Revolutionary new cable lubricator

Great Idea! Would you be interested in selling it through (new website coming within the week)

04Fizzer, I don’t get why your busting this guys balls...? So the solution to a problem uses everyday products to accomplish a common goal, think about ordinary soap and how many different types exist for different purposes... I think some criticism is great but only when it's constructive! Entrepreneurs are like wind-up toy cars; we bump into the wall a couple times before finding an open door to race through! So give this guy a chance, it sounds like people are already buying his stuff anyhow...
Great Idea! Would you be interested in selling it through (new website coming within the week)

04Fizzer, I don’t get why your busting this guys balls...? So the solution to a problem uses everyday products to accomplish a common goal, think about ordinary soap and how many different types exist for different purposes... I think some criticism is great but only when it's constructive! Entrepreneurs are like wind-up toy cars; we bump into the wall a couple times before finding an open door to race through! So give this guy a chance, it sounds like people are already buying his stuff anyhow...

Haters gonna hate no matter what.

I like the idea of individual syringes instead of a big can. You can lube your cable before you get on the bike, throw the syringe in the trash and move on. It doesnt have to become a maintenance event.
I was a pilot tester for Travis' kit and found it to be VERY simple to use, very efficient and Well thought out. With the method of delivery, his product doesn't require me to disassemble anything, just feed to tube into the cable sheath and apply the lube! One kit will fill all three cables and you can do this in just a few minutes... like while the bike warms up for the day's ride.

Now I'll put on my Moderator Cap here and ask all you nay-sayers to please go edit or delete you posts or one of the staff will as you've all broken a forum rule which you've agreed to when you joined.

Admin said:
Posts will be deleted at the discretion of the moderators.
There is tendency to post negative replies when someone lists an item for sale that others consider "overpriced". Negative comments will not be tolerated. To put it simply-If you dont have anything good to say; keep it to yourself.
I never thought of lubing cables like this before, we have syringes and cannulae lying around at work, I will grab some when I go back after the holidays! Thanks for the idea! :thumbup:

That's exactly where I started. Obviously I have spent some time optimizing it for this use, but if you can get it to work, good for you. Of course, if you want the perfect product, email me about shipping overseas :D
could we order not from ebay if we are in the US since I can't find it on ebay?

Yes. I haven't put it on ebay yet, so that's why you can't find it. Send $15 via paypal to [email protected] and I'll send you a kit. Don't forget to put your shipping information in the notes when you order.
Travis, ignore posts like this.

Great job :thumbup:

That is absolutely right. If it weren't for entrepreneurs like yourself this country and world for that matter would not be the same. Sometimes the best products don't have to be a big complicated deal. Some of the best products out there are so simple that it makes you say "why didn't I think of that"? Just look at grip puppies, frame sliders, or even that friggin snuggy thing. Good luck with your product. I'll likely be in contact for a kit of my own.

It's often the people who can't think for themselves that will be the first to criticize the ideas of those who can. :thumbup:
Brilliant idea Travis , hope it makes you a bit of spare coin :thumbup:And remember Humpy if it makes you millions :D

Also please pay no attention to the few naysayers , jealousy is a curse :thumbup:
The orders are rolling in, keep them coming!

As far as the negativity, I'm not bothered. It's to be expected when conducting business, especially under the cloak of anonymity known as the internet. At the end of the day, the superior performance of this product will speak for itself. Get yours today and see for yourself :thumbup:
I was also a pilot tester for this product last year while he was going through some trial and error. This system made my cable lubing life 1000 times easier and cleaner. I have been riding for about 100,000 miles on various bikes, needless to say, i have lubed a few cables in my day...

I have tried the disaster of a clamp on type luber that "Forces" the lube down the tube, i ended up with more lube on the bike than in the cable = in the trash.

I have tried the fill a plastic "Zip-Lok" bag with oil and rubber band it to the top of the cable and let it gravity feed to the bottom. works well, but takes forever and need to take the cable completely off the bike.

I have tried simply jamming the big plastic tube for spray lube down the sheath... didn't work AND made a mess.

I got this kit and was amazed at how simple and clean it was to use. takes me 10 minutes now to lube brake and throttle cables and no mess at all. not to steal a slogan, but "So easy a Caveman could do it" comes to mind. I could care less that he made it out of everyday items, or that other people have come up with similar ideas. He made it small enough to take with you, manageable enough for anyone to use, and clean enough for even the most anal bike polisher to be pleased with. He deserves the orders simply for the idea and implementation.

bring this kit with you in your tank bag and show people on group rides how easy it is to use. Fact of the matter is that cable lubing is one of the most annoying tasks that need to be done frequently and this makes it a piece of cake.

I already have a kit from being a tester, but i am sending a real order as a thank you for simply making my life easier. I would have paid just as much just for the "How to" to make this set up.
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I was also a pilot tester for this product last year while he was going through some trial and error. This system made my cable lubing life 1000 times easier and cleaner. I have been riding for about 100,000 miles on various bikes, needless to say, i have lubed a few cables in my day...

I have tried the disaster of a clamp on type luber that "Forces" the lube down the tube, i ended up with more lube on the bike than in the cable = in the trash.

I have tried the fill a plastic "Zip-Lok" bag with oil and rubber band it to the top of the cable and let it gravity feed to the bottom. works well, but takes forever and need to take the cable completely off the bike.

I have tried simply jamming the big plastic tube for spray lube down the sheath... didn't work AND made a mess.

I got this kit and was amazed at how simple and clean it was to use. takes me 10 minutes now to lube brake and throttle cables and no mess at all. not to steal a slogan, but "So easy a Caveman could do it" comes to mind. I could care less that he made it out of everyday items, or that other people have come up with similar ideas. He made it small enough to take with you, manageable enough for anyone to use, and clean enough for even the most anal bike polisher to be pleased with. He deserves the orders simply for the idea and implementation.

bring this kit with you in your tank bag and show people on group rides how easy it is to use. Fact of the matter is that cable lubing is one of the most annoying tasks that need to be done frequently and this makes it a piece of cake.

I already have a kit from being a tester, but i am sending Travis a real order as a thank you for simply making my life easier. I would have paid just as much just for the "How to" to make this set up.

Thanks Rob! I got your order and your kit is in the mail.

You're going to love this version even more than the one I gave you. The tube is much stiffer and more resistant to kinking. It is much improved thanks to your comments.

Hope you enjoy it!