Lets try to do something good.



Hi Everybody.

Here is a letter I sent to my US Senator. Mitch McConnell (R-KY)

If you all think this is a problem would you please take a minute to find yours, and contact him or her and ask for something simular. Right now, with a election coming up this is something that they could do, that wont cause a huge fuss, and may save alot of lives. If you think I am crazy feel free to say so.

Hello Senator McConnell.
I hope today finds you well. I wanted to bring a few events in the last month before you, and ask you for your help.

I ride a motorcycle. I wear all available safety gear, and ride responsibly. I do not drink. I have twice in the past two months been driven over the top of while riding, by people on thier cell phones changing lanes. In the second instance I was actually struck in the shoulder by the drivers mirror. I was plainly visible, right along side to the front of the drivers door. He changed lanes and the only out I had was to come as close to oncoming traffic as possible gaining room to apply the brakes and get into the largest open area to the rear of his truck as it had not yet made it all the way into my lane. His mirror struck my shoulder, scrapeing my leather jacket and removing pieces of the shoulder armor. I was able to keep the bike upright, but he just took off. I called the police but without a license number the lady in dispatch told me there was nothing they could do.
I wanted to relate that story before I said this.
Sir, when drivers have thier hand to the side of thier face talking on a cell phone they can not see the road to the side. They can not use the turn signals and steer at the same time. Thier mind is distracted but even more the parts of thier body that allow control of the vehicle are not being used to control it. Thier eyesight is blocked.
I also wanted to mention texting and driving. I have seen this many many times. I see a car swerving on the road, driving strangely, and pull up and they are texting instead of driving.
Senator McConnell, I have soul custody of my niece, she is 6 years old. I love her. I want to come home to her and be here for her. Wont you please sponsor a bill mandating hands free device cellular phones in all 50 states, making that and texting while driving a primary offense with large fines. Its not fair to be killed or maimed because someone has to tell thier girlfriend how much they like the new (whoever) C.D. instead of driving down the road in a 5000 lb battering ram. Many Many lives are lost like this. Lots of motorcycle accidents are caused by drivers in cars that leave the scene. Feel free to browse one of our internet forums to see how bad the problem really is. It is a constant topic of discussion. We are ran over, ran off the road, and crashed by people that are on thier cell phones every day. If you like here is mine. www.600riders.com I am wrightme43 there as well. I can provide you pictures of my jacket. His truck hit me, Mr. McConnell. If I had made one tiny error in seeing the opening as it really was, I would be either dead, or mangled. Please wont you help us? We are good people, we work hard, and we are being killed by the thoughtless actions of others.
In California it just became illegal to hold a handset to your head while operating a motor vehicle. Maybe you can use our new law as a model for a new law where you live.
Hi Everybody.

Here is a letter I sent to my US Senator. Mitch McConnell (R-KY)

If you all think this is a problem would you please take a minute to find yours, and contact him or her and ask for something simular. Right now, with a election coming up this is something that they could do, that wont cause a huge fuss, and may save alot of lives. If you think I am crazy feel free to say so.

Hello Senator McConnell.
I hope today finds you well. I wanted to bring a few events in the last month before you, and ask you for your help.

I ride a motorcycle. I wear all available safety gear, and ride responsibly. I do not drink. I have twice in the past two months been driven over the top of while riding, by people on thier cell phones changing lanes. In the second instance I was actually struck in the shoulder by the drivers mirror. I was plainly visible, right along side to the front of the drivers door. He changed lanes and the only out I had was to come as close to oncoming traffic as possible gaining room to apply the brakes and get into the largest open area to the rear of his truck as it had not yet made it all the way into my lane. His mirror struck my shoulder, scrapeing my leather jacket and removing pieces of the shoulder armor. I was able to keep the bike upright, but he just took off. I called the police but without a license number the lady in dispatch told me there was nothing they could do.
I wanted to relate that story before I said this.
Sir, when drivers have thier hand to the side of thier face talking on a cell phone they can not see the road to the side. They can not use the turn signals and steer at the same time. Thier mind is distracted but even more the parts of thier body that allow control of the vehicle are not being used to control it. Thier eyesight is blocked.
I also wanted to mention texting and driving. I have seen this many many times. I see a car swerving on the road, driving strangely, and pull up and they are texting instead of driving.
Senator McConnell, I have soul custody of my niece, she is 6 years old. I love her. I want to come home to her and be here for her. Wont you please sponsor a bill mandating hands free device cellular phones in all 50 states, making that and texting while driving a primary offense with large fines. Its not fair to be killed or maimed because someone has to tell thier girlfriend how much they like the new (whoever) C.D. instead of driving down the road in a 5000 lb battering ram. Many Many lives are lost like this. Lots of motorcycle accidents are caused by drivers in cars that leave the scene. Feel free to browse one of our internet forums to see how bad the problem really is. It is a constant topic of discussion. We are ran over, ran off the road, and crashed by people that are on thier cell phones every day. If you like here is mine. www.600riders.com I am wrightme43 there as well. I can provide you pictures of my jacket. His truck hit me, Mr. McConnell. If I had made one tiny error in seeing the opening as it really was, I would be either dead, or mangled. Please wont you help us? We are good people, we work hard, and we are being killed by the thoughtless actions of others.

power to the people. damn good letter
good letter, and you are absolutely right. Here in Belgium, talking with your phone in your hand or texting while driving is illegal, and substantial fines are being issued all the time.
In California it just became illegal to hold a handset to your head while operating a motor vehicle. Maybe you can use our new law as a model for a new law where you live.

it is a good start, but it wouldn't stop the texting... An 18 year old was texting while riding on the road outside my work and crossed the centerline and had a head on collision with a truck coming the other direction and both vehicles were going over 50 MP/H, both drivers were killed...
They are trying to get a law going in Mass but so far they have left it up to the individual towns. Brookline is the only town in Ma that has this law. I admit that I use my cell phone rarely when I am driving.. and when I am on it. I try to keep it very brief. I hate talking on the phone anyway.
On my way to work there is an intersection under construction, with the required police detail handling the traffic. Two days ago I was on the FZ at the intersection waiting to turn left, and a woman came barreling around the corner in her SUV, cell phone glued to her ear. She started taking the corner wide because of her speed and had to turn in extra hard to avoid hitting the cop. Never once took her cell phone from her ear and just kept on going. The cop just stood there shaking her head. A little faster and she would have taken both the cop and me out.

Good idea, but I don't think a law will help this. I'm all with you 100%, and think that people shouldn't use their cellphone and drive at the same time. But, I know that a law won't stop people. There will be people that drive and talk on their cell phone no matter what level of force you threaten them with, whether it be a ticket or a jail cell or a gun to the head. Just like there are people that break every single other law there is.

I think education would be a much better method of helping people understand the risks of driving and doing other things. If they know and understand the risks of talking and driving they may make a different decision about doing it. There also will be other people that still do it, but responsibly, and if they drive good and don't hurt anyone then they shouldn't be punished. If they choose to do it anyways and do hurt someone, they should be punished and there are already laws in place to take care of that, in your case reckless driving resulting in a collision and hit and run.

I believe education would help a great deal, for one example, because I believe most non-riders don't understand the rules about motorcycles. I don't think they understand that bikes are entitled to the whole lane just like a car. Also, I don't think the recognize the difference between a scooter and a motorcycle. As an example where I live there are a large and growing number of people who ride scooters. Scooters are allowed on the road and most of the scooters can go at least 35 which is usually the highest speed limit in the town aside from one or two roads. Well, the people on scooters ride on the edge or the right side of the white line and cars just pass them and don't see them as someone that they need to share the road with. I think they relate them to a bicycle, which ironically most "road racing" bicycle riders here actually do ride in the road with no issues. I think that this attitude is reflected when they come upon a motorcycle. In this case, both the riders and non riders need to be educated.

Maybe you should direct your efforts towards a motorcycle club, driving association, or motorcycle safety equipment manufacturer or maybe even a hands free device manufacturer and ask them to donate money towards a tv or radio commercial that could be informative about motorcycle awareness and the risks of driving and attempting to do other tasks at the same time. Or have an association, club, company, or maybe a dealer sponsor a bunch of fliers with a coupon on them for a carwash or something someone would actually use with a kind short message asking people to be aware of motorcycles and distribute them in parking lots at malls, grocery stores, street corners, event venues, high school parking lots, etc. That's just a couple of ideas.

I feel that these methods would cost less money than officers writing tickets for cell phone use AND be much more effective at making the roadways safer.

I'm sorry that the guy hit you with his truck, but it is already illegal for him to do that, whether he is on his phone or not. It's sad but not all ciminals get caught and it's unfortuneate you couldn't get any identifying information to relay to the police so he could get caught. I feel for you. I just also feel that there are more creative AND effective ways to make our roads safer for all of us than more laws.
Good idea, but I don't think a law will help this. I'm all with you 100%, and think that people shouldn't use their cellphone and drive at the same time. But, I know that a law won't stop people. There will be people that drive and talk on their cell phone no matter what level of force you threaten them with, whether it be a ticket or a jail cell or a gun to the head. Just like there are people that break every single other law there is.

I think education would be a much better method of helping people understand the risks of driving and doing other things. If they know and understand the risks of talking and driving they may make a different decision about doing it. There also will be other people that still do it, but responsibly, and if they drive good and don't hurt anyone then they shouldn't be punished. If they choose to do it anyways and do hurt someone, they should be punished and there are already laws in place to take care of that, in your case reckless driving resulting in a collision and hit and run.

I believe education would help a great deal, for one example, because I believe most non-riders don't understand the rules about motorcycles. I don't think they understand that bikes are entitled to the whole lane just like a car. Also, I don't think the recognize the difference between a scooter and a motorcycle. As an example where I live there are a large and growing number of people who ride scooters. Scooters are allowed on the road and most of the scooters can go at least 35 which is usually the highest speed limit in the town aside from one or two roads. Well, the people on scooters ride on the edge or the right side of the white line and cars just pass them and don't see them as someone that they need to share the road with. I think they relate them to a bicycle, which ironically most "road racing" bicycle riders here actually do ride in the road with no issues. I think that this attitude is reflected when they come upon a motorcycle. In this case, both the riders and non riders need to be educated.

Maybe you should direct your efforts towards a motorcycle club, driving association, or motorcycle safety equipment manufacturer or maybe even a hands free device manufacturer and ask them to donate money towards a tv or radio commercial that could be informative about motorcycle awareness and the risks of driving and attempting to do other tasks at the same time. Or have an association, club, company, or maybe a dealer sponsor a bunch of fliers with a coupon on them for a carwash or something someone would actually use with a kind short message asking people to be aware of motorcycles and distribute them in parking lots at malls, grocery stores, street corners, event venues, high school parking lots, etc. That's just a couple of ideas.

I feel that these methods would cost less money than officers writing tickets for cell phone use AND be much more effective at making the roadways safer.

I'm sorry that the guy hit you with his truck, but it is already illegal for him to do that, whether he is on his phone or not. It's sad but not all ciminals get caught and it's unfortuneate you couldn't get any identifying information to relay to the police so he could get caught. I feel for you. I just also feel that there are more creative AND effective ways to make our roads safer for all of us than more laws.

<writer jumps on soapbox>
Substitute "drunk driving" for "cell phone use" in your argument. Do you feel that drunk driving should be legal and only the drunks that kill or injure people should go to jail - and the ones that don't should be left to drive down the centerline cause they aren't hurting anyone - yet.

I'm just as much of a fan of freedom as the next guy here but I think the cell-phone ban makes sense. Especially when studies have shown that cell-phone use can impair your ability to drive as much as alcohol does at the lower illegal levels (which vary by state I know).

I do agree that education will help, but sometimes the driving schools only educate "the law" and not "what's right". If we have to get cell-phones into "the law" for education to happen - then so be it.

<writer jumps off soapbox and back on his FZ6>
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<writer jumps on soapbox>
Substitute "drunk driving" for "cell phone use" in your argument. Do you feel that drunk driving should be legal and only the drunks that kill or injure people should go to jail - and the ones that don't should be left to drive down the centerline cause they aren't hurting anyone - yet.

I'm just as much of a fan of freedom as the next guy here but I think the cell-phone ban makes sense. Especially when studies have shown that cell-phone use can impair your ability to drive as much as alcohol does at the lower illegal levels (which vary by state I know).

I do agree that education will help, but sometimes the driving schools only educate "the law" and not "what's right". If we have to get cell-phones into "the law" for education to happen - then so be it.

<writer jumps off soapbox and back on his FZ6>

Studies can be made to show anything. Yes, if someone is "drunk" (which with a law can be re-written to mean anything) and they drive and don't hurt anyone or drive irradically, then they should be left to their own.

I know it's hard to comprehend, but if they don't hurt anyone, they haven't committed a crime.

You don't have to agree with me, but I'm not willing to put a gun to someone's head that hasn't hurt anyone and has only driven while using a cell phone. If they hurt someone, then they should pay the price which is already set up with the laws that we have.

Cops do it all the time btw.
On my way to work there is an intersection under construction, with the required police detail handling the traffic. Two days ago I was on the FZ at the intersection waiting to turn left, and a woman came barreling around the corner in her SUV, cell phone glued to her ear. She started taking the corner wide because of her speed and had to turn in extra hard to avoid hitting the cop. Never once took her cell phone from her ear and just kept on going. The cop just stood there shaking her head. A little faster and she would have taken both the cop and me out.


The cop should have taken her plate, and issued a citation for driving to endanger.
Good idea, but I don't think a law will help this. I'm all with you 100%, and think that people shouldn't use their cellphone and drive at the same time. But, I know that a law won't stop people. There will be people that drive and talk on their cell phone no matter what level of force you threaten them with, whether it be a ticket or a jail cell or a gun to the head. Just like there are people that break every single other law there is.

I think education would be a much better method of helping people understand the risks of driving and doing other things. If they know and understand the risks of talking and driving they may make a different decision about doing it. There also will be other people that still do it, but responsibly, and if they drive good and don't hurt anyone then they shouldn't be punished. If they choose to do it anyways and do hurt someone, they should be punished and there are already laws in place to take care of that, in your case reckless driving resulting in a collision and hit and run.

I believe education would help a great deal, for one example, because I believe most non-riders don't understand the rules about motorcycles. I don't think they understand that bikes are entitled to the whole lane just like a car. Also, I don't think the recognize the difference between a scooter and a motorcycle. As an example where I live there are a large and growing number of people who ride scooters. Scooters are allowed on the road and most of the scooters can go at least 35 which is usually the highest speed limit in the town aside from one or two roads. Well, the people on scooters ride on the edge or the right side of the white line and cars just pass them and don't see them as someone that they need to share the road with. I think they relate them to a bicycle, which ironically most "road racing" bicycle riders here actually do ride in the road with no issues. I think that this attitude is reflected when they come upon a motorcycle. In this case, both the riders and non riders need to be educated.

Maybe you should direct your efforts towards a motorcycle club, driving association, or motorcycle safety equipment manufacturer or maybe even a hands free device manufacturer and ask them to donate money towards a tv or radio commercial that could be informative about motorcycle awareness and the risks of driving and attempting to do other tasks at the same time. Or have an association, club, company, or maybe a dealer sponsor a bunch of fliers with a coupon on them for a carwash or something someone would actually use with a kind short message asking people to be aware of motorcycles and distribute them in parking lots at malls, grocery stores, street corners, event venues, high school parking lots, etc. That's just a couple of ideas.

I feel that these methods would cost less money than officers writing tickets for cell phone use AND be much more effective at making the roadways safer.

I'm sorry that the guy hit you with his truck, but it is already illegal for him to do that, whether he is on his phone or not. It's sad but not all ciminals get caught and it's unfortuneate you couldn't get any identifying information to relay to the police so he could get caught. I feel for you. I just also feel that there are more creative AND effective ways to make our roads safer for all of us than more laws.

That is some great input. I do think it should be made illegal just as seatbelt requirements, although you have to commit an offense before being ticketed for that. I think if it were an offense that could be pulled over for people would think twice about doing it. I think in general there should be more commercials especially during the riding season, perhaps insurance companies could help foot the bill, as well as the State Departments. We have signs and bumper stickers all over the Cape and it doesn't seem to make anyone more aware. Education is key, and I think it should be built into the general licensing testing. The other problem is that people stereotype us as bad***es.. try to bully us. The older folks, they just don't have the depth perception to judge how far away we are, and I think the Registries are too lenient in there eye testing during renewals. I have heard them say "try again"

Anyway, that is my rant.

Have a good day!
Cops do it all the time btw.

I assume you mean using a cell-phone while driving. They also can be seen talking on the radio, speeding, running stop signs and red lights fairly often and shooting people every now and then. Because they're the police we cut them a break on most of these "illegal actions" with the assumption that they're doing it with the intent of catching the bad guys (and gals). And I can admit that's not always the case for every LEO. There are some bad apples mixed in the lot. YMMV
I know it's hard to comprehend, but if they don't hurt anyone, they haven't committed a crime.

Technically - at least in the USA - that's not true from a legal perspective. There are lots of instances where the threat of harm is viewed by our court system as being just as unlawful as actual harm. Our society has a long history of voting to make (and enforce) laws which are intended to reduce threats. From a moral perspective the Libertarians would agree with you but so far they've failed to convince the majority of our population to vote their way. I believe I understand your position, but as you said, I don't agree with it.
Just like drunk driving, there are people who can handle driving and being on the phone, and there are people that cannot. The rub is, how can we determine who can and who cannot, and how do we enforce laws restricting cell phone use for those deemed unable to talk & drive?

If people should not talk on the phone while driving, should they also not: Eat, drink or smoke? Change CDs? Adjust the radio or air conditioning? Have other people in the vehicle?

My responsibility as I see it, whether in a cage or on a bike, is to look out for everyone else. Whether eating, drinking, smoking, or even talking on the phone, I do my best to maintain the same driving approach. Do I tailgate while eating? No. Do I change lanes without moving my head while on a cell phone? No. Do let idiots get between me and the bike I'm giving extra space to? Hell no.

My Wife, however, plays for the other team. Riding with her is always exciting, if being terrified makes you excited. (She will never, ever, own a bike if I have anything to do with it) Her approach is this: "Look out! Here I Come!" I have witnessed her: eating, on the phone and taking notes while kareening down the road (just before a loud "WTF are you doing!!!")

Somehow, she has yet to have accident, I don't claim to understand how or why...

What am I trying to say...? People are people, and people are stupid - your safety is up to you. We do not need yet another law that tries, in vain, to control how people live.

I am sorry you were nearly wiped out. I know for a fact you are a better rider than I am. In my rather short seat time, I've also felt the spectre of death creep up my back, people trying take my lane, people pulling out in front of me...if I'm not happy with the cager next to me, I get ahead if I can, or back off enough to allow them to do whatever they want without rolling over me - I see everyone on the road who is not me as an idiot that wants me dead, it works for me.
First off, thank you to everyone who has participated in this civil discussion and thank you to wrightme43 for caring about the safety of the roads and to make an effort to increase the safety of the roads for everyone. I just wanted to put a disclaimer saying that nothing here is pointed at anyone, just my thoughts. (Sometimes when I write a lot it can come out not as I intended)

...driving schools only educate "the law" and not "what's right". If we have to get cell-phones into "the law" for education to happen - then so be it.

I was just thinking to myself, and I find this interesting since there are hundreds of thousands of laws and it is simply impossible to be aware of all of them. How do they choose what to teach? I don't know the answer.

I assume you mean using a cell-phone while driving....

I don't think they're bad people because they talk on their phones when they drive as long as they don't crash into someone. So I hope that's not what you thought I meant. I think that police officers are generally good people. But, just as you said, there are some bad apples. That's the problem with having power with little, to no accountability; it gets abused...

And just a funny paradime to think about: if "we" (by "we" I assume you mean the voting community by which you mean government buerocrats since they don't represent the voting population, only themselves) didn't cut them slack for breaking rules and made some more rules that said that they can't break all the other rules or else, who would enforce their own rules on themselves? LOL And, would they really make rules against themselves? At least ones that wouldn't be in the realm of supporting their legitimacy...

Technically - at least in the USA - that's not true from a legal perspective. There are lots of instances where the threat of harm is viewed by our court system as being just as unlawful as actual harm. Our society has a long history of voting to make (and enforce) laws which are intended to reduce threats. ...

Well, technically it's not our court system, it's their court system. They do whatever they want. Legally you're allowed to ask questions and get answers and fully understand what is going on in court, otherwise you shouldn't proceed, and even if you try to just ask questions they'll railroad you thru. If you don't believe me here is a video of just this happening: YouTube - The Court of Public Relations (HQ)

And it's interesting, the thing about people voting or whatever previously to create things to reduce threat, I believe Ben Franklin said: "Any society that would give up liberty to gain security will deserve neither and lose both"

And it's ok that you don't agree with me. I would encourage you to not agree, because that is your freedom and I don't want to take that away from you, or let anyone else take that away from you, just so long as you wouldn't advocate someone take away mine ;)

...My responsibility as I see it...

EXACTLY!! :thumbup: This is the problem. People don't understand their responsibility, or they just are oblivious to their responsibility because they weren't taught about this from their parents who relied on "public" (government) schools to teach them everything they're supposed to know.

I think that private companies and associations/clubs/etc. can educate society on the matters of road and motorcycle safety effectively and efficiently and that's what I would advocate.

...We do not need yet another law that tries, in vain, to control how people live...


...Education is key...


Thanks again to those involved in this conversation. I have found it enjoyable and rather inspiring for me to try think of ways to raise motorcycle awareness and safety (which is always good!) :rockon:
No amount of education will work. Too many people just don't give a crap about anybody other than themself. My libertarian streak won't allow me to support a ban on using a cell phone while driving, but requiring hands free operation seems reasonable. Texting while driving crosses the line and should be banned - but unfortunately would be essentially impossible to enforce. The only time it would likely come to the attention of law enforcement would be after the fact, i.e. "cell phone records indicate that the driver who ran the motorcyclist off the road into the tree was sending text messages at the time of the accident...."

...I believe Ben Franklin said: "Any society that would give up liberty to gain security will deserve neither and lose both".....
Actually, Franklin said “They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
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No amount of education will work. Too many people just don't give a crap about anybody other than themself. My libertarian streak won't allow me to support a ban on using a cell phone while driving, but requiring hands free operation seems reasonable. Texting while driving crosses the line and should be banned - but unfortunately would be essentially impossible to enforce. The only time it would likely come to the attention of law enforcement would be after the fact, i.e. "cell phone records indicate that the driver who ran the motorcyclist off the road into the tree was sending text messages at the time of the accident...."

Actually, Franklin said “They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

I'm sorry you think people are so stupid.

If they just cared for themselves, wouldn't you think they wouldn't want to wreck their own vehicles and sort of protect their property and things? Why would someone WANT to crash into a bike?

Does it really matter what people do while driving so long as they don't hurt someone else or violate one of the uncountable laws that are already on the books?

If they crash or hurt someone they will pay the penalty anyway. The only difference is that if the officer finds out they were using their cellphone and caused the accident, they'll add another fine if it becomes a law.

Now, wouldn't you think that if you inflicted harm or hardship on someone it would only be fair to have to pay THEM to make them whole? Ask youself this: what does paying a monetary fine to the government do to make the person you hurt whole? I don't think it does anything at all towards making the person whole.

Now, if all the fines and things that you had to pay when you hit someone went to the person you had hit, I might see more of a reason why a fine should be added for the extra stupidity of a cell phone related accident.

Also I wonder if this became a law, if all accidents would become cell phone related accidents if there was even just a cell phone in the car? It seems like that's how it has gotten to be with alcohol. There can be 1 drunk passenger and the sober driver can cause a wreck and the accident will be reported as alcohol related.

Thank you for giving the correct quote, although mine was somewhat close.
I think it shoul be legal for motorcyclists to carry a registered weapon and just shoot out the tires, radiator, etc. of offending motorists :)