low-rpm torque


Junior Member
Jul 16, 2007
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Forest, Virginia
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What the heck are the reviewers talking about "little low-end torque - only comes alive above 8,000 rpm." As a new FZ6 rider (had it about two months now) I find the low end full of torque and I can't imagine what people are thinking who recommend this bike as appropriate for beginner's. I have plenty of experience, been riding since the 50's and my suggestion is that beginners stay away from this bike. The throttle is deliciously sensitive and combined with the ample power of the FZ6's engine, could easily get a beginner in trouble before thay know what's hapening.

Don't get me wrong I love this bike. In the hands of an experienced rider it is a dream machine with superb cornering ability. I thought I'd gotten to the age that I should be on a cruiser and so I bought one before I got the FZ6. It seemed to handle well enough until I got on the FZ6 which acts like it's an extension of my soul and always knows where I want to go. Carving turns is effortless and I love riding the Virginia backroads where it seems right at home all the time.
The people who write those reviews get to ride the best bikes in the world; everything is relative.

relativity is key for sure!

i'd like to own the best bike i can afford, and if it so happens to be the best bike in the world (for ex the triumph 675) then all the better...

the r6 engine used in the fz6 can't really be compared to a torquey-twin like the SV650. so when they (mags) DO draw those comparisons its a bit of a mixed bag. and also we don't know the rider's weight, preferences on acceleration (big down low or hard hit up top) previous rides etc etc

so whereas a 130lb rider might think the fz6 is suitably torquey a larger 250lb rider may not agree....


more dealerships should allow test rides =[ that's what i say. :thumbup:

but at least we have forums like this where people can share their experiences
What the heck are the reviewers talking about "little low-end torque - only comes alive above 8,000 rpm." As a new FZ6 rider (had it about two months now) I find the low end full of torque and I can't imagine what people are thinking who recommend this bike as appropriate for beginner's. I have plenty of experience, been riding since the 50's and my suggestion is that beginners stay away from this bike. The throttle is deliciously sensitive and combined with the ample power of the FZ6's engine, could easily get a beginner in trouble before thay know what's hapening.

Don't get me wrong I love this bike. In the hands of an experienced rider it is a dream machine with superb cornering ability. I thought I'd gotten to the age that I should be on a cruiser and so I bought one before I got the FZ6. It seemed to handle well enough until I got on the FZ6 which acts like it's an extension of my soul and always knows where I want to go. Carving turns is effortless and I love riding the Virginia backroads where it seems right at home all the time.
I totally agree with you on all acounts, welcome
The FZ-6 was my first bike, so I don't have anything to compare it to, but I didn't find the throttle too sensitive at all (we won't talk about the clutch, 'mmmkay?? :Flip:). I do find I keep the bike in lower rpms, just am not a speed freak like I probably would have been 20 years ago.

I did accidently pull my first wheelie last weekend. I was on Highway 89, coming up to a red light, had downshifted to 2nd, and the light turned green. I though, what the heck, gave the grip a good twist and suddenly noticed the horizon headed downward! I guess I didn't panic, backed off slowly to lower the front back down; turned around, went home, and changed my pants. :eek: :rockon:
What the heck are the reviewers talking about "little low-end torque - only comes alive above 8,000 rpm." As a new FZ6 rider (had it about two months now) I find the low end full of torque and I can't imagine what people are thinking who recommend this bike as appropriate for beginner's. I have plenty of experience, been riding since the 50's and my suggestion is that beginners stay away from this bike. The throttle is deliciously sensitive and combined with the ample power of the FZ6's engine, could easily get a beginner in trouble before thay know what's hapening.

Don't get me wrong I love this bike. In the hands of an experienced rider it is a dream machine with superb cornering ability. I thought I'd gotten to the age that I should be on a cruiser and so I bought one before I got the FZ6. It seemed to handle well enough until I got on the FZ6 which acts like it's an extension of my soul and always knows where I want to go. Carving turns is effortless and I love riding the Virginia backroads where it seems right at home all the time.

Try a liter bike you will sh$$ your pants.