Almost got hit today.......By a BIKE!!!


Junior Member
Jul 12, 2011
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San Diego
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Just sitting at a two lane stop light. Im by myself on the right lane and the left lane has about 4 cars and a motorcycle in the back waiting in line. Light turns green, i go about 15mph then shift to second and ZOOOOOOOM. Dude going about 45mph goes right past me on the right barely missing me since i was in the middle of the lane :eek:. I think it was a cbr or something, LOUD PIPES DIDNT SAVE MY PANTS

45mph is the speed limit on this street but holly heck, he scared the crap out of me :(. He gave a polite wave after scaring the piss out of me but sheesh :Flip:

Didnt see him behind me at all, and i was constantly checking my mirrors. Hes lucky i didnt decide to swerve to the right for some reason......

Just had to vent :D
That was a dumb move on his part sounds like he got real lucky...where's a cop when u need em

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Yea that was my next question. Is that normal behavior? Lol

I thought maybe because I'm new rider I was in the wrong for not moving over for him, but I didn't even see him.....
No thats not normal at all it sounds like he was just being a d!c* ive had some guys on super sport bikes try stuff like that around me just because they think they are gods because of their bikes but in no way were u in the wrong he shouldhave waited untill he had a safe opening instead of being a bike bully Sent from my R800x using Tapatalk
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What a moron, passing on the right like that! Passing on the right on a moto is just asking to get wrecked. Especially dumb at an intersection. :shakehead:

I hate it when other riders tailgate me. Like riding with cagers isn't already dangerous enough? If they'd just wait a few moments, I'll gladly move over to let them by, but not in the middle of, or right before an intersection. Sheesh!
Stupid move on his part. I used to ride with this guy who would do crap like that on the road, pass me in my lane with no warning...all it takes is him to clip your bar end and both bikes are toast! morons.
I was thinking about it, and i just got a brand new rear tire two days ago. So sometimes on an open lane (like i thought i had) i would weave side to side to try and get the new tire edge off. I usually do this right after crossing an intersection for a few seconds then drive normal as i increase in speed. Hes just lucky i didnt this time.....

I can only imagine what would have happened :eek:
Had something very similar happen about a week ago. I was stopped at a light, just to the right of the center of the lane. Mr Harley pulled up behind me on my left (in my lane) and he didn't stop until his front wheel axle was in line with my rear wheel axle.
On green, he gunned it :rolleyes:
Well, down here we get those silly canadians that have eyes on the side of their never see them looking forward while driving:BLAA:
Had the same thing happen only I was doing 60 on a country road had two choppers go flying by on the right hand side of me since traffic was coming towards us, I have had cars do it too that pisses me off, I would put I nice dent in their door if I knew I wouldn't fall over.
Had the same thing happen only I was doing 60 on a country road had two choppers go flying by on the right hand side of me since traffic was coming towards us, I have had cars do it too that pisses me off, I would put I nice dent in their door if I knew I wouldn't fall over.

You can easily kick a car while riding at speed without problem...plenty of G forces at work at high speed to keep you stable. :thumbup:
You can easily kick a car while riding at speed without problem...plenty of G forces at work at high speed to keep you stable. :thumbup:

Really?? I always thought it would make you wobble and fall over.

Have to practice this on the way home!!!!! jk jk
Yeah I had that happen before, sometimes bikers pass other bikers splitting lanes even.. I've also been passed in the canyons mid turn and it scared the crap out of me..this is why you should always be careful on public roads and keep a steady line even on the need to be predictable, check your mirrors frequently but for short glances at a time, always use signals, and give people plenty of time to notice what you are indicating.
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I had a similar encounter with a real young guy go by me in the same lane turning left. He flew down the street 25-30 over the speed limit. I personally ride where I won't get a speeding ticket which is about 10-15 over in the Tampa, FL area so I did not try and keep up with him. I don't like to give my money to the government or insurance companies.
hey so what is it with the passing on the inside today???
this morning, a dude on a scooter whipped up on my left( Australia remember), man I was surprised. No L or P plate on him so I figure he's been riding awhile and should know better.
But then he ducks and dives around the two lanes of traffic. I caught up to him about 2 kms later, just as the light turned green and he was off again, from the right turn lane this time straight back into the regular traffic?????
Really?? I always thought it would make you wobble and fall over.

Have to practice this on the way home!!!!! jk jk

Nope, I've kicked cars changing lanes into me before. Or slapped the window. Cars are noticing motorcycles more now that it's summer, although I'm fairly certain Monday was "Drive Like an Idiot" day in Jacksonville. I got ran off the road three times.

-First while taking a high speed highway interchange. Dude decides he wants in the fast lane and doesn't even look. I just tightened up my turn and got on the shoulder.
-Next on a two lane road that I drive all the time, a cop decides he's had enough of the car going 5 under and whips over into my lane. I honk and he just flicks his lights. So I wound up in the grass. Maybe he had a call, who knows, but forcing me into the grass when there's no one behind me? Grass at 45mph isn't fun.
-Finally when I was almost home a van that was upset with my only going 10 over the limit, changes lanes halfway, speeds up, and then changes lanes into me. I get into the bicycle lane, squirt out in front of him and give him a WTF look.

But guys on liter bikes blow by me in my lane on the highway all the time. I just shake my head and keep going. What can you do other than hope they don't clip you and hope there's a cop ahead that gives a care enough to chase them.