And this is why you should carry...

Are you kidding me? Anybody can get a gun, and I do mean anybody. What I'm talking about is CCW. The guy shooting the video, for instance, did the best he could to distract the guy... I just believe that if more people had their CCW I think it would have been over sooner. Just my own opinion.

I am here:,-81.073706
Sent from my brain.
Are you kidding me? Anybody can get a gun, and I do mean anybody. What I'm talking about is CCW. The guy shooting the video, for instance, did the best he could to distract the guy... I just believe that if more people had their CCW I think it would have been over sooner. Just my own opinion.

I am here:,-81.073706
Sent from my brain.

I agree 110% on that if someone had the option to take him out sooner the better
I live in Arizona. We are a free conceal carry state. This means that in MANY states, I can carry a concealed weapon without a permit so long as I have my AZ driver's license with me. California is an exception to this as they are one of the states that neither recognize national or other states' gun laws. I carry concealed often. Most days my wife doesn't even know I'm carrying until she hugs me.

An armed society is a polite society. ;-)

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if you make carrying a gun illegal then ONLY criminals will have guns. They are already breaking the law, having a gun being illegal wont stop them from carrying one. You can always get a gun if you are willing to break laws.
Very true. I carry EVERYWHERE (Other than school and other places I can't carry). It's like my mental checklist before I leave my house: "Wallet, Keys, phone, Sig, Good to go." Making guns illegal is just taking guns out of the hands of legal people. And some will argue that why don't we just stop making guns altogether (Which I've heard before)? This is ridiculous, guns are a TOOL. Just like a hammer, a knife, act… Guns are what make you sleep safe at night when given to my fellow Marines and soldiers. Sorry, just my amendment soapbox speech.
Your kidding right?

No, I'm serious, but it will never happen. Guns are just too accessible here in the US versus other countries. Yes, incidents like this happens in just about every country, but the frequency is far higher due to our constitutional right for everyone to be able to own one, well just about everyone.

We don't live in the wild west anymore, I don't know how we can apply every constitutional right correctly today with all the advancement in technology and how much our way of life has changed.

Here's an interesting thought, what if every person out in public were armed? Would this change the thinking of these sick individuals?
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Your kidding right?

No, I don't think he was kidding. Gun control 'experts' always say if there are no weapons we would all be safer, to which citizens who believe in the Second Amendment of the Constitution ("A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed") say, "When guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns". And there is the standoff.

We don't live in the wild west anymore, I don't know how we can apply every constitutional right correctly today with all the advancement in technology and how much our way of life has changed.

Here's an interesting thought, what if every person out in public were armed? Would this change the thinking of these sick individuals?

If the US citizens agree that this constitutional right isn't applicable any longer they can change it in the legally proscribed manner. But there is overwhelming support for this amendment AS IS which is why liberals are always trying to change it via judicial activism, and not through a new constitutional amendment which the US citizenry will not approve.

Actually, yes, crooks and these so called sick individuals would think twice of walking into a bank, school, or workplace knowing that everyone else is armed. These people are cowards at heart and they would just stay home and fume in their own feeling of inadequacy and victimization.

Just as a bit of history every totalitarian government started by the outlawing and confiscation of weapons by the overtaking forces, and history is littered with tens of millions of dead people as a result. Arms in the citizens hands keeps a balance, a very important balance, in the power dynamics between government and it's people.
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No, I'm serious, but it will never happen. Guns are just too accessible here in the US versus other countries. Yes, incidents like this happens in just about every country, but the frequency is far higher due to our constitutional right for everyone to be able to own one, well just about everyone.

We don't live in the wild west anymore, I don't know how we can apply every constitutional right correctly today with all the advancement in technology and how much our way of life has changed.

Here's an interesting thought, what if every person out in public were armed? Would this change the thinking of these sick individuals?

Possibly… Take for instance this guy in the story, if everyone was armed then this guy would probably only get maybe one round off before he was taken down… However, what if questions could go on forever. As long as our military and police have guns, civilians are going to have them too. then it trickles down to knives. Then what?
Just my .02...but if you outlaw guns, does this mean all crime everywhere will stop? Nope, they will find other means of weaponry (knives etc) or will find the means to get to a firearm.... all the money i ever make says if you get rid of all guns, crime (robberies, theft, violence) will go up.

Guns don't kill people, people kill people.

Just my .02
No, I'm serious, but it will never happen. Guns are just too accessible here in the US versus other countries. Yes, incidents like this happens in just about every country, but the frequency is far higher due to our constitutional right for everyone to be able to own one, well just about everyone.

We don't live in the wild west anymore, I don't know how we can apply every constitutional right correctly today with all the advancement in technology and how much our way of life has changed.

Here's an interesting thought, what if every person out in public were armed? Would this change the thinking of these sick individuals?

Well, idk about you, but if i KNEW for a fact that a sleeping homeowner had a gun at his side, would i think twice about breaking in? Absolutely
Just stop producing the bullets.

I truly believe technology will take it's course, and firearms will be a thing of the past. Might be difficult to think how it possibly will, but just think what this world will be like in 20-30 years? Maybe something better than guns will be created, like phasers.

Just think how the creater of the TV show Star Trek back in the 60's was thinking. He wasn't too far off. Computers, Big Screens, lasers, and moble devices small enough to fit in the palm of your hand that just flips up and down that lets you communicate.
Well, idk about you, but if i KNEW for a fact that a sleeping homeowner had a gun at his side, would i think twice about breaking in? Absolutely

Or if the house was armed with the latest and greatest security, called a burlar alarm. He would also think twice.
Or if the house was armed with the latest and greatest security, called a burlar alarm. He would also think twice.

HAHAHA! Im not laughing at you, Im laughing at the situation.

Personal example:

Around 2am a few months back I was sleeping and woke up to a woman screaming "help" outside my apartment window. I get up and look outside to find her running and crying. I grab my Sig and head outside while calling 911. Turns out she was robbed and nearly raped by someone while walking home. I was the first on on the scene. I told 911 what was going on and what not and sat the woman down and tried to comfort her. 911 said police was on their way. 20 mins later they finally arrive. Things in this world happen in a matter of seconds, not minutes. I was an Embassy guard for the Marine Corps for 4 years in my last enlistment and I was always taught that there is no security system better than yourself.

This guy in the story would have killed dozens of innocent people just because he was "stressed." Police arrived around 10 mins later. The time and lives that could have been saved if someone ventilated his organs sooner would have been heroic to say the least.