Wolfman goes bush! Lots of Pic's of Oz!

well I am well into my journey. We did not end up leaving Adelaide till 4.30pm, and ended up in Mt Gambier last night after riding about 450km's in about 5 hours including stops.

Today we have ridden along the SA coast, into Victoria, through to the great ocean road.....fun really started here, just rode about 130km's through some of the nicest twisties I have ever ridden! Freaking awesome! Am now at Apollo Bay which is just amazing, beautiful beach, great restaurants, and most importantly, cold beer!!!

The weather has been perfect, 29, no wind, or clouds. Just perfect! Just about to go for a swim in the hotels roof top pool, before going out for a feed and some brew's!

So far we have ridden 870km's, it at least that far again home, but we have decided to go to the grampians tomorrow, and stay there tomorrow night, before riding home on wednesday!

The grampians detour will add about 450km's to the trip home.... But it will be worth it, halls gap in the gramp's is just about my favourite place on this earth !

Bike is running as sweet as, pillion is fantastic, photo's will be awesome!

Sounds like it's going great. Jealous as hell here, great weather is a bonus.

The hot stuff is on the way to you though, take plenty of water for the trip home.
I was so close to just riding past work last night, was beautiful weather, still and just the right temp... could've ridden all night long.

Stay safe mate.

Sounds great mate:rockon:. Nearly as good as Lobie road, but I guess you can't have everything:Flip:...lol. Roof top pool?...lol....doing it in style mate:thumbup:.

Only problem I'd have with a trip like that is all the fishing spots along the way. It'd get a bit distracting...lol.

Can't wait for the pics. Stay safe mate:thumbup:.

Well, i am back!!! Last time i reported in i said we were going to go home via Halls Gap, and stay there tonight, and go home tomorrow.

Well i sorta realised that i needed to be back in town early tomorrow, as i do have work that cannot wait another day! Reality sucks! but a man has to earn a living!

So anyway, after a very BIG night last night...huge fantastic pub dinner, swim's in both the Hotel pool, and the Ocean, lot's of good red wine, "dodgem" cars, and propbably some other stuff that i cant remember...like i said, good red wine! We ended up riding the second half of the absolutely fabulous Great Ocean Road.....about 200+km's of sublime twisties, which require a great deal of respect, but bring a huge grin...hardest part was keeping my eyes on the road in front, as i triede t ride, and take in the magnificient, breath-taking scenery!

Fortuneatly, my "Mystery pillion" was armed with a camera!!!!

That was this morning, and at the end of the Great Ocean Road, at Torquay, it was about midday, and time for us to make the bolt back to Adelaide...all 800+ km's!

We came home via Geelong, Hamilton, Naracoorte, Tailem Bend....freaking long ride, taken at a fairly decent clip on a 34 degree day....we managed to get home at 8.30pm tonight...tired, a little sore, but not broken!

Both of us finished the ride in great spirits, and the trip meter read 1875km's...not bad in just over 48 hours, with 2 nights sleep thrown in!

Bike looks like it has been through bug hell! But other than that, and a slightly noisy chain for the last 150km's, the FZ was flawless....just loved the open road, and the beast was a pleasure to ride in touring mode, with FlyScreen affixed, and Top Box in place...bike really handled the added weight of the pillion & the gear quite well...grunted past everything on the road effortlessly when asked, temp gauge never moving, even in the hot weather we had on all 3 days.

Mr Yamaha, you know how to build an engine!

Anyway, we took gazillions of photo's, here's the first of a whole heap i am going to try and post.

First photo is taken from the bike at over 100km/h...in the Coonawarra Wine growing district, just near Padthaway...this was on Sunday evening on our way to Mt Gambier.

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2nd photo, same spot, but looking over my shoulder at the road ahead...baeutiful gum tree's lining the road.

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The 3rd shot is of something all South Aussie's will recognise, the "Blue Lake" at Mount Gambier...is actually a huge crater.

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4th photo, entering a silky smooth sweeper in the amongst the pine plantations in the South East of South Australia...road was deserted! All ours!

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5th photo, the first of many breathtaking shots, we got at the many lookouts along the Great Ocean Road...i think this is the first of the "12 Apostles".

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6th photo, these rock formations are massive, some as high as a 20 storey building...mother nature at her finest!

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More to come!

Glad you got back OK,
Great pictures and lovely scenery. Is it me or does the last rock formation picture look like a Gremlin? You know your not meant to get them wet lol.

Glad you got back OK,
Great pictures and lovely scenery. Is it me or does the last rock formation picture look like a Gremlin? You know your not meant to get them wet lol.


Thanks, i got back more than Ok, i got back just great...wow, what a ride... had an absolute ball! More great photo's to come, oh and some video, once i have uploaded it..which will take a long while!

More photo's....

Just me and the bike...looking rather impressed with proceedings i might just add!

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The 12 Apostles at a distance...10 times zoom to get this sucker! Incredible!

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They call this one "London Bridge"...i bet it stands longer than the "real thing"!

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Classic "postcard" view of the Apostles!

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Love the Sea Spray in this photo...the Surf below these things is incredibly rough, even on such a calm day as when we were there.

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More sensational scenery!

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More to come!

How are the injuries? your not walking like the Duke are ya lol.

Well in the last few days, i have been pretty good...am walking almost normally for first time since spill, swelling has almost subsided, and riding is easier than walking...ribs are still a bit tender.

All in all, i am about 90%...twinged the ankle, jumping into the pool, which was a good reminder to still take it easy.


Ready to raise the dead on the "Dodgem" Cars...after a few glasses of red!

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Raising the dead!...man these things are silly, but fun!

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It doesnt get any better than this!

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Hmmm...when can i get past?

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Helmet Cam????

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Victorian Government Road Safety sign...at least they are doing something, even if it is all about the biker...and not the cagers trying to kill us all! (Stop rant)

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Re: Wolfman goes bush!

Even More pics!

Best shop ever...open one day a week!

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Great Australian Outback house! Derelict!

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More great Aussie scenery!

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Another classic Aussie country residence....still inhabited, and yes, that whole house is leaning to the right!

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Just the place to put up the "out - laws" when they insist on visiting!

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Whoever said we are having a "drought".

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More to come!!!!!


1st photo...no explanation needed!

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The Murray River at Tailem Bend!

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More Bugs!

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Early evening, heading back towards Adelaide!

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Classic country pub, general store, restaurant, post office...run by 2 lesbians, both wearing no shoes...and this place was right in the middle of nowhere!

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Fantastic LMAO,

Quote[Classic country pub, general store, restaurant, post office...run by 2 lesbians, both wearing no shoes...and this place was right in the middle of nowhere!]

Only you (and possibly Vegas) would discover that fact....
Fantastic LMAO,

Quote[Classic country pub, general store, restaurant, post office...run by 2 lesbians, both wearing no shoes...and this place was right in the middle of nowhere!]

Only you (and possibly Vegas) would discover that fact....

It was actually my "mystery pillion" that discovered our Lesbian publican's...she went in to ask for some ice to "cool down"...apparently the Girls where more than happy to oblige...i threatened to leave my pillion there, she threatened to stay anyway...fun times!