Whats your addiction?

My FZ, skiing, winetastings, beer with beef jerky, cheeses (our local supermarket opened a cheese stand with >120 varieties, I'm making my way through them all and taking notes!), barbeque (not "grilling", barbeque), music, fresh peach and tomato season (I'm in HEAVEN this time of year), guess that's about it.

For whatever reason I'm completely immune to bubble wrap, never did a thing for me. However, those little cards in your magazines with a perforated dotted line that you can tear?? Irresistible!! :don'tknow:
Snowboarding. In the past 15 years, I've probably spent more money on it than Yamaha has on research and development. Well, maybe not that much, but A LOT. It's definitely an addiction for me. My biggest rush was heli-boarding in AK with Chugach Powder Guides. Now I'm hooked, going to have to win the lottery to afford more trips.
After my daughter was born last September, I didn't get any boarding in all winter. It was like going cold turkey.

I feel your pain, I spend as much time as possible at Whistler Blackcomb every year, it's never enough, wouldn't sell my soul for money or boobs, but an endless heli fresh track run, ? Please don't tell the devil.

Anything I can do alone :rolleyes:
TMI dude, need glasses yet?

At least 2 Red Bulls a day, gotta throw boobs in there, riding, and I HAVE to go bass fishing at least once a week, and sometimes more. In fact, I'm going tomorrow AND Sunday. But don't worry, I don't keep or kill the fish because I always release everything I catch.

OMG I can't believe I forgot Bass fishing, I get such a hard time every year because I can't not go no matter what, I would bass fish in a tornado.
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I'm addicted to Coca-Cola. Bad. I drink at least 3 or 4 a day, sometimes more. I'm also addicted to my 360 (namely Halo 3, can't tell you how many hours I've played), boobs, and teh interwebz.
Mmm redheads...also addicted to adrenaline, whether its on my FZ or in one of my turbo cars (neither of which are working very well right now :() I used to play a lot of video games but not so much anymore. Although I do still pull out the Dreamcast for some Shenmue now and then. Oh and coke, gotta have my coke. Although I did some thinking about all the extra calories and switched from Vanilla Coke to Vanilla Coke Zero and lost 10 lbs:rolleyes: Doesn't quite taste the same but oh well, gotta give up something.

I don't think I could give up the taste, but I have lost 25 lbs since I joined this forum, I keep typing and not eating, help, intervention!
DIY (Do It Yourself) projects.

Currently I am:
- Finishing up an 800 sqft room addition that I was the general contractor on
- Building 2 decks (technically part of the addition)
- Building my 2nd Home Theater PC with 6 TB of memory
- Rebuilding the engine on my wife's hobby car, a 1970 MG
- and....oh yeah, making my own exhaust slip ons for the FZ6
No Intelivision with the curly cords? I remember that one.

My Family. Being a shift worker I sometimes go 2 days without seeing my daughter. Breaks my heart.

Re Intelivision. I boghut a PS2 game with about 60 intelivision games on it. My brother & I got smashed in my garage & played it till 4am. It like we were 12 again :D
yeah right...I know what "Bush Boarder" stands for...:rolleyes:

Me, I'm simple...skiing; telemark or downhill (Alpine), bicycle riding/racing (specifically cyclocross racing), motorcycling and shooting.

Here's things I want to do: Sky diving, kayaking and enduro riding.

Haha get your mind out of the gutter. Skydiving would probably be an awesome rush. :rockon:
My FZ, skiing, winetastings, beer with beef jerky, cheeses (our local supermarket opened a cheese stand with >120 varieties, I'm making my way through them all and taking notes!), barbeque (not "grilling", barbeque), music, fresh peach and tomato season (I'm in HEAVEN this time of year), guess that's about it.

For whatever reason I'm completely immune to bubble wrap, never did a thing for me. However, those little cards in your magazines with a perforated dotted line that you can tear?? Irresistible!! :don'tknow:

Lmao im sry thats kinda funny...i guess you never grew out of the "im gonna tear the pages out of this book" stage
Riding is #3. The list below comes after #3

Woodworking is my addictive pastime and I'm always on the hunt for good bargains on tools.

Foods: tomatoes, cucumbers, berries, pineapple and chicken (especially BBQ!). Ice cream (Ben & Jerry's if possible)

Drinks: COFFEE!, Iced Tea, Beer (micro-brews, off the wall beers, nothing domestic and Sam Adam's takes 1st place), Sobe Juices.

TV: House, Bones, Fringe, Mythbusters, Time Warp, Top Gear, NGEO, HDT, Discovery, History and Military channels, American Idol, college hockey and Red Sox

Movies: Anything with Will Smith, Robin Williams, Sandra Bullock, Comic Book related, LOTR, Adam Sandler, most Eddie Murphy.

Book Authors: Stephen King, Dan Brown, Robert Ludlam, Michael Crichton, Anne McAffery, Terry Goodkind, John Grisham among others....

The #1 addiction is my wife. My love, my life, my best friend, my soul mate, my partner, my shoulder to lean on....

#2 is my family and closest friends. My kids first...
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1) g/f
2) cars
3) motorcycles
4) r/c
5) computer
6) music
7) seems working also:spank:............................................
I have a hard time going with out it for more than a few days.

And on a sad note my wife killed my laptop, her laptop, and I'm trying to save up money for a new one. I've been using loaners from friends who trust me.

I hate to admit it but I check that everyday on almost an hourly basis and then get upset when nothing changed. :(

Riding my FZ
I don't like it when I have to park it for the winter and have been thinking of moving someplace warmer just so I could ride year round.

Most of my other additions come from stuff that is found on the internet so...
The #1 addiction is my wife. My love, my life, my best friend, my soul mate, my partner, my shoulder to lean on....

awwwww.....that's nice. I like that. :)

Rep point for that, most DEFINITELY! ;)
music- the only time there are no tunes is when im sleeping
tv- starting to quote commercials I hate commercials
food- Im always hungry
anything with a motor- cars, bikes, atvs, trucks
tinkering- cant resist taking things apart just to see how they work
and of course boobs- im a guy no explination needed
I hate to admit it but I check that everyday on almost an hourly basis and then get upset when nothing changed. :(


Haha, same here. I hate logging in and not seeing a little Red box in the bottom right corner! :banghead: Or even worse, I do see a red box but it turns out to be another mafia wars or some other app invite.
My addictions are as follows:

The smell of freshly-cut grass.
The sound of my piano as I play it.
My son's belly laugh.
Buying baby clothes (I'm pregnant).
CHOCOLATE... But that's a given.
Sex. (Sorry... Too straightforward?)
Sunshine on my skin.

And I'm sure a hundred different other things that would bore you all to death!

Amber ~ the epitome of a 'hot mama'!
Lets see I quit my big bad addiction cold turkey 6 weeks ago (Herb) after 10 years with at least 8 of those having it as daily habit.

But I am still addicted to BEER and BOOZE, my moto (can't wait for the new rubber tomorrow), Coffee/caffeine, surfing the web at work (mostly this forum), scuba diving (been too long:mad:) I am sure I have more but these are all i can think of now
Oh yeah...I forgot one!

The smell of brand new shoes!!!

I went into Payless the other day and the girl who worked there said,"Hi, welcome to payless, can I help you find anything?!" I said,"Um, no thanks, I just came in here to smell the shoes!" Her reaction (seriously) was a cross between :eek: and :eyebrow:

The smell of that store makes me feel really weird! Hopefully SOMEONE understands what I'm talking about. It's like those Febreeze commercials.....you walk in and sniff as much as you can, walk out, walk back in and do it again!!! If they had perfume that smelled like new shoes, I would totally buy cases of it! :drool: :cheer: