of the year craving one every time I go there.

Sportbike forums. I'm on a few of them and I spend a considerable amout of my workday surfing and posting. Its definitely the most damaging of the three since it actually affects my work.
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That reminds me of when McDonalds had the triple cheeseburger for only 2 weeks and then refused to make me one after. they dont even have it on the menu anymore.
Women! (i am into pain)
Going fast on bikes!
Going fast on bikes with a women on the back!
Bloody cigarettes!
The stuff that Bill Clinton didnt inhale!
This freaking forum!
Oh, and i have been known to be partial to a beer or 6 too!
