What's in a forum name?

people who say you have boring ones its not its actually interesting how you make it and steph well your steph .. it says it you ... everyones name means something ! :)

right.. if she changed her name and came on, we would all be like "who the heck are you???" :thumbup:
In high school, my brother broke his glasses. He put tape over the bridge to fix them and looked like such a huge geek we started calling him "Bob Shuckle" (no idea where that came from just sounded geeky)

Before long all his friends were firstname Shuckle -- so I was Tom Shuckle.

Not long after that, being lazy, we just started calling each other Shuckle or Shuck.

Turns out there's a pokemon character called Shuckle -- which is where my turtley looking avatar came from.

It's a story, not necessarily a good one.
In high school, my brother broke his glasses. He put tape over the bridge to fix them and looked like such a huge geek we started calling him "Bob Shuckle" (no idea where that came from just sounded geeky)

Before long all his friends were firstname Shuckle -- so I was Tom Shuckle.

Not long after that, being lazy, we just started calling each other Shuckle or Shuck.

Turns out there's a pokemon character called Shuckle -- which is where my turtley looking avatar came from.

It's a story, not necessarily a good one.

I like your disclaimer at the end :D
I had an attitude like the character my name portrays and people stuck with it. Also go by Fazer other places. Usually just Jared though
I have been wondering for years, on both forums, how you would pronounce that. Mystery finally solved! :cheer:

Ha, ha, ha...seriously? That's just hilarious to me! Then again, I can understand the confusion on how one might pronounce it since I do the same thing with other people's screen names. I'm glad I could finally solve the mystery for you Fizzy! :thumbup:

And FZ6inNH...yours isn't boring...it's you and where you are. LOL...I've always kinda liked it, actually. It's easy to remember and there's no doubting that it might be somebody else. :rockon:

On our local group, I actually just changed my screen name from CCHOUSEKY to BlueFazer because my girlfriend had raised the concern that my screen name might be revealing too much of who I am in the real world. She doesn't do or understand the whole forum thing, though, and doesn't realize that if I changed my screen name here, nobody would know who I was and it would be like starting all over again. I can't have that! :eek:
Hmm, great topic. Interesting to read of the various ways people come up with names.

As for me, I used my xbox live name. Came about that because of the number of times I died when playing first person shooter games on the pc, (HalfLife 2 Deathmatch...I used eagle970 back then), and my friends would comment "hehe, stumbled again eagle". Had to add on the '06, because plain ol' Stumbles was taken.

Weird... yes, strange... maybe, but it's me ;)

Mine came from my Motocross ATVing days. When we'd all go to the track to practice I always ended up getting the most pictures taken of me and was known to show out a bit throwing tricks over the big air jumps. So they started calling me "Hollywood" and the 416 was the size of the engine in my quad.
Im Dave
6 months out from becoming an Occupational Therapist (OT)
last name starts with a Z

I was thinking Lucy but I think this works better...
Steph, I'm with you. The benefit of course being that Keira is a very very uncommon name :) I was drinking when I joined and couldn't think of anything better....

on all my other forums and stuff I am mzdagrl or mzdagrl04. Took that name in college for IM becaue I drove the only Mazda in my family. Started in a B2000 pickup truck, then bought a 1988 323, then "upgraded" to a POS '94 MX-3 that I am currently trying to sell. I now have been converted and drive my mom's old Honda Accord. It was always a joke that I was the Mazda Girl in a family full of Honda owners (at the time my mom had the Accord, my brother drove a Civic, and my dad had a CRV).
My name has been my AIM screen name forever, and is a result of my friends not thinking I was an idiot. The "grand" wasn't for being great... it was for being "wise" like a grandpa :( I guess in comparison to most of my friends growing up I made good choices with my life. The "a" is for Andy, my name, and the "080" is because 8 is my favorite number.

I think my handle is lame. I'm lame, but cool with it.
I had an 1987 Chevy K5 Blazer that I drove on the trails in the mountains near here. It has been my e-mail and various forum name for over 10 years now. I should sue GM for stealing my name and slapping it on one of their suvs.:spank:
Chemiker is German for chemist, which I am. I have CHEMIKR on my license plate on my car, so thought I would just keep it going.

The German word for chemist is usually not taken on forums about motorcycles so it's always available.
8 is a awesome number!
My name has been my AIM screen name forever, and is a result of my friends not thinking I was an idiot. The "grand" wasn't for being great... it was for being "wise" like a grandpa :( I guess in comparison to most of my friends growing up I made good choices with my life. The "a" is for Andy, my name, and the "080" is because 8 is my favorite number.

I think my handle is lame. I'm lame, but cool with it.
Some friends started calling me sideshow durring my first deployment because i was always goofing off to lighten the mood and i ride a unicycle so the circus part of sideshow fits as well. Downs is my last name
Thanks for all the posts guys and gals! It is interesting to hear how people come up with their names ('boring' or not). It certainity has shed some light on "how the heck did he/she come up with that user name".

Keep it up!
Oh, what the heck...
Old= Where I'm headed, Fast= What I used to be, 007, what can I say, I've always liked Bond flicks..:ban: