Stupid vs. Stupid. Stupid....wins?

Cages always win those battles.

Clearly we all know what everyone "should" have done.....but still gets you worked up.

Had a friend who used to ride enduros with his wife, they had a truck get very close to side swipping friend got upset and pulled up next to the truck and hit or tapped or somehow touched the truck, doubt it was super hard....However it was hard enough for the truck to swerve and take my buddy out. He spent the next 6 months in the ICU, I sadly lost touch with him after the accident. I heard he recovered, but I would be surprised if he is riding ruined his career, and probably life as he knew it before the crash.

Keep a level head and you might just live to ride again. (hard though when the lady in the Yukon on a cell phone changes lanes into you like I had yesterday).

Best of luck to everyone!
After attempting to commit vehicular homicide on multiple bikers that (thug) car driver is SUPER lucky one of the bikers didn't put about 9, 180 grain .45 cal rounds through his driver's window (I would have if someone tried to kill me with his car).

All of these guys are morons but the car driver is the only one guilty of attempted murder charges here.
The fact that one of the bikers actually carried a crow bar on a sport bike tells me this was not just a group of friend's taking a night ride...more likely a street gang that happened to all ride. Who knows, maybe the car driver had just stolen drugs from the biker gang...maybe that's why he was arrested for possession?
^no they're just hooligans and post group ride hooligan videos quite a bit.

The answer isn't always gangs and drugs.

One of the bigger collections of a special-kind-of-stupid I've seen in a small area in awhile....

Wow. Just wow...
Wow! There's always crazy stuff like that out there. I'm surprised they tried to get in front and on the side of the cager. That's asking for it with a cager that has no regards to lives.
Don't worry.

There's always money in the banana stand.

