Why to go Seattle Seahawks!!!

Why the 49'ers stick with Alex Smith (quarterback) I just scratch my head. He has always been horrible. This is supposed to be some "reinvented" Smith or something but I didn't believe it at all. It's the same, tired old story, again, with him. He starts out okay, or even great, but then when he gets near making points, he just consistently falls apart. It's still the same Alex Smith, missing the wide-open TD shots or getting picked off just as team is nearing the end zone. I don't understand because we already went through all of this with Alex Smith but, now, they bring him back! Maybe it's some messy contract issue---I don't know. The 49'ers were just horrible yesterday, just horrible! He's a horrible quarterback and now, fans have to put up with, yet, another stinkin' year with him. Great job Seahawks for clawing back and thouroughly embarassing the 49'ers.
It was a graet weekend of football, no one knew who was going to win. Seattle won, Dallas lost and Detroit could have won, who would have expected that.