New job -> no access to fz6-forum!


Mar 28, 2007
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It's driving me mad! My new job is really nice. Quiet and peaceful compared to the previous place. BUT. Of course the must be a But in everything. I can't come to this site from my work computer. Besides everything else that is fun also forum and bulletin sites are banned. :banghead:

I'm getting withdrawal symptoms already. :( I got used to checking the site every few hours. How on earth do you manage if you don't have internet at work?
The base firewall started blocking the site a day after I joined it. :(
I have the same problem at work. No Internet usage at all!:(
Congratz on your new job. It is too bad you don't have internet access as a result.. maybe things will change down the road, you never know.. of course this is an addiction.. I hardly get any work done well I get all my work done, but it is slow now and I am BORED. I have actually thought of blocking the site because I am addicted, but I am my own network admin so I can do as I please. I get to block other sites that are inappropriate.
Try buying the network admin a box of chocolate donuts and ask if he wouldn't mind lifting the restriction on your favorite site. Maybe a wear a low-cut blouse when you do it. That's what I would do.....if I weren't an exceptionally large and hairy dude. Seriously, Austin Powers' chest carpet was modeled after mine....true story.
I play poker with my network admin so I'm pretty much in the clear. I dont know what I'd do without the forum at my fingertips in my fabric lined torture chamber...:eek::confused:
Congrats on your new job! Sucks about not being able to access the site. You could get a PDA phone with a Full HTML browser and high speed access so you can check out the site!
I'm with being friends with someone in IT. They will get you access to certain websites, not neccessarily all websites but the fz6-forum is good for a start.
I'm glad I can't see it during the day.....I'd never get anything done! I peek in the morning before I leave & log on when I get home.
congrats on the new job anyway.... :cheer:
It's driving me mad! My new job is really nice. Quiet and peaceful compared to the previous place. BUT. Of course the must be a But in everything. I can't come to this site from my work computer. Besides everything else that is fun also forum and bulletin sites are banned. :banghead:

I'm getting withdrawal symptoms already. :( I got used to checking the site every few hours. How on earth do you manage if you don't have internet at work?
I only get work access twice a week, I find daydreaming passes the times in between.

Try buying the network admin a box of chocolate donuts and ask if he wouldn't mind lifting the restriction on your favorite site. Maybe a wear a low-cut blouse when you do it. That's what I would do.....if I weren't an exceptionally large and hairy dude. Seriously, Austin Powers' chest carpet was modeled after mine....true story.

Sorry to hear about your loss of access to the site. My workplace has started cracking down on sites that can be visited. Luckily, the FZ6-Forum is still viewable. Then again, more and more site listings are being added to the proxy, so I wouldn't be too surprised if one of these days I wouldn't be able to access it.


I don't think I'd be here if I couldn't access the site from work. If I'm not working, I'm either spending time with the family or riding. Many sites are blocked at work but not this one :D.
I'm lucky to have access at work, some sites are blocked but not this Forum (yet) :thumbup:
There is talk of removing more "priveliges" like internet radio, now that would really suck as I work in an EMP proof building so we can't even pick up regular radio stations :(
Thanks for the cheer up's.

I think I'll have to try to adjust to the unpleasant situation. (Or get that pda with my own internet access) I don't think the IT guys can do much for me in this case. It's rather a large company and the network administration is upheld in heaven knows where.