Post your Pet!!!

This is my Cat, his name is Peedee or PD, he is 17 years old now. So I thought he deserved a few pics.



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My two mad labradors - both 12.

Yellow - Brocky (named after Peter Brock - Aussie racing car legend) - she's blind.
Black - Senna (named after the Formula 1 great, Ayrton Senna)
Evie - pedigree greyhound nearly 7 months old and already 17kg! A really lovely pet and, apart from a few mad minutes here and there, pretty much exercises herself off the lead.

OK, here is my motley crew!

This is Smokey, our 2 year old rescue:
He is sitting on the steps, looking out the back door, for bunnies.
View attachment 27239

This is Olivia, our 4 year old rescue:
She is the sweetest, most well behaved dog I have ever had.
View attachment 27240

And this is Gabby, our current foster:
We were at Petsmart for an adoption event, and she was testing the beds.
View attachment 27241
Here is my friend's adopted (saved) baby, Husker (IMG_1143), she also has a rescued "fat cat", Zorro, I'll try getting a picture of the "fat cat", it's huge.

Here is the whole "fun" clan (IMG_1144) from the front: Husker, Lakota "craziness" (my friend's neighbors dog) and "kissing" Sadie (another friend's rescued dog).

They all love going to the woods for a swim, walk and playtime.

Even though they're not my pets, I do spend a lot of time with them and it feels like if they were also mine.

This was the sunset taken that same day (IMG_1140)

Sorry that the pictures are not the best, I took them with my cellphone and there was not a lot of light.
Meet Millie..6 weeks old Patterdale Terrier with my daughter Abigail..she can curl up and sleep in the palm of my hand..(the dog that is :D)


Meet Millie..6 weeks old Patterdale Terrier with my daughter Abigail..she can curl up and sleep in the palm of my hand..(the dog that is :D)



Wow!!!!! Congratulations!!!!
what a Gorgous picture (the one with your daughter)

I show them to my friend and she was remembering how her "baby" was like that (the dog).

Thanks for sharing,
Well this is my pet. It's a Miniature Pigmy Donkey. They don't eat much and I just feed him Oats, Grass, water and sometimes Beer.

Here he is peeking out of my pocket where he likes to hide.

and another picture of my friend venturing out of my pocket.

Some times I put those little salad carrots in my pocket and he really like them!

Yeah....I know....I'm a Horse's A$$!. :rof::rof:
This is Gilbert,my 2yo Ridgeback



I'll be with this breed for life.They are the most wonderfull dogs with the kids and would die before letting anyone get close to the family.
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