theft attempted failed, but could it have succeeded?


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Aug 27, 2009
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so my bike rests in my backyard with the wheel locked sideways. the only way into the back yard is a very narrow ally way.

I wake up this morning and go to my bike and first notice an old crappy helmet on the ground. then i get to my bike and notice that the ignition cylinder is stuck open and not working.

So they tried to start my bike or get the wheel lock off so they could roll it out i'm assuming. Is it possible to pick a lock like that? with enough time could they have gotten the wheel to unlock? Were these guys just idiots thinking they could succeed at something?

I'm going to start putting on my disc lock again, but other than that are there any stories of guys lifting a bike down an ally way to steal it?

how do I get the wheel unlocked now so I can get the bike fixed? I feel like its stuck in my own backyard now.
You'll need the key barrel to be operational to disengage the steering lock. If you force it, you will damage it. I'm surprised they didn't just kick the steering lock off tbh. Can anyone confirm if the steering lock on the fz6 is part of the frame?
Thieves suck! Have you filed a police report? Even if the theft wasn't successful, it's good to file it for insurance purposes and to help law enfocement track any trends; ie, a bike theft ring moving into the area.
It isn't that hard to break a stearing lock. you hear reports of that happening all the time. I have a metal loop bolted to the driveway that I run a cable and lock through. Lock the bike up every night.
so my bike rests in my backyard with the wheel locked sideways. the only way into the back yard is a very narrow ally way.

I wake up this morning and go to my bike and first notice an old crappy helmet on the ground. then i get to my bike and notice that the ignition cylinder is stuck open and not working.

So they tried to start my bike or get the wheel lock off so they could roll it out i'm assuming. Is it possible to pick a lock like that? with enough time could they have gotten the wheel to unlock? Were these guys just idiots thinking they could succeed at something?

I'm going to start putting on my disc lock again, but other than that are there any stories of guys lifting a bike down an ally way to steal it?

how do I get the wheel unlocked now so I can get the bike fixed? I feel like its stuck in my own backyard now.

If you can get a small 4 wheel dolly, you can put the front wheel on it and wheel it to where you'll work on it/shop.

Once the front wheel is off the ground the upper triple tree needs to come off to replace the ignition switch/ steering lock. The switch is held in with security bolts, drill off the heads(the switch will then come off) and unscrew the left over studs with vise grips. When replacing the switch with a new one, use regular (I'd prefer SS) bolts...
Sorry to hear that, I can't stand thieves. I see you are from NJ, which part? I am in NJ as well, I am actually in the process of ordering a disc lock myself, the thing that sucks about having a motorcycle even if they don't steal it they can just tip it over... good luck getting your bike fixed.
In the uk there's quite afew bike thiefts were they just load it in a van and away. complete with chains or disk locks. Im sure alot of spare parts on e bay come from this trade. Only thing to do is what i do and tell my son.Chain it to a lamp post!! with the alarm on.
Can anyone confirm if the steering lock on the fz6 is part of the frame?

I can confirm that. There is a sliding bolt from the ignition barrel that slots into the frame.

I was cleaning my bike today and remembered this post so thought I would grab a photo.

This is with the steering locked, you can just see the bolt going into the frame...

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This one is with the key in the "on" position... No locking...

View attachment 30012
