Minor speeding (probably a re-post)


Howie Mandel's evil twin
Elite Member
Apr 28, 2009
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Pittsford, VT
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Kid had 25 violations, no license and was riding an uninsured R1 registered in his mom's name.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIUTXIsJz3o&]victoria highway run 299km - YouTube[/ame]
That is absolutely insane - had me on the edge of my seat. That better not have been you!

LOL.. hell no! This was some kid in Canada (his bike is now impounded).
Apparently he was clocked at 185mph at one point.
any bike should be electronically limited to the speed of whatever the maximum speed limit is. Why would you ever need to go over 65mph? I seriously hope they pass a law that limit such high speed weapon.
any bike should be electronically limited to the speed of whatever the maximum speed limit is. Why would you ever need to go over 65mph? I seriously hope they pass a law that limit such high speed weapon.

I don't agree with that. I think the kid in the video is stupid and crazy, but there's nothing wrong with a little speeding here and there. If we all just wanted to go the posted speed limit, we'd all be riding scooters... or harleys...
any bike should be electronically limited to the speed of whatever the maximum speed limit is. Why would you ever need to go over 65mph? I seriously hope they pass a law that limit such high speed weapon.
Absolutely not.

The rider must take control.

If, in extreme circumstances, I couldn't accelerate out of trouble, that would be MORE dangerous than having my bike limited in the first place.

It's MY responsibility to ride safe. No one elses.

In Australia, in remote areas, you have no speed limits - open road speeds. Take a look at the size of Australia. You really think you could ride across that at 65 mph max? It's called the outback because there is NOTHING around.

If you want to ride at at no more than 65mph, that's your option. Other people, where the law allows it, can ride over this. It is THEIR responsibility.
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any bike should be electronically limited to the speed of whatever the maximum speed limit is. Why would you ever need to go over 65mph? I seriously hope they pass a law that limit such high speed weapon.

You have a very interesting interpretation on reality!!!
...well he does kinda have a point....at 180mph it kinda is like a 500lb guided missile.....at that speed even a full size pickup would take some severe damage if hit by the bike.....but limiting....awww hellll naww. :spank:
I am talking long, straight roads. Clear vision for miles. No trees/shrubs at the side of the road. No wildlife that you can't see ahead. Pretty much the desert. No speed limit and a feeling of freedom.
There are many roads like that if you are riding around Australia. 65mph, no thanks...

BTW, I think he IS serious about limiters......

Sent from my iPhone 4S using Tapatalk
IF that comment was serious and such law existed, I would not ride a bike.
Well i had a run in with the police after posting some clips on youtube. it was nothing too insane (142kmh in a 100kmh zone) but it did cost me 9 demerit points and around $900 in fines.
my advice : if you must upload stupid **** on youtube dont get your face in shot

Absolutely not.
In Australia, in remote areas, you have no speed limits - open road speeds. Take a look at the size of Australia. You really think you could ride across that at 65 mph max? It's called the outback because there is NOTHING around.

Sorry Kazza, that is incorrect.

The highest speed limit in Australia is 130kph is some areas in the NT, otherwise the highest speed limit you can drive at is 110kph on 'special' stretches of highway/freeway or 100kph on other out of town areas.

I do agree, however, that bikes should not be speed limited - or perhaps they should only be speed limited to 150kph or so.

There is NO valid reason for travelling 299kph - and the human mind could not possibly keep up with the potential variables. (the average reaction time is .233 of a second - and at 299kph, you would travel 19.34m from the time you'd SEEN the hazard, to the earliest possible time you could react to it)

And that's not considering stopping distances at that speed etc.

But, having said that, there are indeed times when that extra speed is needed for safety etc. (blow past a truck with a delaminating tyre or other hazard)

The same argument is used with cars - why do the Falcadores need to have such potential for high speed?

I will say, however, that it didn't LOOK like he was passing cars at thrice their speed, so something dodgy might have been done to the speedo calibration. (I could probably get my speedo to read 299kph at walking pace, with my SpeedoTuner!)

One other observation - the lanes on the highways where that was shot are certainly wide - no way you could pass between those vehicles in Oz....)

Just another squid showing off - maybe he's seen the GhostRider movies and thought anybody could do it?


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my advice : if you must upload stupid **** on youtube dont get your face in shot

Sorry for laughing at your misfortune Heath - but please Mate, that should be rule no1!

(you LIVE here and KNOW what they are like! It'd be different if you were an immigrant and didn't know!)

