What we have accomplished in Iraq



I have been reading Mr. Yons writings from the first time he went to Iraq. Tales of hard pressed battles, death, destruction, and fear. Our soldiers (all countries and IRAQI) have basicly destroyed Al Quida.

Read this if you would like something unfiltered by a media intent on failure.

The Art of the End of War

Compare this article from 2005

Little Girl

Yes he took that picture.

Doctor Viana, I Presume

Read about this young lady.

Hell spend some time and read what this man has written from 2005 to today.

He is there. He has nothing to gain from lying. NBC, ABC, CNN, FOX and the rest have to sell advertising to companies. They have a agenda.

Democracy, and peace have won in Iraq. There are those who will perform horrible acts, but they will lose.

Our soliders and Iraqs citizens have not died in vain.
Iraq is pretty boring these day. The fun is all in the 'Stan and its going to get real fun in 09 and into 10. :thumbup:
Thats what he is saying Pete. Most the little bases are to far apart to get help in time, the heliocoptors are to far away, and the only help is from close air support from jets that can get there quick, but cant hang out and provide real long term help.
I haven't read the article but during the surge in 07 the move was to put Soldiers in the neighborhoods vs. large bases. The notion of a COP Combat Outpost and a JSS Joint Security Station was born. This move worked GREAT! The locals felt safe again, response time is very fast and Haji kept his cool. To the best of my knowledge this is still the TTP.

The Stan is a big ass place, very rural with no roads to speak of, so yes that is the case. I don't recall the number of plus up brigades that will land there, eight I think, the difference will be huge.
They deserve freedom. I really have no words to express my appriecation for the sacrifices our soldiers have made.
^^^ I'm not angry in the least and I lived there for a year. Could it have been done differently? Sure. Could it have been done better? yes. But a great deal has been accomplished. When we would watch/listen/read the news about Iraq we'd usually bust up laughing because what was being reported had nothing to do with reality on the ground.

Not sure if this phrase has meaning in South Africa but, it is very easy to be a Monday morning quarterback. Until you are the one making the calls you have no idea the realities of the situation. This doesn't mean you are not entitled to an opinion, but until you are there in the thick of it you have no real idea.

For Iraq to be successful it is now upon the Iraq people to decide what kind of country they want to be and that will take time. There will be ups and downs but now it it up to them. I've met some very nice Iraqis and I wish them the best and I hope they are successful.
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There is a very Northern Ireland feel to Iraq.

At the end of the day it will be the ira`s who sort their own problems out, just like the Irish did.

I doubt if anyone thought that the peace would last as well as has in Ireland.

Iraq is a very complex situation but cannot be resolved without the Iraqis solving their own problems.

I disagree.

Oddly enough very very little of our oil comes from the middle east.

We dont get to sell it, we dont buy it, it is Iraqs oil and they own it.

If we wanted the oil, and were willing to take it as so many have said, we could. We could take Saudi Arabias oil, we could take Irans oil. We could take mexicos oil, we could take venezualas oil, we could take canadas oil.

We have the ability to just basicly smash any country except Russia, China, France, England.

If we just wanted their oil we would not rebuild thier schools, doctor thier children, help them rebuild thier police force, help them hold free elections, rebuild their power grids, help them irrigate thier land and on and on and on.

We would smash the country, take what we wanted and allow them to starve in the streets, rounding up disidents and excuting them with out trial.

If we just wanted thier oil we would not be spending any money or lives in Iraq. It would be a wasteland.

That said I repectfully say I completely disagree with you, and believe you are wrong in your views.
^^^ The majority of the oil we import comes from...drum roll please....CANADA, followed by.....MEXICO. Not the Middle East (ME). The ME is the topic of our friends in Washington DC like to use as a scapegoat. Baaaaah, Baaaaah!

Also, little know factoid, Iraq now produces more oil than ANY TIME UNDER SADDAM. Also during the Surge, or as us in the Army call it, "Plus Up", there was more POWER available than any time under Saddam. Hummm...me thinks the media; left, right and in the middle wanted the US and the rest of the world to not know what was really going on.

(Blame my wife for the capital letters, she made killer Pina Coladas tonight) whew! :thumbup:

"I'll have a cafe, mocha, vodka, valium, latte to go please!"
I disagree.

Oddly enough very very little of our oil comes from the middle east.

We dont get to sell it, we dont buy it, it is Iraqs oil and they own it.

If we wanted the oil, and were willing to take it as so many have said, we could. We could take Saudi Arabias oil, we could take Irans oil. We could take mexicos oil, we could take venezualas oil, we could take canadas oil.

We have the ability to just basicly smash any country except Russia, China, France, England.

If we just wanted their oil we would not rebuild thier schools, doctor thier children, help them rebuild thier police force, help them hold free elections, rebuild their power grids, help them irrigate thier land and on and on and on.

We would smash the country, take what we wanted and allow them to starve in the streets, rounding up disidents and excuting them with out trial.

If we just wanted thier oil we would not be spending any money or lives in Iraq. It would be a wasteland.

That said I repectfully say I completely disagree with you, and believe you are wrong in your views.
i think, that Your narrow views - media influence, forget what tell uncle in TV news. Just think, why? to help, support somebody? for what reason? Iraq's - become american state? there lived american people? NO
Simple reason - bush wanna easy earnings .
I had no in view of that they wished to take away simply oil from the iraq, the government of the United States did not have a control and levers of influence on the Iraq's leaders. Here about what I speak.
The foolish reasons and justifications, notorious utopian democracy in the Iraq, delirium, a weapons of mass destruction - in general the ridiculous reason. Really the government of the United States seriously thinks, what all world - idiots? All it is clear that cheap oil was necessary.
However, when in Russia distances on a bum to Georgians, that they have killed 2 thousand Russian citizens in southern Osetia, all American mass media have started to bear what that bosh that we have attacked on Georgia. (Some of them even have placed a staff flag Georgia-state on the sites on the Internet is has made laugh all world) I do not think that it is democracy. It is an example of double standards in the world. After all when states have supported independence in Kosovo, they did not speak about the international agreements.

By the way, why the United States could not overcome France and England? Very interestingly. Russia and China clearly - to the people is a lot of. And these that two small countries than have deserved such praise?
Forgive magnanimously for wash English, I hardly know this language. I hope the general sense it is clear
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Fishki.Net - Áóíò ñ áîòèíêàìè (4 ôîòî + áîíóñ 18 ãèôîê) | Ôèøêèíà Êàðòèíêà
"In a picture: children play boots of the neighbour – journalist Muntazera al-Zaidi, become after a yesterday's "shoe" duel with the US president, almost national hero. The boot became the weapon of the Iraq proletariat, hundreds people left on streets with the requirement to release the journalist who has been arrested after yesterday's incident."

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[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TawKFNKNdps"]YouTube - BUSH KILLED 84000 CHILDREN!!!!!![/ame]
second front...
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlmkC4dZFuM&feature=channel"]YouTube - Fox News cuts American child for thanking Russian troops[/ame][/QUOTE]

Нахуй войну
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^^^ I'm not angry in the least and I lived there for a year. Could it have been done differently? Sure. Could it have been done better? yes. But a great deal has been accomplished. When we would watch/listen/read the news about Iraq we'd usually bust up laughing because what was being reported had nothing to do with reality on the ground.

Not sure if this phrase has meaning in South Africa but, it is very easy to be a Monday morning quarterback. Until you are the one making the calls you have no idea the realities of the situation. This doesn't mean you are not entitled to an opinion, but until you are there in the thick of it you have no real idea.

For Iraq to be successful it is now upon the Iraq people to decide what kind of country they want to be and that will take time. There will be ups and downs but now it it up to them. I've met some very nice Iraqis and I wish them the best and I hope they are successful.

I agree 100%

Im living here now and have spend 2 of the last 3 years here. There isnt much going on anymore.
Georgia has very very very very little to do with Iraq. Oddly enough Russia invaded Georgia.

I get none of my news from the T.V.
I sure dont trust it.

The UN (Russia is a member) stated repeatedly that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. So that shoots one part of the argument down.

If you believe we think all the world are idiots, and that we got cheap oil from invading Iraq, maybe you should do a little research on where the oil we use comes from. The price of oil, who controls the price of oil, where oil is produced, and the amounts of oil produced.

On the England and France note. They have nuclear powered ballistic missle submarines, and excellent air power, as does Russia.

Seriously though, study on Iraq under Saddam. Seriously study on it man. I am not asking you to change your mind. I disagree with you and that is that.

You post videos of the people in the street in support of the man that thru his shoe. Under Saddam he would be dead today. The people in the streets would be dead unless it served Saddams intrests to allow it.

That is the difference now. They have the power of determination of the future of thier country.

I have met Russian submariners during the end of coldwar. We had a great time. Very proud men. I was a submariner, they went back out to sea to thier job, and I went back to mine. Had our leaders made a foolish mistake we would of both done our best to kill the other. I harbor no ill will towards Russia.

Time will tell, I believe that the Iraqi people are better off now.

The video of America killing 84,000 children is bullcrap. Its not true. On that note you speak of news outlets speaking propaganda and then post propaganda??? That one did not help the case at all. :thumbup:
The UN (Russia is a member) stated repeatedly that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. So that shoots one part of the argument down.

But! UN Not supported this operation in Iraq. its initiative by usa government , by the way where weapons? Myth?

If you believe we think all the world are idiots, and that we got cheap oil from invading Iraq, maybe you should do a little research on where the oil we use comes from. The price of oil, who controls the price of oil, where oil is produced, and the amounts of oil produced.
Why you speak "we" I spoke not about you and not about all american ppl. I spoke about the government of the United States. :Flash:
Oil comes from all plases in the world, including Dubai, Iran... Do you remember where went hijack an Oil-tanker by Somalian pirates from Saudi Arabia? in USA

You post videos of the people in the street in support of the man that thru his shoe. Under Saddam he would be dead today. The people in the streets would be dead unless it served Saddams intrests to allow it.
People in Iraq did not ask the help from the United States and are not glad to the American soldiers is the fact

You have not answered on my question. What for to the United States to climb in another's country? The frank help?? Not all is simple. In your country without money will not cure a teeth and will not educate, so You should understand it better me -Means there is economic interest. Yes, May be saddam can not was a good governor, but it was THEIR governor. Whence to you the nobility it was good it or its bad and how became now? А you had visit in iraq? Nevertheless him executed because in far 1982 (what america waited 28 years?) it has killed 148 persons. And the president georgia Mishko has killed 2 thousand persons, but it good because his country near to russia and it should be in the NATO for strategic reasons. (Rockets there are convenient for pushing). Therefore in georgia there is more than half of budget - subsidy from the United States.

On the England and France note. They have nuclear powered ballistic missle submarines, and excellent air power, as does Russia.
And how about India, Pakistan, Israil and north Korea? You did not know that they too have a nuclear weapon? Do not attack them! Will shower with bombs booo ))))
read this -> Ten Myths About Nuclear Weapons, by David Krieger and Angela McCracken, July 7, 2003
The video of America killing 84,000 children is bullcrap. Its not true.:
А You believe, that nobody die from the peace population? And the majority of people rejoiced to arrival of the American army?
You know why bush did not to be won? Because it is war with the population, guerrilla war, the most difficult war. I know - in chechnya(in Russia) was as. Though why I tell a word "war". It not war, Nobody declared war to states. This intervention in affairs of the sovereign state if to name it just as names this American TV speaking about problems on the Caucasus

i dont care, I am not the ardent patriot of my country. Irritates, as on similar problems of our countries to a miscellaneous makes comments on your government - kosovo vs osetia, a difference only that in southern osetia there live russian citizens. The Chechen Republic and iraq. But in Chechen Republic live rus. citizens and it is territory of the Russian federation. but if usa accepts independence kosovo - allright! there are no problems. And just if Russia accepts independence of South Ossetia - tut-tut! It contradicts arrangements. About Chechen Republic They told bullЩЕТ
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This is just plain ridiculous to me. The US go places to serve justice, well thank you very much. Now, who invites the US to come and help them out by leveling cities and killing innocent people. "Oops, it was a mistake..." You know, being the powerful nation gives you the possibility to mess around with people and nations' lives, fine. i can live with that. But don't go around telling people how much good you've done. I am not going to repeat myself regarding the story of my country, it's getting old. I am not going to post anything else in this thread either, but please, do think what I have written here before answering or posting anything else. Being open minded for once is not a bad thing.
Originally Posted by wrightme43
The UN (Russia is a member) stated repeatedly that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. So that shoots one part of the argument down.
But! UN Not supported this operation in Iraq. its initiative by usa government , by the way where weapons? Myth

Resolution 1441 specifically stated:
  • That Iraq was in material breach of the ceasefire terms presented under the terms of Resolution 687. Iraq's breaches related not only to Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs), but also the known construction of prohibited types of missiles, the purchase and import of prohibited armaments, and the continuing refusal of Iraq to compensate Kuwait for the widespread looting conducted by its troops in 1991.
  • That "...false statements or omissions in the declarations submitted by Iraq pursuant to this resolution and failure by Iraq at any time to comply with, and cooperate fully in the implementation of, this resolution shall constitute a further material breach of Iraq’s obligations
Russia and France both voted against the war in Iraq based on huge huge huge illegal, contracts with Iraqs Bathist government.

(there isnt room in here to post everything in one post so it may take a few) I get the distinct feeling I am wasting my time though. It seems what you are really arguing is a justification for the invasion of Georgia. Which A. has nothing to do with this thread. B. was a single country invading another country. C. had no UN mandate or resolutions pending, or in violation of.

But here goes anyway, since I am having a horrible day and this gives me something to do.

In answer to the weapons of mass destruction.

We removed 550 tons of yellowcake uranium from Iraq.

I guess I could go into all the document proof, of Russian trained Iraqi security officers, and equiptment.

I could also go into the very strong evidence of Russian involvment in the movement of Iraqi WMD into Syria.