$%# the police


Junior Member
Mar 22, 2009
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Fort Wayne,IN
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I just got home from a motorcyclist nightmare. I was sitting at a stop light with my buddy and we were talking about when he needed to get home. I had my visor up to hear him. We took off from the light and about half way across the light i see, in my mirror a car get into the left turn lane at the light we were going through. Didn't think anything over it. I just shift into second and have my hand on my visor to flip it down. This car that i saw comes flying past us im guessing around 80 mphish through the center lane. Last thing i see clearly are the cop car markings. The cop shot up gravel, duct, and other randomn debris into both me and my buddies faces. I lost almost all my vision at once. My first thought was $%^#$% I got to get to the side of the rode. I flip on my hazards and slow to about five (remember i can't see anything). As I slow my buddy squeels his tires, and i hear 3 horns in front of me (which i can only assume were honking at the cop for similiar reasons) and 3 horns in back of me (which i assume were trying not to hit us). I lay on the horn and slowly switch lanes because i was on the inner lane of a 4 lane two way street. My buddy struggling behind me, is still newish to riding, has sucked up so much sh!t in his mouth that he is just trying to not puke in his helmet. Some how we got over to the side of the rode and Iflip off my helmet just to make it easier for me to see and make sure we are off the rode. I hear my friend start puking all over. I start to rub stuff out of my eyes and see we are in the entrance to a car dealership. When my friend pauses in between his bouts of puking he informed me that "THE MF DID THAT TO GET THROUGH A LIGHT JUST TO GET TO MCDONALDS." We sat there for about 20 mins while i was trying to get stuff outta my eyes and my friend pukes. My almost brand new FZ6 now has 5 or 6 scratches on the front, same with my buddy, and my helmet was scratched up to hell. thanks for listening to my rant i just need to vent.
I know how you feel, a cop almost ran me off the road today on my way to work. He was trying to pull over another car and shot across two lanes of traffic to get him, and almost wiped me out. sometimes you gotta realize that cops are human just like everyone else on the road and they pose just as much of a danger. What sucks, is the fact that if they get mad, they just give you a ticket. Remember, a cager, is a cager, no matter what they drive.
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if you have a clean record could you file a report and get the damaged fixed? not that you you really want to, but reading that story really pisses me off. Love those people above the law. Maybe the big mac he ate will give him Dysentery
I would report it to the local cop shop. Ask to speak to someone in charge, have your facts correct- time of day, location road conditions and hazard the officer created and most of all BE POLITE. Ask if you can file a damage report along with your complaint.

On the other hand if he was racing to save one of your loved ones from harm you would care less what he did to get there.
if it was not a cop that did it would you still "report" it? your making a big deal about it being a police car. if it was just some random person the did that o get to mc donalds would you find that car and report it to the police?, or do you just want to do it because it was a cop?
^ Obviously a police officer.

Hell yes, I'd be more pressed to report it because it was a police officer! Are you kidding me? First, if it were some random cager, you'd probably have no way of figuring out who it was, as opposed to a police officer who's in a marked car with a unique ID #.

Second, just because you have a badge and drive a car with big flashy lights doesn't give you the right to disregard other people's safety, no matter what you're doing. Going to McDonald's or responding to an officer involved shooting...I don't care. What good does it do if you're responding to something terrible only to kill or hurt someone on the way there because you're driving recklessly???

You're damn right I'd report him. And I'd file a report to get the damage to the bike and helmet fixed and him reprimanded. Police officers AREN'T above the law (as much as a lot of them like to THINK they are).
this could go back and forth for a long time. he may have been coming up behind them for a long time who knows. but if your gonna rant and complain you gotta get the facts first. go to the PD and find out what they were doing. maybe someone was choking, maybe they were getting robbed. don't complain about the police doing something "wrong" if you don't know the whole story. also complain to the local street department, they should have the roads all cleaned up from junk in them. go complain to them see what they say. or stop blaming other people. go to your insurance and get your bike fixed on your own, that is what comp insurance is for. also if you ever need help don't all the police if they try to hurry they might kick up some dust and hurt someones feelings NO OFFENSE TO ANYBODY ON HERE< I CAN RANT AS WELL.
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Sucks to hear it but what I dont get is how do you know he went to McDonalds? Did you see him, if thats the case park you bike and go have some words..
if it was not a cop that did it would you still "report" it? your making a big deal about it being a police car. if it was just some random person the did that o get to mc donalds would you find that car and report it to the police?, or do you just want to do it because it was a cop?

It does matter that it was a police officer. There is a responsibility in every job and part of his is to set an example. Had the officer saw a motorcycle pull a similar move you think he would have given him a ticket? you bet. I think "Because it was a cop" is a plenty good reason to take extra steps, this is a person who is supposed to be trained in vehicular control. He has to be accountable to the people he is being paid to protect.
I agree... i understand your POed... I hate that cops do that crap too, and i realize its possible that he was just being a d!ck... but i always tend to give the cops the benefit of the doubt. Only because you have no idea what he was going to. No offense to your post... but i have heard many people complain about cops flying through intersections... and doing all kinds of crazy maneuvers then turning their lights off and driving normal 1/4 mile later... and people always say "those ahole cops think they are above the law". Usually thats not the case... alot of my good friends are police officers and i have been on MANY i repeat MANY calls with them when we get something big... bank robbery, domestic, 1050PI and you go flying... do some crazy ish to get there asap.. and then 1/4 mile later you get called again saying that someone is there and the situation is under control. I had one time where it was a hotel robbery (silent alarm), and we must have driven past it 7 or 8 times, passing other police cars going lights and sirens too, kept making U turns... nobody could find it... it turned out it was not a hotel, it was a bed and breakfast type establishment , and the alarm had been tripped by accident. So there is a perfect example, imagine how those other motorists felt seeing 4 or 5 police cars driving in circles, doing U turns in the middle of the road, flying for 500 yards then turning around abrubptly. Then all of a sudden they all turn their lights off and drive normal...

... Just always think that they are on their way to something life threatening and it will make you feel a little better...

Sorry you took the bad end of it this time... but think... Someones life might have been saved... Or he could have just been the first in line for the McChicken :thumbup:
this could go back and forth for a long time. he may have been coming up behind them for a long time who knows. but if your gonna rant and complain you gotta get the facts first. go to the PD and find out what they were doing. maybe someone was choking, maybe they were getting robbed. don't complain about the police doing something "wrong" if you don't know the whole story. also complain to the local street department, they should have the roads all cleaned up from junk in them. go complain to them see what they say. or stop blaming other people. go to your insurance and get your bike fixed on your own, that is what comp insurance is for. also if you ever need help don't all the police if they try to hurry they might kick up some dust and hurt someones feelings NO OFFENSE TO ANYBODY ON HERE< I CAN RANT AS WELL.

You just can't use capitalization and punctuation...:Flip:
"$%# the police". So you have a bad experience with a police officer or two and now there all lumped in the same category. That's kinda like saying all motorcyclists are bad because of few of them are idiots. I feel bad for ya, but take your beef out with the individuals, not an entire profession. Sorry... end rant.
wish i could thank you more than once... Not a police officer, but i hate the general classification of "F them all " not just "the one who hurt my feelings"
if it was not a cop that did it would you still "report" it? your making a big deal about it being a police car. if it was just some random person the did that o get to mc donalds would you find that car and report it to the police?, or do you just want to do it because it was a cop?

If it wasn't a cop, the person would get a beatdown, and would have to buy new tires/mirrors/windows.

Since it's a cop, filing a report and trying to get the cop disciplined and get money to fix your bike is the plan.
THAT IS WHY YOU RIDE WITH EYE PROTECTION AT ALL TIME! You should have put your visor down before you starting rolling.

As far the police driving aggresively? It happens everwhere. We just had a LV Police officer die a couple of weeks ago when his police cruiser broadsided a 4x4 pickup on the way to an emergency call. The pickup took a left hander in front of the cop. They arrested the driver for DUI, and failing to yield to an emergency vehicle. They pretty much hung that dude out to dry.

Investigation showed that the police officer Did Not have his Lights & Sirens On. The Officer was travelling at 109mph on a very busy surface street that has a posted limit of 45mph. The speed of impact was at 90mph. The officer was not wearing his seat belt. The guy driving the pickup survived, and tried to help the trapped officer by putting out the fire. As mentioned before, he was charged with DUI. Results showed that he had a BAC of .035, and .025 an hour later. Well below the legal limt.

This was a rare and unfortunate incident in which the Police Officer used very bad judgement. He was traveling too fast without the use of emergency lights and sirens.

R.I.P. Just remember, if you ever have to call 911, you would want the police to respond to your call as quickly as possible if it's really an emergency. So give them some slack and be sure to yield to them whenever you see them with emergency lights on But we definately want them to get their safely.

As far as your particular incident, don't really know what that cop was thinking, but sounds like he used very bad judgement as well. And with what I just posted, just shows that their bad judgement can get themselves killed. I've had an incident with a police cruiser myself, I know the feeling. No matter how wrong they might have been, they won't admit it.
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