Yamaha brand additives in oppose to Seafoam?


Junior Member
Jul 2, 2012
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Does anyone has any experience using Yamaha "Engine MED RX" and"Fuel MED RX" and what do you think of them in compare to the Seafoam? Specially the Engine Med RX.
From what I've read, its eventually replacing the "Yamaha Ringfree plus" (which is a decarbonizer/cleaner), NOT A FUEL STABILIZER. I've used Ringfree for years in my 4 stroke, Yamaha outboard engine (along with a stablizer) and occassionally in the FZ6.

The Med RX sounds like it does the same but is stronger, works better AND is a fuel STABILIZER.

I normally run a stabilizer and Seafoam (and occasionally Ringfree) in the bike. IMHO, if they make it a stabilizer too, that's one less thing to keep up after.

The regular Ringfree isn't cheap but IMHO, works very,very well...

Quite using ethonol fuel too for the boat (marina fuel much more $) but the ethonol was literally destroying rubber fuel lines.. The additives help keep the ill effects of ethonol at bay..
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Seafoam is just Naphtha, cutting oil and alcohol nothing really special I'm sure the Yamaha stuff is similar maybe without the alcohol. Whatever you use I'm sure any of the big name brands will work just fine.
I do. Can't make an assessment till I start my bike in 3 more months. But, I do believe the local Yamaha rep. His word from personal experience is unassailable. Every snowmobile at the local shop has a testimonial. Damn ethanol!