who would you vote for and why?

the next President of the United States

  • Barack Obama

    Votes: 77 46.1%
  • John McCain

    Votes: 81 48.5%
  • Bob Barr (Libertarian Party)

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • Ralph Nader (Green Party)

    Votes: 2 1.2%
  • waiting for VP choices

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • not going to vote

    Votes: 5 3.0%

  • Total voters
The answer is a simple one: No. It seems that 88% of the African American population voted for a white guy (John Kerry) last time. See link below.

CNN.com Election 2004


I'll have to jump in here and say that 88% of the African American population did not vote for John Kerry. There is no race where 88% of that race ACTUALLY VOTED, unless somewhere you can find me that, I'm incapable of doing that right now thank you to Budweiser... Maybe 88% of the 25%(maybe) of that population that actually voted, voted for him. So it's a percentage of a percentage, since 100% of people don't vote. And to add, there wasn't a non-white candidate for the presidency that won any nominations for them to vote for. So that's like saying 3 out five people chose the red VW over the green VW, when there was only a red VW and blue VW to choose from.

So, Back to drinking beer and my vacation. Got back from DC this evening after headed there last night. Wasn't too impressed, really. I guess I can say I've seen it now. My parents grass is nicer than that of the white house lawn. And that's their new house which sucks cause it's dead and stuff even compared to their old house, which was sodded so anyways. So yea, anyways, checkin out Virginia Beach tomorrow after a movie since were in Newport News, then Monday morning headed to the other side of the state to stay on Smith Mountain Lake all week and next weekend with my grandparents...doin some fishin and tubing etc. etc...

Carry on.....
Both candidates picked their running mates based upon votes and I think both of the vice president hopefuls could control the president elects they are with.

I'm going to write in myself. :)
Both candidates picked their running mates based upon votes and I think both of the vice president hopefuls could control the president elects they are with.

I'm going to write in myself. :)

I'm curious. What criteria would you rather they had used to pick the candidate? Usually "votes" is what "elections" are all about...

I'll have to jump in here and say that 88% of the African American population did not vote for John Kerry. There is no race where 88% of that race ACTUALLY VOTED, unless somewhere you can find me that, I'm incapable of doing that right now thank you to Budweiser... Maybe 88% of the 25%(maybe) of that population that actually voted, voted for him. So it's a percentage of a percentage, since 100% of people don't vote. And to add, there wasn't a non-white candidate for the presidency that won any nominations for them to vote for. So that's like saying 3 out five people chose the red VW over the green VW, when there was only a red VW and blue VW to choose from.

So, Back to drinking beer and my vacation. Got back from DC this evening after headed there last night. Wasn't too impressed, really. I guess I can say I've seen it now. My parents grass is nicer than that of the white house lawn. And that's their new house which sucks cause it's dead and stuff even compared to their old house, which was sodded so anyways. So yea, anyways, checkin out Virginia Beach tomorrow after a movie since were in Newport News, then Monday morning headed to the other side of the state to stay on Smith Mountain Lake all week and next weekend with my grandparents...doin some fishin and tubing etc. etc...

Carry on.....

"that race" ? really???

you went to your nations capitol, and the most meaningful observation is that the grass is a little patchy in August? I guess the memorials and the centers of government didnt mean much to you?

are you sure you dont want to trade your FZ in for a Harley? or a horse and buggy?
I'm curious. What criteria would you rather they had used to pick the candidate? Usually \"votes\" is what \"elections\" are all about...


I would rather the person pick someone that was not to pull in votes, but brought in to make a country run better. I understand perfectly how votes are gathered and how to appeal to the general public, but that is why I am voting for neither candidate.

Guess its a matter of personal opinion. I simply wished that a running mate was someone you picked because they had similar values, not because the pairing would increase your likeliness to win.;)
I would rather the person pick someone that was not to pull in votes, but brought in to make a country run better. I understand perfectly how votes are gathered and how to appeal to the general public, but that is why I am voting for neither candidate.

Guess its a matter of personal opinion. I simply wished that a running mate was someone you picked because they had similar values, not because the pairing would increase your likeliness to win.;)

Well, I sort of understand. I'd probably vote for Ron Paul if he had any chance at all. But as a write-in it's like throwing my vote away. You end up voting for the "least bad" of the two parties and right now I think that means my vote goes to the Dems. They're the least bad - though perhaps only by a tiny margin. I'd much rather see smaller more efficient and more effective government, but if we can't achieve that (and neither major party has shown ANY restraint there) then I'd at least like to have our government work for me rather than big business. Reagan's "Trickle-down economics" isn't working any more - if it ever did.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TG4fe9GlWS8"]YouTube - Dear Mr. Obama[/ame]
You know it's a real simple vote for me not that I am overly crazy about either Candidate. It would be a cold day in hell before I voted for a candidate that doesn't even know how many states there are(57 according to Obama) and who's wife refers to the caucasion community as "Whitey". That in itself is enough for me besides his inexperience and idiotic tax ideas. Think this country is in bad shape now wait and see what skyrocketing taxes on small business does.
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\"that race\" ? really???

you went to your nations capitol, and the most meaningful observation is that the grass is a little patchy in August? I guess the memorials and the centers of government didnt mean much to you?

are you sure you dont want to trade your FZ in for a Harley? or a horse and buggy?

Are you trying to say I'm a racist? Because I'd just have to laugh. Was I not politically correct? My best friend is black. Anywhoo, I was pointing out that 88% of no individual race voted, let alone 88% of the population. Does that make sense? A very small percentage of each race or of the population actually votes. Does that make it more clear?

The centers of government don't represent a whole hell of a lot other than the places the money goes when it comes out of my paycheck. So, at least they could keep the lawn nice, at least that's what I'd do.....

Sorry to let you in on this, but our government hasn't made this country what it is today, the people have. And if that isn't patriotic, I'm not sure what is. Unless your definition of patriotic involes worshiping the government. If you can't understand that, I'm not sure how I can relate it to you.
As far as this upcoming presidential election goes, California's fate is pretty much decided - Democratic Majority - Obama. From a personal perspective, I must say that the few minutes I glimpsed at the Republican Convention on the tube, it had absolutely no appeal to me. All the words spoken were cheesy and all the speakers seemed phony. The hall was packed with mostly men at least 30+ years older than me and did not have anything in common with me. I know that they are "conservative" and want to protect their assets, traditions, etc... but I'd much rather have them say that instead of the Bologna "It's time for Change..." speeches akin to Obama.

Since California is going to vote for Obama, my vote does not really matter; does it ;)

Regardless who the new president is going to be this election, my life will not change drastically either way. The government is run by the Federal Reserve. And the Federal Reserve is as Federal as "Federal Express" ;)

That's my two cents worth.
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ha i just thought of something. its mccain palin for reps and obama biden for dems. if you change the b in obama with an s and put an n and la in biden.. what do you get??? osama bin laden. hmmm, maybe its a hint lol.
I don’t love McCain, but he is a proven leader and independent thinker, which is probably why some call him "untrustworthy." Obama is not at all a leader, never was. His voting “present” record proves it. He is only consistent in supporting the safest most liberal/socialist agendas. His candid moments and book all support this now transparently hidden philosophy. He seems very nice and intelligent, but not a leader, certainly not a commander-in-chief. That is why I can't vote for him. As for world opinion, don't care, US is loved when its convenient for others and most outsiders don't understand the competitive self-reliant spirit driving american culture. Now don't get me wrong, the right wing can be scary, especially for ohh say a scientict/atheist and the republicans blew there core values out the window of congress..and have paid the price. But, it still a dangerous world and on this one I have to align my priorities with a hawkish, capitalist, low tax, democratic-republic that will not take my guns or profits. Too bad the more independent libertarian party can't really make in-roads.
Last time I was in UK their VAT was only 17% and I believe they have more government provided benefits than the US (Govt provided medical care). Why our \\"VAT\\" would be double theirs for less services is a mystery. :confused:

That's just VAT of 17.5% on purchases. On top of that fuel also has a tax on it of around 70%, hence the price of around $2 a litre of gas. We pay VAT on electricity, gas and water.

Also alcohol and tobacco has a high tax rate of over 80%. On top of that our income tax gets deducted at source, so we don't get much in the way of choice, depends what you earn but 20% or 40% of salary. Again we all pay national insurance at around 11% on our salaries, again deducted at source.

As an indication I pay the equivalent of around $3,500 US dollars a month from my salary before I even get to spend anything. That's without council tax paid to the city council yearly.

Anyway, do enjoy your voting for whoever wins :D
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That's just VAT of 17.5% on purchases. On top of that fuel also has a tax on it of around 70%, hence the price of around $2 a litre of gas. We pay VAT on electricity, gas and water.

Also alcohol and tobacco has a high tax rate of over 80%. On top of that our income tax gets deducted at source, so we don't get much in the way of choice, depends what you earn but 20% or 40% of salary. Again we all pay national insurance at around 11% on our salaries, again deducted at source.

As an indication I pay the equivalent of around $3,500 US dollars a month from my salary before I even get to spend anything. That's without council tax paid to the city council yearly.

Anyway, do enjoy your voting for whoever wins :D

Well, I guess things aren't that much different here in the colonies. Though we have no national VAT, we pay all those extra taxes you mentioned as well, though maybe somewhat different rates of course. And ours are also deducted "at the source" - unless you own your own business. I'll leave you with the following thought - I'm glad you make a wage that allows you to pay that much in taxes. There's a lot of folks in the US who just wish they had a job. The layoff numbers just last week were huge. Again.