Winter is coming.

One hazard of Fall riding 'round here has to do with back-to-school, the towns re-paint all the crosswalks, sometimes with a solid, 4-foot wide band of paint all the way across the road, talk about slippery. My town has a hard-working bicycle committee that works on road safety issues, for one thing, the crosswalks are striped in foot-wide bands running in the direction of travel, so you can pick an unpainted line through the crosswalk most of the time. Of course, cornering through those alternating bands might mean sliding on the paint, getting traction on the unpainted part, then high-siding, not good ...

Could be worse. In Seattle the city has a process where folks can request to paint murals on certain intersections. Talk about a hazzard!
It felt like winter this morning, although it was a whole 10 degrees (celcius) it was blowing a gale and raining :( (I refused to put my heated grips on as this would have really heralded in the winter ;))
I was out yesterday and thinking I should get the handlebar muffs ready to go back on .. (heated grips you must be posh :-D ) the weather has definitely changed :rolleyes:

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Here in Madison, IN it is in the mid 70s in the day. I have to drive north into Indianapolis next week so I hope the night low isn't to horrible.

The best part is that soon the trees will change color and the rides will have much better scenery. I just bought a neck cover, warmer gloves, and riding pants.
Started feeling it.

Temp said 6 degrees this morning! Thick fog, wet roads.
Cold rain is predicted until about March and after a hitting oil on a roundabout and not noticing until I accelarated off and the back wheel went for a slip and slide at fifty it's time to change to my 'winter riding mode'.

Slightly different to how I ride in the wet, I don't really lean on corners and accelerate much slower in higher gears. Not as fun but much safer and saves a ton on fuel compared to the summer!
I hear you mate, + one on the above, I also dislike the crappy low sun that creates all sorts of horrible reflections that can make familiar roads look unfamiliar.
I'm looking forward to getting more than 200km to a tank though.

Winter schminter. Once spring comes up I ask all the Harley dudes where were they at all winter?

But my limit is anything under 25 degrees F, and that's only because I don't have heated grips. Rode in like 18 once, If i have never rode a bike until that day i would have never again my hands hurt for 5 hours I swear, but that's because I haul ass too. Lol
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