Whats your addiction?

*Forester and FZ6 forums
*Modifying my car and bike
*Track days
Video games... I still own all my original consoles and games... except the original Pong system that broke :( ... Atari, Colecovision, atari XE, NES, SNES, Playstation, Xbox, Xbox 360, computer and a ton of emulators

No Intelivision with the curly cords? I remember that one.
Women! (i am into pain)

LOL, pleasure/pain-beauty/danger I feel you on that one man.
Oh yeah almost forgot the obvious, PEPSI! if I don't get one everyday I get weird. Used to be mountain dew, but I kicked the stuff.Was making my stomach hurt.
speed/adrenaline discharges.... anything fast and exhilarating
snowboarding! glad to see there are some other boarders on the forum...
beer! especially this time of year (oktoberfest)
women! well, one woman.... for now...
and herbbbb! i'm a professional connoisseur

oh yeah, and riding my fz is pretty addicting
Flashlight collecting. Knives, guns. Bicycling really fast. Working on things like bikes and motorcycles even though it stresses me out sometimes. Red heads, married one!

Flashlights really are some interesting things these days, especially the high-end expensive ones (Surefire etc.). Far beyond Maglites that's for sure!
Mmm redheads...also addicted to adrenaline, whether its on my FZ or in one of my turbo cars (neither of which are working very well right now :() I used to play a lot of video games but not so much anymore. Although I do still pull out the Dreamcast for some Shenmue now and then. Oh and coke, gotta have my coke. Although I did some thinking about all the extra calories and switched from Vanilla Coke to Vanilla Coke Zero and lost 10 lbs:rolleyes: Doesn't quite taste the same but oh well, gotta give up something.
Snowboarding. In the past 15 years, I've probably spent more money on it than Yamaha has on research and development. Well, maybe not that much, but A LOT. It's definitely an addiction for me. My biggest rush was heli-boarding in AK with Chugach Powder Guides. Now I'm hooked, going to have to win the lottery to afford more trips.
After my daughter was born last September, I didn't get any boarding in all winter. It was like going cold turkey.
Snowboarding. In the past 15 years, I've probably spent more money on it than Yamaha has on research and development. Well, maybe not that much, but A LOT. It's definitely an addiction for me. My biggest rush was heli-boarding in AK with Chugach Powder Guides. Now I'm hooked, going to have to win the lottery to afford more trips.
After my daughter was born last September, I didn't get any boarding in all winter. It was like going cold turkey.

yeah right...I know what "Bush Boarder" stands for...:rolleyes:

Me, I'm simple...skiing; telemark or downhill (Alpine), bicycle riding/racing (specifically cyclocross racing), motorcycling and shooting.

Here's things I want to do: Sky diving, kayaking and enduro riding.
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Coffee, beer, motorcycles, my computer, college sports, and guns. Amd of course boobs. Can't forget boobs.

Not quite the addiction I was referring to. ;)


At least 2 Red Bulls a day, gotta throw boobs in there, riding, and I HAVE to go bass fishing at least once a week, and sometimes more. In fact, I'm going tomorrow AND Sunday. But don't worry, I don't keep or kill the fish because I always release everything I catch.