They Took my Baby


I actually had an eye witness last night too. I park across the street from a bar. The guys hanging out near my bike were so sketchy the bartender actually locked the door because he thought he was about to get robbed. He just assumed it was their motorcycle. Don't know why he didn't put 2 & 2 together and call the police, but he was nice enough to give me a big glass of Jameson once he figured it out.

Sucks hearing stories like this. I'd be filled with anger :spank: :spank: How did they manage to take your bike? :confused:
where in Boston was this, can we get more details, I work in town and hope I don't have to walk home one night. Hope they get whats coming to them
This happened in Southie. Broke the steering column lock and wheeled it away. I guess one down the street got taken a week or two ago as well. I've got a big ass chain that I used to use, probably going to bring that back into play when I get another.
This happened in Southie.

Southie may look prettier these days, but it's still Southie. :(

As for protecting your bike, this thread on Reddit really changed my perspective on theft.

EX Thief & "chop-shop" operator AMA : motorcycles

Basically the guy doing the AMA used to be a bike theif and chop shop owner. He talks very candidly about what was easy or difficult to steal, what sold for the most, or was a high target motorcycle, exc.

He does say the things he actually uses himself is one of the massive hardened chains thats like $200, and a Xena disc alarm.

But that is just a very shortened version, there is a ton of good information in there.