Where to get a fairing?


Junior Member
Apr 9, 2009
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Overland Park, KS
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I just laid my fz6 down, my second day riding... broke my leg, bikes fine but has a scraped front fairing, scraped tank, and scraped rear fairing behind the seat. Any ideas on where to get these parts replaced??
That really sucks. 2nd day ever of riding or just new bike? As for where to get a new fairing try ebay or look around different MC forums for people selling parts, though it seems a fairing for a new bike may be hard to come by unless you find someone who wanted to make thier FZ6 a completely naked bike. Anyways good luck and heal well.
Sorry to hear about the accident! I hope you heal up fast and can fix the bike in the downtime.

Pics? Show us what is broken.

Darkrider beat me to it... Ron Ayers is top notch!
It was my second day ever riding. I'll go out to it today and take some pictures. Considering that it slid 75 feet im glad it held up as well as it did. I was looking forward to riding today, but i guess i wont be for at least six weeks.
Sorry that you fell, got injuried and scratched the bike. How did it occur? Any lessions we could learn?

As I was riding away from the dealership after taking delivery, a couple of guys watching said to be careful until the 'slick stuff' wears off the sides of the tires so as not to slide when cornering as three of their friends had this occur right after taking delivery of their sportbikes.

After riding a few times I could see the slick shiney rubber/protective sheen wear off up the sides of the tires.
Sorry to hear about your accident! Hopefully, you'll be up and running in short order! New tires are always sketchy until you get the shiny stuff worn off.

You mentioned it being only your second day of riding ever. Have you considered getting yourself enrolled in a MSF course? That class will go a long way towards equipping you with the knowledge and skills you need to move forward. Not too mention, it generally helps with insurance rates.
You can buy just about every OEM part from ronayers.
I've spent well over a thousand dollars through them for oem parts.
thanks that site has a lot of stuff i need. I cant find a brake lever anywhere though, mine snapped off at the hinge. Where could i get one cheap, i cant get alot of hits for an fz6 on ebay. Any specific part number?
They seem to have everything but a brake lever, any ideas where to get one cheap? Not many hits on ebay. And it broke at the hinge so i need that piece too.
Ok, seriously, WTF? We want to know how you crashed so bad on your second day of riding. Bad enough to break a leg and send the bike 75 feet away. I've seen other riders crash and slide into guard rails without breaking a leg. How fast were you going? Did you hit gravel? Screw up a wheelie? Again, WTF? Inquiring minds want to know!