What's the deal with the temperature gauge?

Lol I just hate the mileage I get when the bike won't warm up passed 160ish on a cool-colder day...It's a difference of like 6MPG! That's over 10% of my total MPG lost for no reason!

I may look into changing the T-Stat because it's ludicrous

just put 1/2 sheet of paper across the radiator, I only earlier this month took mine off (been there since November)

yes your mpg will suffer because cold air is denser and thus requires more fuel to compensate and run correctly (like mentioned)

on a few COLD mornings where it was like 18F here you can FEEL the extra power gained from all that good cold, dense air. Yes, I get 43mpg, but still better then the 15mpg out of the old GT Blah
just put 1/2 sheet of paper across the radiator, I only earlier this month took mine off (been there since November)

yes your mpg will suffer because cold air is denser and thus requires more fuel to compensate and run correctly (like mentioned)

on a few COLD mornings where it was like 18F here you can FEEL the extra power gained from all that good cold, dense air. Yes, I get 43mpg, but still better then the 15mpg out of the old GT Blah
Maybe that's what I'll have to do then

I understand that, but I know the MPG decrease isn't entirely due to that or rather won't believe it until the bike's at a more reasonable coolant/operating temperature
Reading all this crazy Fahrenheit stuff makes my head hurt! Seeing those huge numbers on the dash would terrify me - not to mention the confusion as to what happens at what temperature; I'll stick with 0C to freeze and 100C to boil.

I always hated how low the TS opens on this bike, if it's cold out the bike struggles to get higher than high ~167F (74C-76C) and mileage is god awful.

I've been riding in cold temps and while riding my bike sits in the 70's unless I'm stopped at a light or something. Could you elaborate on the difference in fuel consumption for me? At this point the 70's seemed like a normal and healthy operating temperature, and I'd be expecting something like 80/90 in the summer months.