Do you use your clutch?

Do you clutch up?

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My clutchless up shifts are usually really good, I tend to do it whilst accelerating hard. Around town and casual riding, I'll clutch.
I figured out clutchless shifting at some point last year, but I honestly prefer using the clutch almost all of the time. It feels like there's a bit more control to me, which is what I'm used to since I've almost always had a manual transmission for cars. I guess it's only a matter personal preference ultimately. :BLAA:
Update on this for me: Still in the "sometimes" category. Basically, If I'm just cruising around I'll use the clutch every time. But when I'm trying to accelerate fast I always use the clutchless upshift technique.

I've got my first track day next friday so I've been working on my clutchless downshifting technique as well. It's coming along quite well, mind you!

Just putting downward pressure on the shifter while engine braking and blipping the throttle (quick and soft enough to bring the rpms up but not jerk the bike) seems to work wonders!
I tend to only use it when starting from a dead stop and occasionally on the down shift. I'd guess I use the clutch while moving @ 20% of the time. 14,000 miles on my main bike, 7k of which are mine. Still smooth as glass.

Update with no edit to original text:

I've been paying more attention to my clutching habits. I was wrong. I still seldom clutch when up shifting but I do clutch more than I was aware when down shifting. This moves my percentage to @ 50% of the time while moving.
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I've tried clutchless shifting since reading this thread a couple weeks ago. Very smooth from 3rd up. I tried down shifting yesterday and wasn't very successful. I'll stick with up shifting. It isn't necessary but it is smoother. I tried from 1st to 2nd and ended up in neutral. Won't do that again. I especially use it when I can't remember if I am in 6th gear or not. I blip the throttle and tap the gear lever. If it goes up, I know I wasn't in 6th. If it doesn't, I know I am in 6th gear. If I pull in the clutch and it is in 6th gear the bike lunges when I reengage the clutch and it is a bit unsettling. If my hubbie would just install a gear indicator for me, I wouldn't have this problem. hint, hint...
I was clutchless shifting the tw200 at my MSF class... I knew my instructor quite well, so he didnt mind. He actually made a point of mentioning to the class that you can do it. His justification was that if you ever had a clutch cable break you would still be able to slow down and down shift to a more safe and controlled stop.
I've done it a couple times on my Nin250 but the FZ made a jackass of me (going from 1-2...which i read now you can't do lol) so maybe I'll try it again in the future but I'm fine with the clutch
so i read more opinions than i could stand. does any one out there have real facts about this? i have run 20,000 miles on my bike hardly using the clucth except for first gear. no slip, no probs. power up and down shifts. i drive big trucks so i am used to matching rpms but i mash down shifts cuz on fizzy it works without synchro drag. and sounds boss with race scorps. when will my tranny die from this? 50k? 100k? dont buy my used bike is all i see here.
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So, I'm a new rider and had my bike out for pretty well the entire weekend. I used my clutch at first and it was pretty smooth and simple, but then thought I'd give the clutchless shift a try and my goodness, I was expecting to hear something grind but it went SO smooth! Just a little pressure, flick off the gas for a millisecond and get back on in the next gear! amazing stuff!
i figure its there to use, so i do

that said i have shifted without it by accident several times (new rider)

it seems fine without and makes me wonder wtf the clutch is there for, anyway?

i drove manual trans cars for many years and clutchless shifting was out of the question, period. so whats up with motorcycles, who knows!
i figure its there to use, so i do

that said i have shifted without it by accident several times (new rider)

it seems fine without and makes me wonder wtf the clutch is there for, anyway?

i drove manual trans cars for many years and clutchless shifting was out of the question, period. so whats up with motorcycles, who knows!
Motorcycles use different types of transmissions. Namely, they are constant mesh and sequential (so you don't shift through neutral every time). The fact that it is constant mesh means the gears are constantly all turning instead of just the one being used. The dogs in the transmission just lock onto the gear being used and that allows the output for the drive. All of this together means that shifting up or down is just a matter of breaking the force of the engine on the trans and moving the dogs. So when you get off the throttle for that split second, you release the pressure from the engine and the next gear engages.

Also, the clutch is mainly there for stopping and starting. It's pretty annoying to find neutral every time you want to stop, and then knock into first to start up again.
So after reading the thread I also tried clutch less shifting. For the upshifts it works great. With downshifting I feel a bit more resistance so I don't feel confident with that. After a few tries I already noticed it already goes automatically and makes the upshifts much smoother. I don't think I'll use this all of the time but at least it's a good backup if in some worst case scenario the clutch cable breaks ( had this happen during driving lessons just when I entered the highway).
For me clutchless from 1 to 2 is hard. Easier if I push the bike hard when accelerating, bigger revs, harder if I ride softly :)
Just putting downward pressure on the shifter while engine braking and blipping the throttle (quick and soft enough to bring the rpms up but not jerk the bike) seems to work wonders!

I've noticed I've been doing this exact thing myself more. I'd say I've come around so that I don't use the clutch sometimes, but am still mostly on it.
If I am changing gears, I am using the clutch, no ifs, no ands, no buts. I tried not using it a few times and for me, it just didn't feel right.
There are lots of opinions on this matter, and this guy's argument against it has me sold;

I'll shift clutch-less on rare occasions but ONLY up shifting in the higher gears (say past 3rd or 4th).

If you "rev match" the engine to the transmission/speed, it'll slip into gear easily W/O the impact as he explains on the video. No harm, no foul..

If you've ever been into Motocross, After a first gear start, the clutch is never used. More control (bouncing about, less wear and tear on the clutch as it's always engaged)

Also, whether it be an FJR "automatic" (AE), no clutch handle or certain BMW's with systems designed with the option NOT to use the clutch is proof if done correctly, won't hurt anything..
The point he makes at the 5 min mark is that the clutchless shift feels smoother because the "jolt" you get at the rear wheel when you use the clutch - is instead transfered on the gearbox but you don't feel the jerk because the gearbox parts have less mass and therefore you feel less of an impact.
Also, whether it be an FJR "automatic" (AE), no clutch handle or certain BMW's with systems designed with the option NOT to use the clutch is proof if done correctly, won't hurt anything..
Don't those systems use electronic spark cut outs to mimic the effect of squeezing the clutch?
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