What do you listen to?

What do you listen to?

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FZ Rider
Elite Member
Mar 6, 2007
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St.Joe/Kalamazoo Michigan
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I only used to listen to music, but then one day at work I messed around on Podcastalley and found two shows I really enjoy. Now I only really listen to music in the car.

The shows are:

1) Free Talk Live - call in talk show about anything, my favorite
2) Nobody Likes Onions - comedy show about pretty much anything

I made three groups to cover everything: Music, Comedy, and Talk.

So take the poll and post what you listen to!
Well it all depends on the time of day and what day it is. If it is between 6 and 11 am I listening to Lex and Terry.. If they aren't on then I listen to music(hard rock or metal).
i go through Phases... All winter i listen to talk radio in the car. but once summer hits i am all about the music.
My Ipod. I absolutely dispise radio DJ chatter, and advertisements. I am not saying I am sane, just that I want to go and hit them with a football bat with a rusty drywall screw in it.
My Ipod. I absolutely dispise radio DJ chatter, and advertisements. I am not saying I am sane, just that I want to go and hit them with a football bat with a rusty drywall screw in it.

They make football bats? lol. I listen to my iPod as well, because i also despise dj chatter and advertisements.
They make football bats? lol. I listen to my iPod as well, because i also despise dj chatter and advertisements.

LOL yes. Its a big joke with one of my friends. As in that boy is more messed up than a football bat.
music or talk radio int he car. i change it up. ipod or the sound of a v-twin on the bike, and typically just music at home (if I even have music on)
Music from the cd player in the car or MP3. At home it is either the Sat rad through my puter or nada. This is what I do here in Slovakia.
At home in the States I will listen to the radio but always have a CD ready in case the DJ starts to drive me crazier.

The birds, the wind in the trees, the squirrels foraging for acorns, the turkey, the coyote, the donkey down the road and at times, silence......