Rider Down, but Okay so far


Electronic Repair Genius
Dec 22, 2010
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Houston, TX
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A buddy of mine that I work with was hit today. He was crossing the last intersection before getting to work and was hit from behind. Apparently the young lady (trying to be nice, see?) that hit him rolled through a stop sign to hit him in the intersection and showed no signs of slowing. She carried him on the hood and windshield for about 50 feet before she slammed on the brakes and he went flying. Just missed hitting a loading dock.

He had on all his gear, (thank God I talked him into AGATT) and miles of refective tape. She was most likely texting or fiddling with the radio instead of driving. And it appears that she did not have any insurance. Thankfully my buddy is military so he'll be taken care of medically.

I can't bring myself to feel sorry for her since she will be in serious trouble for, among other things, driving on base without insurance.

The last word we have was that he was walking around, but he is being taken to the hospital for evaluation. His bike and gear are totalled.

As is common in the military, I'm not sure about his first name, but his last name is McKinstry. Thoughts, prayers, good vibes, etc are appreciated.

I will update with info as I get it.
Glad your friend is doing ok. These types of stories really do tick me off and I am sure she was either on the phone or texting when this went down. What I really dont understand is how she didnt immediately stop after impact? WTF was she doing?
Well, he seems to be okay. He was just released with a mild concussion and severe brusing.

Glad he had the gear on. He said he was trying to get out of her way cause she wasn't going to stop, but she was going so fast his CBR1000RR couldn't get out of the way fast enough. :eek: Police estimates were she was doing over 50-60mph in a 30 when she hit him, not to mention running a stop sign.

Apparently his head missed the metal reinforced edge of the loading ramp by less than a foot. One lucky bastard when it's all said and done.

She, on the other hand, is screwed. It was her second at fault accident in a week w/o insurance. And this one was on a navy base.
Glad to hear he is up and walking around though that doesn't mean he won't be hurting later or have other issues. Whatever she was doing we know she was DWHUA (driving with head up donkey). Hopefully McInstry will have the insurance to get his bike and other stuff replaced.

Last collision I was in (1997) a guy ran a red light at the last intersection I was going through before entering the work parking lot. Almost there... Thankfully I was driving a Chevy Suburban at the time.

Keep us updated on his condition. Sounds like he isn't too bad off and hopefully just a few bumps and pains.
Glad your friend is doing ok. These types of stories really do tick me off and I am sure she was either on the phone or texting when this went down. What I really dont understand is how she didnt immediately stop after impact? WTF was she doing?

From what I understand, she claims she wasn't doing anything. Of course, so would I in the same situation. The witnesses to the accident couldn't say for sure if she was texting because it was 0540 or so in the morning. They can see where the impact took place because her bumper wedged in between his tail and wheel locking his wheel up, and it was over 50 feet before her skid marks start.

I came around the corner just before 0600 and saw the flashing lights and had to check it out. So most of what I know is from Joe and the witnesses. (I had to ask his first name since it occured to me today that we ride all the time and don't know each other's first name, lol)
Glad to hear he is up and walking around though that doesn't mean he won't be hurting later or have other issues. Whatever she was doing we know she was DWHUA (driving with head up donkey). Hopefully McInstry will have the insurance to get his bike and other stuff replaced.

Last collision I was in (1997) a guy ran a red light at the last intersection I was going through before entering the work parking lot. Almost there... Thankfully I was driving a Chevy Suburban at the time.

Keep us updated on his condition. Sounds like he isn't too bad off and hopefully just a few bumps and pains.

He has insurance, and I'm sure between the Navy and his insurance company taking her to court, he'll get the money.

Yeah, mine, about a year ago, didn't have impacts with other vehicles, somehow. Although, if I hadn't locked up my front wheel, I would have hit him. So I was okay, just sore too. I've had guys that I ride with from CMA, that I'm not all that close to, go down on their Harley's so I know how bad it can be. We're all just glad he's okay.

Needless to say, not much work getting done around here today. lol

And like I said, he was released with good old vitamin "M" and sent back to work. I think Chief wants to interview him (lots of legal stuff coming up soon and the Navy will support him) and then send him home. I hope anyway. They're good people around here, mostly.
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Glad to hear your mate is ok.But accidents dont happen they are caused.Obviously she learnt nothing from her first accident..
Well I guess your friend is like a cat, he has 8 more lives to go. From the description that you provided, he's lucky to be alive.

I can't believe any military base would allow anyone, especially civilians to drive on base without the proper credentials. That's a valid driver's license, proof of insurance and registration. In my opinion, that's the gate's responsiblity, to ensure that everyone on that base is legal. If I were you're friend, he has two lawsuits, the lady who hit him and the gate who let her in....
Well I guess your friend is like a cat, he has 8 more lives to go. From the description that you provided, he's lucky to be alive.

I can't believe any military base would allow anyone, especially civilians to drive on base without the proper credentials. That's a valid driver's license, proof of insurance and registration. In my opinion, that's the gate's responsiblity, to ensure that everyone on that base is legal. If I were you're friend, he has two lawsuits, the lady who hit him and the gate who let her in....

Well, she had to have shown something looking legit to get a temporary pass for her car. The Navy is pretty anal about that stuff. So I guess you can't blame them for not being counterfeit detectors. But she is active duty, I was told. She had already been removed from the scene when I snuck by to get a glimpse. So, she's in for a long couple of months.

Joe is okay. Sore as heck, but we've all been there. His rear wheel looks like a figure 8 now and his tail was pointed straight up. Apparently the cops told Joe she was doing 40-50, not the 50-60 like I got told. Not tons better, but it makes a difference. The fact he was wearing full gear, and that she didn't brake right away seemed to have made the difference. Because he got a ride on the hood, the bike was in front of him when he finally hit pavement.

It just struck me that he did nothing wrong. And I was freaked for awhile. When it's someone you don't know it's one thing, but a guy you ride with 1-2 a month is different. Anyway, there wasn't really anything he could have done differently. I went back to look and the gouge in the pavement from his bike starts only 5 feet into the intersection. So Joe stopped at the stop sign (as it's a 4 way intersection with a 2 way stop, he had to), saw the chick coming like a bat outta ****, and took off trying to get out of the way. But since the gouge starts so soon into the intersection, I don't think turning right would have helped. She still would have nailed him.

Anyway, the gouge stops roughly 40 feet after the intersection, her skid marks stop roughly 10-15 feet after that, and the loading bay ramp is about 75-100 feet after that. So I imagine his bike broke free right before he was dumped off the hood and then his leathers saved him.

It reinforced to me that sometimes you just get bent over. Although, once the court decision comes in, I'm sure her wages will be garnished for awhile. That's one good thing about the military. They make you pay your debts. One way, or the other.
Although, once the court decision comes in, I'm sure her wages will be garnished for awhile. That's one good thing about the military. They make you pay your debts. One way, or the other.

Yes they will.

As for the credentials to get on bases you must show all that stuff to get them. it would be impossible to verify a valid license, registration and insurance for the gate person for every vehicle that comes on base. Depending on the insurance company she could have a card that says it's good for 6 months after paying only the first months worth then not paying anymore. Legit card but not valid.

I see loads of people without insurance everyday on the roads but the computer return alone isn't good enough for me to stop them. Chances are they also have suspended licenses but won't know unless I have probable cause to stop them. You'd be surprised how many drivers are driving illegally.

She should pay out her nose for it if she was in fact at fault (and it sounds like she was). I wouldn't go beyond that and sue the front gate person. If she produced the proper ID and such to get in it is her that's being deceitful for having false info.
Yes they will.

As for the credentials to get on bases you must show all that stuff to get them. it would be impossible to verify a valid license, registration and insurance for the gate person for every vehicle that comes on base. Depending on the insurance company she could have a card that says it's good for 6 months after paying only the first months worth then not paying anymore. Legit card but not valid.

I see loads of people without insurance everyday on the roads but the computer return alone isn't good enough for me to stop them. Chances are they also have suspended licenses but won't know unless I have probable cause to stop them. You'd be surprised how many drivers are driving illegally.

She should pay out her nose for it if she was in fact at fault (and it sounds like she was). I wouldn't go beyond that and sue the front gate person. If she produced the proper ID and such to get in it is her that's being deceitful for having false info.

Your computer telling you that they are driving illegally isn't probably cause??!!!???!!!

What is the world coming to everyone and every system so damn worried about being politically correct and everyone in the wrong being sue happy, I wish they would gives Leo's the go ahead to pull people over like that, I mean if your tag don't have a current sticker on it that reason to get pulled over so why isn't insurance
Yeah, they just check ID's and vehicle passes. They make sure that everything is valid when you get your vehicle pass, but those are good for 2-3 years usually. And besides, the military doesn't have money to burn anymore. It's far better for them to tell you the rules, have you sign that you were told the rules, and then give you enough rope to hang yourself.

So the base isn't concerned if you're driving legally, just that you have a valid reason to be on the base. But stand by if you are driving illegally.