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  • Hiya Nelly! Do you mean the old avatar with the fiery background? Or the bike on the street pic? Regardless, no, I didn't take either. I just found some bike pics that I liked and applied a bit of Photoshop magic to them. Thanks though! :D
    Hi Nelly

    I have sent an e-mail to Mal Wilkinson at BikeColours and await his response.

    I will give them a week or so and inform you of the outcome.

    In the meantime I have set up an account with PayPal.

    I appreciate your kind offer to assist in obtaining touch-up paint.


    Thank you Nelly! No... I worked today but all is good. I had a relaxed weekend after shoveling all the snow! I got pampered a bit and tonight is a quiet dinner with the boys. My daughter had to leave yesterday for college so she can't join us. I posted my gifts in the thread too. :D LOVE the B'Day signage!!!
    Thank you Nelly for the Xmas letter. It means more than you think. Thank you hope you and your family had a great Xmas.
    Hey Nelly, I'm late in the well wishes but congratulations on your job offer! It's really great to hear that you're getting the job you want. Good luck!
    Hi Neil.

    Hope you and yours are well?

    Did you ever buy the Hein Gericke jacket and if so is it any good?


    Hein Gericke (UK) Ltd.
    J conceited :shakehead:

    We're still trying to settle in.....still chaotic around here, just being so close to family and all. *sigh* family drama.
    Hi Neil!

    I've been trying to catch up with you on friends LOL......I'm gettin there, you better go find some more!
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