Iraq results

I clearly stated that they lied. If you think that the president of the United States, ANY president of the United States, is going to tell you the truth about these matters, then you are not really capable of political debate. That is elementary and the basis for discussion, that's kind of the point. We don't live in an infantile fantasy world of easily understood, clean cut, honest answers to extremely complex world issues delivered directly to your living room by someone wih no vested interest in swaying your opinion to either garner support for himself or his policies. Ignorance is bliss. I think they had conflicting data and made their decisions based on that data, then exagerrated or surpressed certain information that a) would have been fodder to further delay the decision that they strongly viewed as the correct course of action, and b) would have been twisted and turned against an young administration in crisis. Do I agree with those actions? No I do not. Do I think that they are any different than any other administration every to serve this country? Absolutely not. Do I think it was the wrong action? No I do not. Politics can be summed up as the ends justifying (in the minds of the politician) the dirty dishonest means used to produce results. Look at the circus happening in front of us right now with our current administration, the blatant lies, deciept, false outrage, staged crisises, and distraction, all to rush through and pass a political adgena of one man that will do or say anything to get it in place. "Every hour that this bill isn't passed is costing thousands of jobs in America." Then he takes a three day vacation before signing it. He lied. He lied to get what he wanted, a bill passed without being read. Where the f*ck is your outrage over that?


Passing an economic stimulus budget that is skewed towards industries that will employ working class people here and not to no bid multi-national corporations who move their head quarters off shore to avoid possible criminal prosecution, even if passed on lies and misrepresentation rises to the same level as lies and misrepresentation used to take our country to war and allow profiteering that benefits none of us here?

Sorry but I can't get my mind around that one?
I am amazed!:rof:

And I'm not at all surprised by that either :D

What I think you should do is bowl with the president, he'll even let you win too! He loves you you know, because you're special just the way you are :thumbup: Now sign this pledge...