Who likes short shorts? (riding equipment poll)

What do you wear when you ride?

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are you that worried about your bike blowing up?
Because I know that some drivers don't always see motorcycles, I wear minimum jeans, over-the-ankle shoes, gloves and full-face helmet. I plan to get a one-piece suit in the future :innocent:
When it is really hot out I wear a pair of "Draggin Jeans". These jeans have patches of kevlar built into them, so when you go sliding down the pavement you won't get skinned alive. I also wear motorcross style knee pads underneath these jeans.

Of course I'm always wearing boots, jacket, gloves, and helmut.

Goggle "draggin jeans" you will be impressed.
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Always wear my helmet and a pair of leather work gloves. Need to get a jacket and some pants. Just haven't gotten around to it yet.
i always wear a jacket and helmet, with sturdy leather boots. if i had pants i probably wouldn't ride in them most of the time because i only ride when im home from school and its too hot in the summer. on the other hand i will be getting some shorty boots next summer. and i do have gloves but i left them in my apt. at school:spank:

on a side note: if i ride a decent distance or know that i am going to i gear up as much as possible, same if i know im going to ride hard.